King's Business - 1923-09

Fundamentally Sound Books

Personal and Practical Christian Work By T. C. Horton

Superintendent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles This book. which is the outgrowth of over forty years of practical work as pastor, teacher and personal worker, contains a short course on Bible doc– trine. A thorough course on how to deal with the unsaved of all classes (in– cluding followers of the cults) with helpful illustrations and appropriate Bible readings. Suggestions as to preaching, conduct of public services, miscellaneous meetings, house to house visitation, Sunday School work, etc.

Cloth, $1.50

Must a Young Man– A Young Woman Be an Evolutionist? By Keith L. Brooks

The Son of God

Keith L. Brooks Mr. Brooks has worked out a plan for the study of the Gospel of John that is entirely new. The method is to state sug· gestive questions, leaving blank si.oaces for the answers, and giving in each case the reference that will supply the explanation. The questions are splendid for class work. Try this method of study a nd see how much more you get out of the Gospel of John than from any other method of study. Note-book form with bond paper that will take ink. Price SOc

The faith of thousands of our young peo– ple is being undermined by evolutionary teaching in the schools. Many Christian young people are sorely perplexed, not knowing that there are dozens of scientific arguments against evolution- in fact that the teaching of evolution is rejected by many of the leading scientists. This leaflet briefly states the arguments that refute evolution. It is adapted especially for .circulation in schools. It can be readily understood by young people. Price Sc "In Christ Jesus" By Dr. A. T. Pierson This book contains a series of "key note" Studies in the Pauline Epistles, the phrase ''In Christ.. being the central theme of each study. The author in his introduction says, "We see the vital importance of the phrase ' In Christ' in the fact that these words un– lock and interpret every separate book in the New Testament. Here is God's own key whereby we may open all the various doors and enter all the glorious rooms in this palace beautiful.' If you like good Biblical interpretations that are filled with real soul food, buy this book. Price $1.50

In His Image

By William Jennings Bryan

"This book is an event of importance. The author has torn off the mask under which Darwinism is falsely parading as science, when it is n'.:>thing more nor less than rank infidelity. We cannot commend Mr. Bryan's book too highly. It appears at the opportune moment, when the dark cloud of agnosticism is hanging over the educational institutions, our churches and our homes. Every one who loves God and His Word, and who believes in Christ as the World's Saviour, should read this clarion call to faith. Price $1.75

The Layman's Handbook of Daniel

By Dr. G. A. Briegleb Most people think that Daniel is a very hard book to understand and consequently they do not read it very often nor undertake to study it. This new Layman·s Handbook of Daniel is designed for just such average Bible readers and students. Chapter by chapter the principal things are taken up and explained-briefly, clearly, simply so that by the time you have finished the study of the book you have a good understanding of all the great vital teachings of the prophecies of Daniel. Paper, SOc; Cloth, $1.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. 0. D ., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add lOo/o for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.



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