King's Business - 1923-09

Fundamentally Sound Books

Suggestive Lessons on the Tabernacle By Mrs. A. L. Dennis

These lessons unfold the teaching of the Tabernacle in a very simple, easily understood way. Are arranged for those who have never been able to under– stand Old Testament typology. The foreshadowing of Christ is brought out so clearly that the ordinary Bible reader can readily comprehend its meaning. Pastors and Bible teachers will be especially glad to get this book ae these leosons are presented in just the way you would want to give them to your class. Splendidly illustrated. Paper, 50 cents.

'Fhe Gospel of the Grace of God

The Summarized Bible By Keith L. Brooks

By John T. C<>pley An excellent Text Book for Study Classes in which all the texts in the New Testa· ment relative to Crace have been quoted in 128 paragraphs of several verses each, very carefully clas sified and arranged in 22 Chapters, and Complete Indexes to all Text.s, Margins and Various Translations in both Versions. A very timely work on a much neglected subject. 46 pages; heavy paper, S:>c By C. F. Wimberly The author prefaces the book with this sta tement, " If the personality of Satan can be successfully consigned to the junk pile, our Bible can be nothing better than a jumble of contradictions and inconsisten– cies," and then proceeds to prove that the Devil is not a myth by unmasking the many characters under which he presents himself for the approval of the world to– day. This book will be an eye-opener to many people along many lines. Cloth, $1.00 Is the Devil a Myth?

A complete summary of the entire Bible, chapter by chapter. Each chapter is ana· lyzed separately under Contents, Charac· ters, Key words, Strong verses, Striking facts, How Christ is seen. In addition there is an alphabetical index to the most important Bible event5; an index to the precious promises of the Bible; and a schedule for reading the Bible through in year. Cloth, $1.75; Paper, $1.25 My Conversion From a Roman Catholic Priest to a Protestant Minister By Rev. A. Malinverni The author is a man of culture and he writes with freedom from the bitterness r:>ften displayed in such works. The value of the book lies especially in the copious quotations which he makes from Catholic text books and the inside information he ;s able to give as to the efforts of Roman- 1sm to capture the governments of the world. Paper, $1.00

Matthew's Gospel Self Interpreted

By Keith L. Brooks A large part of this Verse by Verse commentary is to be written by the ::.erson who i" studying it with the help of the Scriptures themselves. The Spirit of God is the safest teacher of the Word and the Word itself is its own l>est commentary. These studies will serve to deliver the reader from many •trange notions of men and enable him to find in Matthew·s Gospel a book pulsating with practical helpfulness for everyday life. 50 cents. :1 money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. 0. D., unless otherwise spEcified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. 997

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