King's Business - 1923-09



IOWA CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS ASSOCIATION We have been favored with a report of the Annual State Conference of the Iowa Christian Fundamentals Associa– tion, of which A. C. Huston is General Secretary, and Miss Elizabeth Knauss (author of "The Conflict") is Confer– ence Secretary, which shows what it is possible to accomplish in these State organizations. Speakers included Dr. Ford C. Ott– man, noted author and Bible teacher, Rev. L. Elgin Brough, pastor of the Baptist Church of Maquoketa, Iowa, Dr. F. A. Case, pastor of Galilee Bap– tist Church, Des Moines, Iowa, besides reports by the various officials of the Association. The attendance and interest at the sessions, which began at an early hour in the morning and continued until 10:00 at night, was splendid, and the unanimous opinion of the delegates and visitors was that it was the most spir– itual and inspirational conference ever held by the Iowa State Association. We rejoice in the formation of every new State Fundamentals Association, and are looking forward confidently to the time when every State in the Union shall be thus organized in defense of the faith of our fathers. SALVATION MUST BE PERSONAL Individual s a 1 vat ion must be preached. This is where we must start. We shall never get a better world until we get a better man, and we shall never get a better man until he Is re– deemed. Unregenerate human nature is what it has always been. It ls as cold and brutal and animal two thousand years after Christ as it was two thOU– sand years before Christ. The deep· est need in every human life Is to get saved, to get Into fellowship with God, to secure the forgiveness of sin and be born again.-James I. Vance, D. D.

at this time is unparalelled, surely:– "Today is the day of salvation" in this land, and so we praise God that a num– ber of fine young men are graduating from the Bible School in June and that provision has been made for the sup– port of two more Biola Evangelistic Bands, 26 men, to begin work in Oc– tober of this year, right after the Nan– yoh Conference. A letter to hand recently from Mr. Tien, leader of our Band No. 2, strik– ingly demonstrates how ready even the official classes are to hear and believe the Gospel. The head official of the county in which Band No. 2 is working became so deeply interested in the Gos– pel that he not only frequently attended the evening evangelistic services con– ducted by the members of the Band, but on two occasions invited over 150 of his friends, mostly officials and stu– dents, to his Yamen (official residence) and asked our men to come and preach to them. What a truly wonderful thing it ls for a party of trave!lng evange– lists to be invited by the head official of a large county to come to his resi– dence and preach God's Word to such a group of intelligent and influential men. Does it not seem like a repetition of Peter's experience with Cornelius? This official subscribed to a weekly re– !lgious paper and asked Mr. Tien to send to Shanghai and purchase for him a number of copies of a book that had been a great help to him so that he might give them to his friends. Dear friends we earnestly hope that you will pray daily for this work. The more you pray the greater will be the results. China is in desperate straits and the only solution of all her difficul– ties ls the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A missionary who heard Professor Cheng tell the story of Mr. Dai, asked what particular part of the Gospel story had convinced Mr. Dai of its truth. To this Professor Cheng promptly replied: "Redemption was what moved and con– vinced him, the fact of Jesus dying on the cross to bear the penalty of men's sins." This is the message of power today just as it has been through all the centuries since Christ made His great atoning sacrifice. Let us there– fore ever stand with Paul and be "De– termined not to know anything save Jesus Christ and Him crucified" assured that "His Wor

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