King's Business - 1923-09

·D"'""""''111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I~lllJ I EDI TO R IAL II A FORWARD STE P The October number of The King's Business will assume a new dress. We are planning to increase the size and t o introduce some new features. We desire to make it a magazine for the family. The present condition in church circles calls for a more definite emphasis upon the great essentials of the Word of God, and for deepened spiritual life in the home. We want to be used in bringing about this result. We will be assisted in this program by compet ent spiritual helpers and will be grateful for your prayerful cooperation. OUR MANAGING EDITOR Mr. Keith L . Brooks feels that he is called to devot e his whole time to the more definite spiritual work of the Correspondence School of the ible Institu te of Los Angeles and is therefore laying down the service 'n which he has been so abundantly used in assisting to make The King 's usiness what it now is. We shall hope to have contributions from him long his chosen line, from time to time, and covet for him y our continued prayers in his new field of labor. -T. C. H. THE PREACHING PRESIDENT President Harding, in his trip across the continent , has voiced a mes– sage well worthy the r epresentative of a country which was founded upon the Bible. He is a member of t he Northern Baptist Church and rings t rue to the faith. He is fearless in his plea for a return to the old time religion. We are glad to quote the words broadcasted by t he United Press to t he newspaper s: "The Presiden t speaks of God frequently In air his speeches. He doea 1t reverently and sin cerely, for President Harding, the evan gelist , believes most earnestly just what he is telling the American people-that what they need II not a political, social or economic reformation or revolution, but a spiritual revival. If the prea ch ers of; this country would follow the lead being set them by a tnan whose spok en word commands more attention today in the United States than that of a ny other, there is no telling what wave of r eligious fervor ml~ht not grow out of Mr . Harding's evangelistic efforts." This position, taken so fearlessly by our President, calls for our hearty commendation and our continual prayer in his behalf. May his example stir the hearts of the laymen of t he country,-irrespective of political association- and may t hey rally with this leader to t he spr ead of the good old Gospel of J esus Christ, of which our country is sor ely in need. -T. C.H. llllllll1Ul lll lll lll lll ltl lll111111Jll lll lll lll lll lll lll 1111ll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll llllll lll lll llllllllllll lll lll lll lll lll lfllll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll lll tll lll llfi

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