King's Business - 1923-09



A MUCH-NEEDED MAN An article in a recent issue of the Eastern Methodist on ''The Seven fold Man in" is so pertinent and true that we are glad to pass i along to our readers with our heartiest commendation. (The 'emphasize words and paragraph headings are our own) : "The Physical Man. John Wanamaker had a regard for physical weltar which amounted to reverence for his body and religious care of it. Eating neve a food which disagreed with him, abstaining from breakfast for months at time, watching his health keenly always, he lived to be over eighty with perfect mind and vigor. What a great reward comes to the man who wisely cultivates his physical nature, keeping muscles, nerves, organs and faculties In highest condition. Let us think how closely usefulness, largest service, happiness, per– sonal Influence, depend upon the best physical state, and let us cultivate our bodies tu live a hundred years. The last twenty may be the best. The Intellectual Man. Is there need of saying, cultivate the mind! Indeed, to develop it wisely, broadly, richly, for the truth and the truth only; to realize mental respousibi!ity for Independent thinking-real thinking througl) -and not mere echoing; and, while unyielding to ecclesiastical bigotry, to refuse also slavish following of conceited, unbelieving pretense of exclusive scholarship! to stand mentally erect before all men, bowing humbly to Gd's Word, and upon God and Christ,-Almighty, all-wise, faithful and loving. The Volitional Man. Lastly, the man volitionally. A cultivated will Is the perfection of man, and no nature of man requires more discrimination In culture. Unyielding for the l'ight, but without mulishness; firm as Gibraltar, but geBtle In expression,-the Christian will Is ever the will of Christ." This description suggests a well-rounded man. an ideal man. Some of these characteristics are true of most all men, but rarely do yo~ fi~d them in any one man. But it is possible to attain something of perfect10n Ill all these particulars, if men would carefully study and prayerfully seek to obtain them, and through them the power to glorify God.

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