King's Business - 1923-09



REAL REVIVAL A letter recently received by the editor from our good brother, Thom E. Stephens, of the Great Commission Prayer League, asks that we answ the following questions: " ( 1) Do you stlll believe that God Is as able and wllllng to send revlv today to the body of Christ at large as He ever was, provided His people pray r It In faith and otherwise meet the conditions? ( 2) Do you think that the Scriptures anywhere teach that revival or t true Church at large Is contrary to the will of God? It so, where? ( 3) Do the Scriptures seem to you to teach, that revival of His Church according to His will? Can you Indicate specific passages to support this view? To these questions we replied as follows: ''Dear Brother Stephens: Answering the questions you ask would say: All these questions are answered in the statement of the fact th ''revive'' means to ''keep on'' or ''give life.'' The word ''revival'' itself answers the question. Every true believ is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit in the believ is to glorify Christ, and Christ is glorified in our obedience to His wi His will is that believers should live out the life that He lives in. Give Him the right of way. That life is always abounding, and, permitted, will sway the believer. The one great purpose for which t believer is left here is to glorify Christ, and He is glorified in the savĀ· of souls. He died for that. He left the church here for that. He Ion for the church to do that. Why not call the church together and confess their sins,-the gre sin of indifference to the business committed to them7 Of what use is to pray for a revival if we are thinking simply of an evangelist,-of som one who will do our part T Let us correct the impressions which are current concerning the natu of a revival. A revival really means the bowing of the heart beneath t knees, and confessing the awful gross sin of unfaithfulness in our stewar ship as His ambassadors. When the church does that, the revival is on because new life wi be manifested. ' God forgive us for our sordid selfish lives l God forgive us for o indifference toward the millions who are being swept to untimely grave without God and without hope! God open our eyes to see as He sees,-to break our hearts as His he was broken! God fill our souls with a great compassion for the unsav~ God help us to be willing to die that others might have the supreme JO which is ours!" -T. C.H. ~ ~ ~ THE VIRGIN BIRTH "No mention in John's Gospel, therefore-." "Jesus never mentioned it, therefore-." "We pin our faith to the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's Pray therefore-.'' ' Well, the Sermon on the Mount is in Matthew's Gospel and Matth gives us the record of the Virgin Birth. Therefore, Mr. Modernist, yo

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