King's Business - 1923-09



week, affording an opportunity for prayer and conference, and, above all, the teaching of the lesson for the fol– lowlng Sunday by the Pastor, the Su– perintendent, or some other competent person. There Is a wonderful Inspiration in the whole School, from the youngest to the oldest member, studying the same passage of Scripture at the same time. From the material offered for each lesson, It is always possible to find some portion especially adapted to every age. While the presence of any sort of lesson helps in the class, other than the Bible Itself, is to be discouraged, yet the use of sound, evangelical exposi– tions of the lesson in preparing for the elass period, is very h elpful, and such expositions of "The Whole Bible Les– son Course" will be found in a number or publications which are true to the fundamentals of the faith . In this c:onnectlon we beg to give the following

excerpt from the report of _the Lesson Committee: "In presenting this, we offer no cri– ticism of other existing courses, but propose a course of consecutive, com– prehensive and conservative Bible study. And we recognize that this course may properly be used in schools in which other courses also are used In dll'l'erent departments. We commend it also as a suitable course for Indi– vidual study by those who are not con– nected with a Sunday School." Periodicals rec~mmended by the Les– son Committee at the Ft. Worth Con– vention (in addition to this magazine) were The Sunday School Times; The Moody Monthly, of Chicago; Christian Fundamentals in School and Church, of Minneapolis; The Wonderful Word, of New York City; Serving and Waiting, of Philadelphia ; Our Hope, of New York City. The Sunday School Times has already announ-ced its Intention of carrying an exposition of the Funda– mental lessons.

OUTLINE J'IRST PERIOD--ADAM TO NOAH (Creation to Deluge) 1928 GENESIS (1) Oct. 7-The Perfection of Creation -------------·----·---------------·-------Chapters, 1. 2 (2) Oct. H_:_The Passing of the Sceptre from Adam to Satan (Emphasizing Gen. 3: 15 as the key verse of Genesis and of the entire Bible> ---------- ------------------------ -- Cuapter 3 (3) Oct. 21-True and False Worship..__ _____ __________ ______ '. __________________ ___ ___ __Chapter 4 SECOND PERIOD--NOAH TO ABRAHAM (4) Oct. 28-The Flood; the Promise (Rainbow); the Dispersion..Chapters 6-11 mIRD PERIOtD-ABR.AHAM TO MOSES. (6) Nov. 4-The Abrahamic Covenant__________ __________________________________Chapters 12-14 (6) Nov. 11-Restatement of Abrahamic Covenant__ ______________________chapters 15-17 (7) Nov. 18-Promise of Birth of Isaac, and Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah -- ---------------------------:______________Chapters 18, 19 (8) Nov. 25-Birth and Offering of IsaaC---------------------------- ------··Chapters Zl, 22 (9) Dec. 2-A Bride for Isaac.------------------------- ---------------- ------------··-------·Chapter 24 (10) Dec. 9-The Stolen Blessing_________ ______ _________________________ ____________Chapters 27, 28 (11) Dec. 16-Jacob's Experience at Haran____ __________ ________________________Chapters 29-31 112) Dec. 23-Jacob the Supplanter......-----------·---------------------------···Chapters 32, 33 {13) Dec. 30-Joseph Hated and Rejected---- ----------------------------Chapters 37, 39, 40

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