King's Business - 1923-09


"I think it is not only humiliat! but also most harmful to the Chur of Christ and to our Baptist cause see a Church so influenced by one ma money that the very type of archit ture when erecting a new building affected and the dedicatory exerci of the church changed to another d when it was learned that the date fi fixed upon would conflict with a cial gathering and the coming-out pa of a daughter in the Rockefeller ho "For one, I do not believe that t Rockefeller money in the religio world is doing any good. In the r ical Divinity School of the Univers of Chicago the Rockefeller money being used in trainiug a generation preachers who, more and more, are parting from the faith, and certai the present situation in the Pa Avenue Baptist Church demonstra to a complete showdown that the Ro efeller money in New York is doi harm and not good." The l\latte1· Does Not Rest Here If any one supposes that the acti taken by so narrow a margin of vot in the late General Assembly respecti the Philadelphia-New York matter a final disposition of the issues th raised, he will speedily by the cou of events be undeceived. New Yo Presbytery in thoughtful and pati wisdom will know how to answer on own part the mandate which the G eral Assembly has transmitted to But the rest of the church has a bro er concern to be mindful of, which cannot call settled until a settlem has been reached in accord with t spirit of the gospel. It is unthinkable that Presbyteri ism shall permanently stand before American people bearing the onus trying to suppress such marvelou powerful preaching of Christ Jesus. has distinguished the pulpit of Fi church, New York, while Harry EDI

Preserving by Prohibition From "The Converted Catholic" for June we quote a paragraph from a let– ter written by a priest of Rome to a man in this country; as follows: "It was the Catholic Church which preserv– ed the Catholic Bible (our Bible) down through the centuries as her written constitution." How did she preserve it? By for– bidding her followers to read it. Ta,ke a look at the Catholic countries across the water and in South and Central America. How account for South America's lack of progress? For the backward condition of Central America as compared with our land? Lack of the open Bible. Even now in this land Roman Catholics are fearful of taking a Bible into their homes. Preserved it? Yes, by prohibition. We recently had a letter from South America telling how a priest had come to one of the missionaries in disguise and secured some Bibles for distribu– tion, and the missionary a few days af– terward saw a group in the street burn– ing those same Bibles. He took a pic– ture of the scene, including the priest, the policeman and others. Why burn the Bible-to preserve it? No, to pre– vent the people from having it. Poor, old South America! What does she need? Above everything else she needs the Bible. ~ Warning Against \Voelfkin Two Baptist preachers in the city of New York recently paid their re– spects to Dr. Cornelious Woelfkin of the Park Avenue Baptist Church of that city. One was Dr. Frank M. Good– child, for thirty years pastor of the Central Baptist Church, and the other was Dr. John Roach Straton, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Dr. Woelfkin Is pastor of what is termed "the Rocke– feller church" and has advanced some new ideas concerning church member– ship in connection with which Dr. Straton is reported as saying:

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