King's Business - 1923-09

~lt~llllllllllllUllllll111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllll111Ulllllllllllllllllllll1Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111UlllllllHI j~ BIBLE INSfITUTE HAPPENINGS~ I l!fi Putkukly of In..,... to frioruJ,.nd I l!IQltlfHIHlltltlltrlllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lllllt/lltl lll lll lllllllll l/llll lll lll llllllllllll lll llllll tllllllll lllllllttllll11118"!flll

T h e Bible Institute closed its school year on June 21st, with the graduation of the largest class yet sent forth. The Day School class numbered 111; the Even– in g School class, 9; and the Post Gradu– ate class 16. The speakers at the class exercises were as follows: Mr. Robert Verne Johnson representing the men; Miss Edith Overman repl\esenting 'the women; Mr. Henry N. Nikkel representing the class; Mr. George F. Hall representing the Post Graduate class; and Miss L!llah Kirby representing the Evening School class. Rev. Cortland Myers D. D. de– livered the Commencement address. The A lumni Reunion, held on Friday, J u n e 22nd, was well attended and proved a most enjoyable occasion. A Biola Club has been organized in Honol ulu with a membership of 20 or m or e. All graduates with those who have attended or been employed by the Institute were considered members and the "in-laws' were enrolled as associate m e m ber s . The object of the club is prayer a n d fellowship. It is especially the desire of the club to welcome to H on olu lu a ny of the B. I. family who may be passing through on their way to or from the Orient, and missionaries or Bible teachers or preachers. If they will notify Mr. Charles Osburn, Box 287 8, Hon– olu l u, the boat and date on which they w ill arrive, or upon arrival call at Ka– kaako Mission, South and Queen Sts., Honol ulu, h e will be glad to assist them in seeing the sights and having a pleas– a n t t im e while in the city, and perhaps a r r a nge for t hem to meet the Biola Club or speak to a larger audience. Miss Melinda Hiebert, '21, and Mr. John Baergen, '21, were united in marriage on Satu rday, May 26th, at Inola, Oklahoma. Their h ome is in Bloomfield, Montana. Miss Mary Margaret Mathes and Rev. Paul Harrison Fuller , '22, were married on Monday, June 4th, at Princeton, New J e r sey. They will be at home after No– v em ber 1st at Bangkok, Siam. Miss Mildr ed Crump, '21 and Mr. Leslie Smith, 22, were married on June 28th at the h om e of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Stewart In L os Angeles, Rev. J ohn Hubbard per– f orming the cerem ony. The marriage of Miss Esther Sargent, '19 a n d Mr . J ohn L ienhard, '20, took place on June 20th, in Los Angeles, the cere– m ony being performed by Rev. T. C. H ort on . Miss Mar ian Hall, '20, and Mr. Walfred J o hnson, '18, were marr ied' by Dr. Ralph Atkinson on J une 25th. The engagem ent of Miss Ch ristena H a rder, '19, and Mr. J. R. Duerksen, '21 was announced o n Janu a r y 19, 1923. Both are at Newton, Kansas, preparing for larger &ervlce.

Mr. and Mrs. A l W. Griewe, of Haw. thorne, Calif., announce the birth of their daughter, Shirley Mae, on May 15th. a A daughter, Virginia Belle, was hon ' on January 17th to Mr. and Mrs. c. R. II Luther. of Los Angeles. Mrs. Luther was l Miss Thekla Lang. d Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gandy, of Los An· geles, welcomed a little daughter, Esth Mae, on June 23rd. Mrs. Gandy, as Mi Loretta Hobson, was formerly one of the n1usic instructors of the Bible Institutr. Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Pearson an .. nounce the arrival of a son, Claude Her bert Jr., on June 8th. Mrs. Pearson w31 formerly Miss Sylvia Fox. A daughter, Phyllis Muriel, was hon to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hick, of Chung• king, Szechwan, China, on May 23rd. A daughter, Esther Maurine, was bar to Mr. and Mrs. Kearney Jones, of Elgi Oregon, on June 23rd. Mrs. Jones as student was Miss Martha Kline. Word has recently been received of t cl~ath of Clifford Dedarm at Stockto Calif., on December 29, 1922. Mrs. VioliL W. Jones has entered th employ of the Trinity Methodist Churc Los Angeles, as church visitor and seer tary to the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hill have come horn from I<.orea on a year's furlough. The present address is Box 653, Gl~ndale, Cali Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osburn, '20, hav bePn enjoying a short furlough from the work in Honolulu, visiting in Los A geles, Phoenix and Vancouver. They wi return to Honolulu in August. Miss Marie Carter, '15. who return some time ago from Honolulu, is now o of the Bible women of the Institute. H time is given to the neglected sectio about Los Angeles in an effort to arou interest in Bible study and organi classes. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Kemptner (n Flora Pierson) and little daughter, Ed Alice, who spent ten months in Los A g e les while on furlough from Africa, a now in Denver where they are visiti relatives and friends, as well as doi business for the Master till He opens tl way for their return to Africa. The address is 4367 Yates St., Denver, Col rado. Miss Hattie Moore, '19, has recent· taken up work among the non-Engh. people of Vancouver, B . C. The need great as the workers minister to ten n tionalities besides the Jews. Miss Florence Stone, '20, writes fro 1 Madeline, Calif., that she spent last wi ter in Oakland teaching children's Btb classes. She was called home in May b hopes t o r eturn a n d con tinue her work i the fall.

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