Remote Sensing Structural Damage Assessment

1. Profile of The Gaza Strip The Gaza Strip is a narrow strip of land that extends along the Mediterranean coastline north of the Egypan border. The Strip covers an area that is about 45km in length, with a width that ranges between 6 – 12km, creang a total area of about (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 : Topography of the Gaza Strip Recent UN esmates indicate there are approximately 2.1 million people living across the of the Gaza Strip, which includes five major cies and many smaller rural communies. This amounts to an average of more than 5,800 people per square kilometer making it one of the most densely populated areas of the world. Gaza is the largest city in the Strip, covering an area of about The Topography of the Gaza Strip is dominated by three ridges that run parallel to the coastline as per Figure 1.


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