

Country Music Campers WDMH Foundation

saidWDMH Foundation Board Chair, Arnold Scheerder. “Everyone always seems to be having a great time. This is a perfect exam- ple of how hard work and a common inter- est – like country music – can benefit thou- sands, like patients and their families, who rely on quality care with a smile at WDMH.”

the Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation. Campers and country music fans gath- ered at the expanded jamboree that fea- tured over 15 different acts, including Douglas Connection, Lauren Hall and Roger Damphouse, Howard Hayes, andWRD. WRD has performed at the event every year since it started. Organizing committee member Linda

Wyman said the Legion recently invested in a permanent steel roof over the outdoor stage, giving relief from sun and weather to musicians. The grounds are set up for rough camping and the Legion Hall provides the necessary amenities. Greely Legion members and volunteers have supported WDMH Foundation for over ten years and raised over $30,000 since 2002. “This is the second year I’ve attended,”


EDWARDS l The 6th Annual Greely Legion Country Music Festival and Jamboree was held the week of July 22 to 28 at the Le- gion hall and grounds near Edwards, and organizers raised $3000 fromproceeds for

Géocaching dans l’Est ontarien

Artistes à l’affût

L’appel aux artistes du Festival Vue sur la Relève se tiendra du 4 septem- bre au 31 octobre 2013. Le Festival souhaite dénicher et diffuser le tra- vail de jeunes artistes francophones. Lisa Leblanc, Vincent Vallières, Radio Radio, Damien Robitaille et plusieurs autres artistes ont participé à cet évé- nement. La 19e édition du Festival Vue sur la Relève 2014 se tiendra à Montréal du 2 au 12 avril 2014, dans plusieurs lieux de diffusion.

Photo soumise

Au-delà de 40 participants de partout dans l’Est ontarien ont participé à un marathon de géocaching samedi dernier sur le Sentier récréatif à Bourget. Cette chasse aux trésors effectuée à l’aide d’un GPS a remporté un franc succès. Le géocaching est pratiqué à travers le monde et amène les touristes de partout vers les régions, indiquent les organisateurs. «C’est une autre façon d’en promouvoir les attraits.»

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TR Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Continuing Education Hawkesbury Campus 765 Cameron Street, Unit 2 Hawkesbury 613-632-9208 Principal: Geoff Trasuk TR Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Continuing Education

North Dundas District High School (Gr. 7 – 12) 12835 County Rd. 43, RR 3 Chesterville 613-448-2328 Principal: Debbie Banks Link Crew Orientation for Grade 9 Students Thursday, August 29, 9:00 a.m. – Noon Grade 7 Orientation Thursday, August 29, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Rockland District High School (Gr. 7 – 12) 1004 St. Joseph St. Rockland 613-446-7347 Principal: Jeff Campbell Grade 9 Orientation Day Thursday, August 29, 8:30 a.m. – Noon BBQ Lunch Grade 7 Orientation Day

Russell High School (Gr. 7 – 12) 982 N. Russell Rd., Russell 613-445-2659 Principal: Shelly Corlyon Grade 7 Orientation Wednesday, August 28, 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Tagwi Secondary School (Gr. 7 – 12) 16750 County Rd. 43 Avonmore 613-346-2122 Principal: Rob Currier Grade 7 Orientation Day Thursday, August 29, 10:30 a.m. – Noon Grade 9 Orientation Day

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Kristine Plant Nurse

Ironman Triathlete UCDSB Graduate

Thursday, August 29, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 29, 10:00 a.m. – Noon BBQ Lunch

Rockland Campus 860 Caron Street 613-446-9842 Principal: Geoff Trasuk

Director of Education David K. Thomas

Chair Greg Pietersma

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