ED Compendium for web

How does DNA control traits in living things?

Learning Targets

Learning Experiences

Learning Targets

Learning Experiences


V Some living things do not have DNA. V Each DNA molecule is made of more than one chromosome. V Genes are sequences of amino acids. V DNA is made of protein. Proteins are made of DNA.

60 I can identify the structural components within a model of DNA including monomer units and hydrogen bonds. (1)

61 I can cite and evaluate evidence that supports Watson and Crick’s model of the double helix structure of DNA. (3a) 62 I can annotate a diagram of the Central Dogma of Biology to include relevant discoveries and their implica- tions on the understanding of the Central Dogma. (3a, 3b) V The limiting factor for obtaining medically useful genetic information is based upon the speed and/or cost of genome sequencing. V Once a mutation has been identified, there is the capability of having it “fixed.” V All genetic tests are equally reliable and precise. Misconceptions

Students build from scratch or work with previously constructed models of DNA to identify the key structural components of the molecule: • Nitrogenous bases • Deoxyribose • Phosphates • Hydrogen bonding between the paired nucleotides across the DNA strand

Using a variety of sources (web-based timelines, original publications, documentaries, and interviews), students explain how the following his- torically important experiments helped scientists determine the molec- ular structure of DNA and develop the concept of the Central Dogma of Biology. • Miescher – discovers DNA • Chargaff’s rule – % of A & T’s are equal, therefore G & C are equal • Hershey/Chase experiment – DNA is the genetic material, not protein • Rosalind Franklin – photo 51 • Watson/Crick – double helix structure of DNA • Griffith • Avery, McCarty, and MacLeod This activity reinforces the concept that scientific knowledge builds upon previously identified findings. Students communicate their grasp of these experiments and their results by imagining how scientists would communicate these findings across today’s social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. Students create hypothetical pages, tweets, feeds, snaps, or boards as if the scientists were describing their experiments, findings and implications of their research. Students annotate a simplified Central Dogma diagram, including how each major experiment contributed to the overall concept. Students share the reasoning behind their annotations with other members of the class.

Teacher Resources

Tour of the Basics: What is DNA? Genetic Sciences Learning Center

This is an online tutorial that highlights the basic structure of DNA. Students read through text and watch informative animations on DNA basics and how genes on DNA are expressed. bit.ly/what-is-DNA Watson Models Base Pairs Howard Hughes Medical Institute Video clip of Watson explaining the use of models to illustrate DNA base pairing rules. bit.ly/watson-models-base-pairs

DNA Model Alabama Science in Motion D19DNAmod

Teacher Resources

Students build a DNA stick model to understand the chemical components and molecular structure of DNA and their functions. The models also show nucleotide base pairing and can be used to demonstrate replication. bit.ly/AMSTI-ASIM

Tour of the Basics: What is a gene? — Genetic Sciences learning Center This is an online tutorial that highlights the basic structure of DNA. Students read through text and watch informative animations on DNA basics and how genes on DNA are expressed. bit.ly/what-is-a-gene Tour of the Basics: What is a protein? — Genetic Sciences Learning Center This online tutorial highlights the basic structure of DNA. Students read through text and watch informative animations on DNA basics and how genes within DNA are expressed. bit.ly/what-is-a-protein Progress of Science — HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology In this online timeline, students browse the discoveries of biotechnology, connect those discoveries with the events of today, and follow the path of new ideas and theories in biotechnology. timeline.hudsonalpha.org/ The Double Helix Video — Howard Hughes Medical Institute This video describes the story of the scientists that are credited with the discovery of the structure of DNA. bit.ly/double-helix-video

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A Field Guide to the Alabama Standards


The Biology Compendium

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