ED Compendium for web

How have living things changed over time?

Learning Targets

Learning Experiences

Learning Targets

Learning Experiences

127 I can organize items based on physical characteristics and communicate my reasoning to others. (13) 128 I can create a dichotomous key that will allow others to classify objects. (13)

129 I can use major features to classify unfamiliar organisms using accepted classification schemes and can justify my classification. (13) 130 I can use binomial nomenclature and tools such as dichotomous keys to classify an unfamiliar organism and determine where it fits into accepted taxonomic schemes. (13)

To introduce the concept that organisms are classified based on similarities, students work in groups to design a classification scheme for a collection of common, but not necessarily related, household objects. Items may be grouped by similarities in function/use, color, location, etc., and students must be able to incorporate new items into the existing scheme. Students create dichotomous keys using pasta, toys, or organism pictures and communicate their system to the entire class.

Students arrange a set of organisms into a classification scheme based on physical characteristics and/or DNA sequences (see resource list). As part of this activity, they must write and/or correctly identify the scientific name of each organism. When provided details about the characteristics of a new organism, students must incorporate it into their scheme and justify its placement. With this background, students participate in an activity that introduces how scientists evaluate evidence for new forms of life and incorporate it into existing classification schemes (see resource list).

Teacher Resources

Provide small groups of students with sets of common, but not necessarily related, household objects. Ask students to organize and group the items and explain their classification scheme to another student or student group. Provide a new household item and ask if it can be incorporated into existing groups. Students may use similarities in function/use, color, location, etc., as classification criteria. Use this to introduce the concept that organisms are classified based on similarities.

Teacher Resources

Allow students to create dichotomous keys using pasta, toys, or organism pictures.

How Science Works: New Spider Family YouTube

Classification of Living Things Alabama Science in Motion Q1LvTh Students use flashcards and dichotomous keys to classify living things into Kingdom, Phylum, and Class. bit.ly/AMSTI-ASIM Classify It App AAAS Science NetLinks This game allows students to test their knowledge of how organisms are sorted and grouped. sciencenetlinks.com/classify-it

This short video investigates how science works by tracing the identification of a newly discovered family of spiders. The process also outlines the challenges associated with classification and the importance. bit.ly/new-spider-family Evaluating Evidence for Extraterrestrial Life Teacher Created Students read an article in which the research claims to have evidence of extraterrestrial life and respond to the claim with evidence. Teacher supports and article links provided. www.hudsonalpha.org/compendium

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