How do living things interact with each other and the environment?
Learning Targets
Learning Experiences
Learning Targets
Learning Experiences
157 I can analyze data on population growth to identify limiting factors, both biotic and abiotic. (8, 10) 158 I can analyze data to find patterns that distinguish density-dependent from density-independent limiting factors. (10)
159 I can use evidence and reasoning to define the carrying capacity of a specific ecosystem (9)
Students identify factors associated with population density as important regulators of population growth. Understanding of factors that impact population growth becomes more sophisticated when including population density. Students deconstruct the phrases “density-dependent limiting factor” and “density-independent limiting factor” to create working defi- nitions of these terms. Utilizing active or computer-based simulations, students collect and organize population growth data compiled on popu- lation growth under varying conditions related to food availability, rainfall, predation, migration, and disease. The results are analyzed to categorize factors, organize data and draw conclusions about a variety of limiting factors to classify each as density-dependent or independent. Students assess the impact of density-dependent and density-indepen- dent factors on ecosystems by exploring ecosystem metrics other than population size. These additional measurements indicate the relative health indicators of an ecosystem such as water quality, nutrient abun- dance, species diversity, and eutrophication.
Conceptualizing how much an ecosystem can support, which is both finite and grand in scale, is often challenging for high school biology students. Students investigate mathematical simulations and card-based or role-play activities to develop a working definition of carrying capacity. They apply individually developed working definitions of carrying capacity in an attempt to answer the question: What is the carrying capacity of our planet?
Teacher Resources
Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Teacher Created Teacher-developed lesson plan that investigates the unique characteristics of the longleaf pine ecosystem of lower Alabama. Teaching Carrying Capacity: The Why and the How Population Connection Interactive population graph illustrates factors that impact changes in population growth.
Teacher Resources
Bluegill Limiting Factors — Alabama Science in Motion N6Bluegill Students investigate density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors.
Toothpick Fish — The Genetics Project This activity is a simulation of a population of “toothpick” fish. The students will explore the relationships between many different aspects of fish life: genes, traits, variation, survival, and reproduction.
Learning Targets
Learning Experiences
160 I can distinguish between primary and secondary ecological succession and show that an ecosystem responds to such a disturbance in a predictable manner. (10) 161 I can use models to explain ecosystem recovery after disturbance. (10) 162 I can analyze historical data to find patterns in an ecosystem’s response to disturbance and use this analysis to draw conclusions about how the ecosystem will respond to additional disturbance. (10)
Students investigate components and processes of succession using scavenger hunts, model activities, and historical data. From those investigations, stu- dents create a detailed diagram of succession that predicts the impacts of ecosystem disturbance and the mechanisms of recovery for an ecosystem. V Ecological succession always progresses the same way towards the same end community. Misconception
African Lions: Modeling Populations — Concord Consortium Computer simulation of lion populations in which students investigate limiting factors and develop a
definition of carrying capacity.
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Teacher Resources
Finding Succession in Changing Ecosystems Teacher Created
Students will hunt for pieces that are parts of succession and work to understand the process.
A Field Guide to the Alabama Standards
The Biology Compendium
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