Research Report 2019_20

Research at HudsonAlpha is made possible by generous philanthropic donations, private foundations, the State of Alabama, and federal grants. The work cited in this report was supported as follows: Pages 8-9: NIH R01AR067925 Pages 10-11: State of Alabama Education Trust Fund Pages 14-15: NIH U54HG006998, NIH R01MH110472, NIH T32GM008361, The HudsonAlpha Foundation Memory and Mobility Fund, and the Daniel Foundation of Alabama Pages 16-17: The State of Alabama, HudsonAlpha Tie the Ribbons Fund, NIH UL1TR001417 Pages 20-21: NIH UM1HG007301, State of Alabama Education Trust Fund Pages 28-31: Cotton Incorporated (13-965), The Peanut Foundation (04-852-14) U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DE-AC02-05CH1123) Pages 32-33: US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DE-AC02-05CH1123) U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (DE-SC0018420) Pages 34-35: National Peanut Board, The Peanut Foundation Pages 46-49: NIH R25GM129867, NIH R25HG010028, State of Alabama Education Trust Fund Page 53: NIH U24HD090744

Photo Credits: Adobe Stock FreePix National Cancer Institute Jill Amey Cathleen Shaw Chris Powell Tom Hermans Patty Horton Roberta Sorge Patrick J. Alexander Jordan Whitfield HudsonAlpha Archives

Thank you to the HudsonAlpha Research Affairs group:

Flo Pauli Behn, PhD LaShawn Jackson Alissa Mackiewicz Aida El Kholi Starling, PhD Nancy Westfall

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