The 63rd season of the Central Canada Hockey League is a 55-game schedule, that also includes the Annual Fall Showcase, Octo- ber 8 to 10, at the Bell Sensplex in Ottawa. The Bogart Cup Championships playoffs series for the top eight teams in the league at the end of the regular schedule will run from mid-March to early May. The House-a-Hawk billeting program is open for applications from individuals and families who want to help support Hawkes- bury’s junior A team during this new season. Hawks club orfficials believe the billeting program is one of the key components to the local hockey team’s success over the years by providing “a comfortable living environment” for all of the out-of-town players selected during the league draft picks and team tryouts sessions. The club’s House-a-Hawk application forms are on the club website at www.hawkesbu- ryhawks.com/house-a-hawk-billet-program, or potential billet sponsors can contact Marc Bernique at 613-330-2271 or by email to marc.bernique@hotmail.com. VANKLEEK HILL COUGARS ON THE ICE The Vankleek Hill Cougars begin their season in the National Capital Junior Hockey League with a road game against the Gatineau-Hull Volant September 10. The Cougars are home September 13 to host les Aigles de St-Isidore at 7:30 p.m., then they host Gatineau Saturday night with a road game in St-Isidore on Sunday.
Le premier match à domicile de la nouvelle saison pour les Hawks de Hawkesbury est un match d’exhibition vendredi soir contre les Rockland Nationals au Robert Hartley Sports Complex. Les Hawks entament le début officiel de la saison 2023-2024 en accueillant les Raiders de Nepean le 15 septembre. —photo d’archives
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
of the 2023-2024 season is September 14 with a match between the Brockville Braves and the Cornwall Colts in Cornwall. The Hawks have a pre-season exhibition game September 7 against the Cornwall Colts at the Ed Lumley Arena in Cornwall. The following Friday the Hawks host the Rockland
Nationals at the Robert Hartley Sports Centre. The Hawks will start their official new season at home September 15 against the Nepean Raiders. Game time is 7:30 p.m. The next game on the Hawks’ schedule is at home again September 22, this time against the Ottawa Junior Senators.
Mid-September sees the start of another season of Hawks action in the Central Canada Hockey League. The league announced the official start
AVIS d’une réunion publique concernant jYGÂcf[c[gOiO[YÂEGÂX[EOwC:iO[YÂ:j règlement de zonage Z-06-2023
SOYEZ AVISÉ que le Conseil de la Corporation du Canton de Champlain tiendra une réunion publique le jeudi 28 septembre, 2023 à 18h au bureau des Comtés unis de LÈ̺ÒÒį Òį OÖÌÌ®®į Ì¡ÒÖį yÖį üĀį ÈÖį ºÖÈÒĊį ~į 5ĨAÈ¡µy®Ċį yòµį ĨÒÖ¡ÈįÖµįÅȺź̡ҡºµįį´º¡òyÒ¡ºµįyÖįO®´µÒįį zonage nº 2000-75 du Canton de Champlain en vertu de l’article 34 de la Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire, L.R.O. øĀĀ÷ĊįyµÌįÌyįºÈ´į´º¡òĉ LA PROPOSITION DE MODIFICATION AU RÈGLEMENT DE ZONAGE aurait pour effet de corriger certaines anomalies et ĨyÅźÈÒÈįÇÖ®ÇÖÌį´º¡òyÒ¡ºµÌįyÖįÈ®´µÒįįyį µºįù÷÷÷ĞþüįÖįyµÒºµįį y´Å®y¡µĉįį5yį´º¡òyÒ¡ºµį s’applique à l’ensemble du territoire donc aucune carte n’est ¡µ®ÖÌĉį 5Ìį ´º¡òyÒ¡ºµÌį yÒȺµÒį ®Ìį òµ¡Ò¡ºµÌĊį ®Ìį standards pour les aires de stationnements, les dispositions µÈy®ÌĊį ®Ìį È®´µÒÌį źÖÈį ®į ᮺÅÅ´µÒį ÌÖÈį ®Ìį réserve d’agrégats, et les dispositions reliés au paysagement. POUR PLUS D’INFORMATIONS notamment sur le droit d’appel, veuillez communiquer avec Jennifer Laforest, urbaniste sénior ÖįyµÒºµįį y´Å®y¡µįŵyµÒį®Ìį ÖÈÌįÈÖ®¡ÈÌįį bureau.
DATÉ au Canton de Champlain ce 5e jour du mois de septembre, 2023.
Jennifer Laforest Urbaniste Sénior Canton de Champlain
948, ch. Pleasant Corner E. Vankleek Hill, ON, K0B 1R0 613-678-3003 poste.226 jennifer.laforest@champlain.ca
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