The Law Apprenticeships Guide 2023

Duration Apprenticeship


Eighteen to 24 months for the intermediate apprenticeship, 24 months for the paralegal apprenticeship and six years for the solicitor apprenticeship. It takes four years on average to qualify as a legal executive.

Undergraduate degrees usually last three to four years.

Work experience Apprenticeship


Full-time work in a law firm or the legal department of a company or other organisation.

Optional work placements and internships – students interested in law should apply for work experience at law firms.

Social life Apprenticeship


As an apprentice working and studying full time, you may miss out on some social opportunities that come with going to university, such as the chance to meet new friends among students from all over the world and enjoy all the experiences that university has to offer. However, offices often have great socialising opportunities too, with plenty of activities to get involved with, and you’re bound to make good friends.

The opportunities for socialising at university are fantastic. From the societies covering everything from political debating to cheerleading, to the thriving music, arts and social scenes at most universities, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Career prospects Apprenticeship


Both law apprentices and university graduates can pursue a career as a solicitor, legal executive or paralegal.

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