Cedar Crest Chiropractic January 2019

MORE ENERGY NATURALLY! The Powerhouse of the Cell

Over my 38 years in practice, I’ve seen a lot, and very few things surprise me anymore. I’ve also developed more of a hard-sell attitude toward many “sure things” that come my way. But I found an amazing natural energy-producing product that I want to share with you. It’s called BOOSTme , and it’s an adaptogen . Adaptogens received their name because they are specific types of herbs that help your cells adapt to environments that are putting stress on your body. These herbs were developed by the Russians back in the 1940s. It was also found that certain people who had been using adaptogens for centuries were healthier and could work longer and harder with less fatigue than other groups studied. We all know that modern living can be stressful on your body. But what you might not realize is that the more sustained energy you have, the easier it is to handle the stress.

Some examples of environmental stress on your body are immune problems, anxiety, mood swings, harmful germs, brain fog, and chronic fatigue. Stress breaks down your cells, which causes aging, sickness, and disease. Inside each cell is a specialized structure called mitochondria . These energy producing “engines” make the energy you need to live. And just like any engine, they need “fuel” to burn. The foods you eat are turned into sugar, known as glucose, that fuels the mitochondria. If you follow the standard American diet, your body becomes overloaded with too much sugar. The cellular waste from this form of glucose combustion is toxic and inflammatory. This is the cause of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and other health issues. Clean, high-octane fuel from adaptogens instead of sugar supercharges your mitochondria, so when you press the gas pedal in life, you get the horsepower you need. My family and I have been testing BOOSTme for the past year, and overall we’ve experienced more sustained energy and stamina throughout the day, improved sleep, and better moods. I encourage you to buy a pack on your next visit, and I’ll test you for proper dosage. You can also order online using this link: MyBoostMe.com/DrPaulBraadt.

There are more secret weapons to come in our next newsletter!


Vegan Roasted Red Cabbage

Ingredients While this recipe calls for the Middle Eastern spice blend called Baharat, you can easily substitute your favorite spices. As a bonus, this recipe isn’t just vegan; it’s also gluten-free.

• 1 medium red cabbage, loose outer leaves removed • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 1 teaspoon Baharat or other spice blend 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. Cut cabbage into 8 wedges, leaving core intact. 3. On a lightly oiled baking sheet, evenly space wedges. Season with salt and spice blend. Directions

• 2 tablespoons lemon juice • Roasted almonds, to garnish • 2 scallions, chopped, to garnish • Salt, to taste

4. Roast cabbage until softened and slightly browned, about 20 minutes. 5. Garnish with almonds and

scallions, drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil, and serve.

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