King's Business - 1925-03


TH E K I N G ’ S


March 1925

The Scriptures are Complete in Their Structure By Dr. F . E. JVlarsh, London, England

In presenting th e th ird of th e series of articles on “The B ible” contributed by Dr. Marsh, it gives us g rea t pleasure to speak of his m inistry a t th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles during th e m onth of Ja n u ary past. Dr. Marsh preached th ree tim es on Sunday and gave B ible readings afternoons and evenings du ring th e week. He greatly refreshed th e h earts of h is h e a re rs'a n d renewed in many of them a deeper love fo r th e L iving and W ritten Word of God. We commend ou r beloved b ro th er and these articles to our readers. '

Disobedience of the Antediluvians to Noah’s preaching (1 Pet. 3 :20 ; Gen. 6 :3 ). Judgm ent of th e Flood (2 P et. 2 :5 ; Gen. 7 :1 1 ). D estruction of all hum an life, except those in th e ark (Luke 17:27; Gen. 7 :2 3 ). The salvation of Noah and his fam ily (2 Pet. 2 :5 ; Gen. 8 : 1 - 2 ). The requirem ent of law for m u rd er (Rev.. 13:10; Gen. 9 :6 ). The symbol of th e rainbow (Rev. 4 :3 ; Gen. 9 :1 3 ). The solidarity of th e hum an race (Acts 17:26; Gen. 1 1 :1 ). The call of Abram (Acts 7 :3 ; Gen. 1 2 :1 ). Abram ’s obedience to God’s call (Heb. 11 :8 ; Gen. 12 :1 -4 ). God’s universal prom ise to Abram (Acts 3 :25 ; Gen. 1 2 :3 ). Melchizedek’s meeting w ith Abram (Heb. 7 :1 ; Gen. 1 4 :18 ). God’s prom ise of the Redeemer to Abram (Gal. 3:8-16; Gen. 1 2 :3 ). Abram giving tith es to Melchizedek (Heb. 7:4-10; Gen. 1 4 :20 ). Abram ’s faith and blessing (Jas. 2 :23 ; Gen. 1 5 :6 ). Prediction of Israel’s bondage in Egypt (Acts 7 :6 ; Gen. 1 5 :1 3 ). God’s judgm en t upon Egypt (Acts 7 :7 ; Gen. 1 5 :14 ). Abram ’s having a child by H agar (Gal. 4 :22 ; Gen. 1 6 :15 ). Abraham ’s federal headship (Rom. 4 :11 ; Gen. 1 7 :5 ). In stitu tion of the rite of circumcision (Acts 7 :8 ; Gen. 1 7 :10 ). Prom ise of a son to Abraham (Rom. 9 :9 ; Gen. 18 :10 ). Miraculous b irth of Isaac (Heb. 11:11-12; Gen, 2 1 :2 ). Abraham ’s faith in God’s prom ise (Rom. 4:17, 19; Gen. 1 7 :17 ). Isaac’s pre-eminence over Ishm ael ( Rom. 9 :7 ; Gen. 21 : 12 ). Lot being in Sodom and his vexation (2 Pet. 2 :8 ; Gen. 19:8, 9). Lot’s deliverance from Sodom (2 Pet. 2 :7 ; Gen. 19 :16 ). Lot’s wife being tu rn ed into a p illar of sa lt (Luke 17:32; Gen. 1 9 :2 ). Judgm ent upon Sodom and Gomorrah (2 Pet. 2 :6 ; Gen. 1 9 :29 ). H agar and Ishmael being cast out from Abraham ’s house (Gal. 4 :30 ; Gen. 2 1 :1 0 ). God’s te st of Abraham in asking for th e offering of Isaac (Heb. 11:17; Gen. 2 2 :9 ). Abraham ’s obedience in offering Isaac (Jas. 2:21; Gen. 2 2 :9 ). God’s oath to Abraham (Luke 1:55, 73; Heb. 6:13-18; Gen. 2 2 :1 6 ). Jacob’s predominence over Esau (Rom. 9 :12 ; Gen. 25: 23). E sau ’s b irth rig h t sold (Heb. 12:16; Gen. 2 5 :34 ). E sau ’s lo st blessing (Heb. 12:17; Gen. 2 7 :35 ). Jacob’s vision a t Bethel (John 1 :51 ; Gen. 2 8 :1 2 ). Conspiracy against Joseph (Acts 7 :9 ; Gen. 3 7 :18 ). Joseph sold into Egypt (Acts 7 :9 ; Gen. 3 9 :1 ). God’s presence w ith Joseph (Acts 7 :9 ; Gen. 3 9 :2 3 ).

T is one th ing to make a claim and prove it, and it is ano ther th ing to evidence th e claim th a t is made. When we tu rn to the pages of Holy W rit we find th a t it makes certain claims abou t itself, and certain statem ents about its quality. If we are in doubt whether a certain w ater is fresh or salt, we can soon ascer­ ta in which it is by tasting it. Our finding the w ater to be fresh does not make it fresh, h u t our finding proves it to be what it was said to he. So w ith th e Word of God. The Scriptures claim to be complete in th e ir structu re. “The Doctrine of th e Lord is perfect” (Psa. 1 9 :7 ). The word “ perfect” signifies completeness, entirety, nothing wanting. I t is rendered “w ithou t blem ish” in calling atten ­ tion to the character of the b u rn t offering (Lev. 1:3),, “ com­ plete” in specifying a perfect period of tim e (Ley. 2 3 :1 5 ), “ fu ll” in speaking of a y ear (Lev. 2 5 :3 0 ), “ sound” in indi­ cating a rig h t relation to God’s Word (Ps. 1 1 9 :8 0 ), “up­ rig h t” in referring to w hat the Lord will be to those who are rig h t w ith H im (2 Sam 2 2 :2 6 ), “whole” and “unde­ filed” in Prov. 1 :12 ; Psa. 119:1. E ith e r of these words m ight be read into the opening Scripture. There is no blemish in the testimony of Jehovah: it is complete in its contents; fu ll in its revelation; sound in its tru th ; up righ t in its claims; whole in its teaching; and undefiled in its character. To tak e away any p art from th is beautiful temple would m ar its beauty and destroy its symmetry. F o r instance, suppose we were to remove th e Book of Genesis, which is th e seed plot of the whole Book, it would he like th e re­ moval of th e foundation, which would throw the whole building ou t of proportion. I t would tak e too long and occupy too much ground to show by quotation and refer­ ence from the Books of the New Testam ent how dependent they are for facts revealed in th e Old Testament, b u t to make the allusions relevant 1 propose to refer to statem ents in the New T estam ent which record w h at is found in Genesis alone, and which if Genesis did not exist as a record of facts would destroy th e ir own testimony: Creation of th e world (Heb. 11 :3 ; Gen. 1 :1 ). State of the earth as submerged (2 Pet. 3 :5 ; Gen. 1 :2 ). Creation of man (Matt. 19 :4 ; Gen. 1 :2 7 ). Man’s creation before woman’s (1 Tim. 2 :13 ; Gen. 1 :2 7 ). God resting afte r C reation’s work (Heb. 4 :4 ; Gen. 2 :3 ). Man receiving th e breath of life (1 Cor. 15:45; Gen. 2 :3 ). Man cleaving to his wife (Matt. 19 :5 ; Gen. 2 :2 4 ). Oneness of the man and his wife (Eph. 5 :31 ; Gen. 2 :2 4 ). Woman’s subjection to man (1 Cor. 14:34; Gen. 3 :1 6 ). Abel’s accepted offering (Heh. 11 :4 ; Gen, 4 :4 ). Murder of Abel (Matt. 23 ;35 ; Gen. 4 :8 ). Cain’s hatred of Abel (1 John 3 :12 ; Gen. 4 :8 ). Way of Cain (Jud e 11; Gen. 4:3 -16 ), T ranslation of Enoch (Heb. 11 :5 ; Gen. 5 :2 4 ). Condition of m ankind before the flood (Matt. 24:37-39; Gen. 6 :1 -7 ). Noah’s obedience in building th e ark (Heb. 1 1 :7 ; Gen. 6 : 8 - 22 ).

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