TH E K I N G ’ S
March 1925
The Scriptures are Complete in Their Structure By Dr. F . E. JVlarsh, London, England
In presenting th e th ird of th e series of articles on “The B ible” contributed by Dr. Marsh, it gives us g rea t pleasure to speak of his m inistry a t th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles during th e m onth of Ja n u ary past. Dr. Marsh preached th ree tim es on Sunday and gave B ible readings afternoons and evenings du ring th e week. He greatly refreshed th e h earts of h is h e a re rs'a n d renewed in many of them a deeper love fo r th e L iving and W ritten Word of God. We commend ou r beloved b ro th er and these articles to our readers. '
Disobedience of the Antediluvians to Noah’s preaching (1 Pet. 3 :20 ; Gen. 6 :3 ). Judgm ent of th e Flood (2 P et. 2 :5 ; Gen. 7 :1 1 ). D estruction of all hum an life, except those in th e ark (Luke 17:27; Gen. 7 :2 3 ). The salvation of Noah and his fam ily (2 Pet. 2 :5 ; Gen. 8 : 1 - 2 ). The requirem ent of law for m u rd er (Rev.. 13:10; Gen. 9 :6 ). The symbol of th e rainbow (Rev. 4 :3 ; Gen. 9 :1 3 ). The solidarity of th e hum an race (Acts 17:26; Gen. 1 1 :1 ). The call of Abram (Acts 7 :3 ; Gen. 1 2 :1 ). Abram ’s obedience to God’s call (Heb. 11 :8 ; Gen. 12 :1 -4 ). God’s universal prom ise to Abram (Acts 3 :25 ; Gen. 1 2 :3 ). Melchizedek’s meeting w ith Abram (Heb. 7 :1 ; Gen. 1 4 :18 ). God’s prom ise of the Redeemer to Abram (Gal. 3:8-16; Gen. 1 2 :3 ). Abram giving tith es to Melchizedek (Heb. 7:4-10; Gen. 1 4 :20 ). Abram ’s faith and blessing (Jas. 2 :23 ; Gen. 1 5 :6 ). Prediction of Israel’s bondage in Egypt (Acts 7 :6 ; Gen. 1 5 :1 3 ). God’s judgm en t upon Egypt (Acts 7 :7 ; Gen. 1 5 :14 ). Abram ’s having a child by H agar (Gal. 4 :22 ; Gen. 1 6 :15 ). Abraham ’s federal headship (Rom. 4 :11 ; Gen. 1 7 :5 ). In stitu tion of the rite of circumcision (Acts 7 :8 ; Gen. 1 7 :10 ). Prom ise of a son to Abraham (Rom. 9 :9 ; Gen. 18 :10 ). Miraculous b irth of Isaac (Heb. 11:11-12; Gen, 2 1 :2 ). Abraham ’s faith in God’s prom ise (Rom. 4:17, 19; Gen. 1 7 :17 ). Isaac’s pre-eminence over Ishm ael ( Rom. 9 :7 ; Gen. 21 : 12 ). Lot being in Sodom and his vexation (2 Pet. 2 :8 ; Gen. 19:8, 9). Lot’s deliverance from Sodom (2 Pet. 2 :7 ; Gen. 19 :16 ). Lot’s wife being tu rn ed into a p illar of sa lt (Luke 17:32; Gen. 1 9 :2 ). Judgm ent upon Sodom and Gomorrah (2 Pet. 2 :6 ; Gen. 1 9 :29 ). H agar and Ishmael being cast out from Abraham ’s house (Gal. 4 :30 ; Gen. 2 1 :1 0 ). God’s te st of Abraham in asking for th e offering of Isaac (Heb. 11:17; Gen. 2 2 :9 ). Abraham ’s obedience in offering Isaac (Jas. 2:21; Gen. 2 2 :9 ). God’s oath to Abraham (Luke 1:55, 73; Heb. 6:13-18; Gen. 2 2 :1 6 ). Jacob’s predominence over Esau (Rom. 9 :12 ; Gen. 25: 23). E sau ’s b irth rig h t sold (Heb. 12:16; Gen. 2 5 :34 ). E sau ’s lo st blessing (Heb. 12:17; Gen. 2 7 :35 ). Jacob’s vision a t Bethel (John 1 :51 ; Gen. 2 8 :1 2 ). Conspiracy against Joseph (Acts 7 :9 ; Gen. 3 7 :18 ). Joseph sold into Egypt (Acts 7 :9 ; Gen. 3 9 :1 ). God’s presence w ith Joseph (Acts 7 :9 ; Gen. 3 9 :2 3 ).
T is one th ing to make a claim and prove it, and it is ano ther th ing to evidence th e claim th a t is made. When we tu rn to the pages of Holy W rit we find th a t it makes certain claims abou t itself, and certain statem ents about its quality. If we are in doubt whether a certain w ater is fresh or salt, we can soon ascer ta in which it is by tasting it. Our finding the w ater to be fresh does not make it fresh, h u t our finding proves it to be what it was said to he. So w ith th e Word of God. The Scriptures claim to be complete in th e ir structu re. “The Doctrine of th e Lord is perfect” (Psa. 1 9 :7 ). The word “ perfect” signifies completeness, entirety, nothing wanting. I t is rendered “w ithou t blem ish” in calling atten tion to the character of the b u rn t offering (Lev. 1:3),, “ com plete” in specifying a perfect period of tim e (Ley. 2 3 :1 5 ), “ fu ll” in speaking of a y ear (Lev. 2 5 :3 0 ), “ sound” in indi cating a rig h t relation to God’s Word (Ps. 1 1 9 :8 0 ), “up rig h t” in referring to w hat the Lord will be to those who are rig h t w ith H im (2 Sam 2 2 :2 6 ), “whole” and “unde filed” in Prov. 1 :12 ; Psa. 119:1. E ith e r of these words m ight be read into the opening Scripture. There is no blemish in the testimony of Jehovah: it is complete in its contents; fu ll in its revelation; sound in its tru th ; up righ t in its claims; whole in its teaching; and undefiled in its character. To tak e away any p art from th is beautiful temple would m ar its beauty and destroy its symmetry. F o r instance, suppose we were to remove th e Book of Genesis, which is th e seed plot of the whole Book, it would he like th e re moval of th e foundation, which would throw the whole building ou t of proportion. I t would tak e too long and occupy too much ground to show by quotation and refer ence from the Books of the New Testam ent how dependent they are for facts revealed in th e Old Testament, b u t to make the allusions relevant 1 propose to refer to statem ents in the New T estam ent which record w h at is found in Genesis alone, and which if Genesis did not exist as a record of facts would destroy th e ir own testimony: Creation of th e world (Heb. 11 :3 ; Gen. 1 :1 ). State of the earth as submerged (2 Pet. 3 :5 ; Gen. 1 :2 ). Creation of man (Matt. 19 :4 ; Gen. 1 :2 7 ). Man’s creation before woman’s (1 Tim. 2 :13 ; Gen. 1 :2 7 ). God resting afte r C reation’s work (Heb. 4 :4 ; Gen. 2 :3 ). Man receiving th e breath of life (1 Cor. 15:45; Gen. 2 :3 ). Man cleaving to his wife (Matt. 19 :5 ; Gen. 2 :2 4 ). Oneness of the man and his wife (Eph. 5 :31 ; Gen. 2 :2 4 ). Woman’s subjection to man (1 Cor. 14:34; Gen. 3 :1 6 ). Abel’s accepted offering (Heh. 11 :4 ; Gen, 4 :4 ). Murder of Abel (Matt. 23 ;35 ; Gen. 4 :8 ). Cain’s hatred of Abel (1 John 3 :12 ; Gen. 4 :8 ). Way of Cain (Jud e 11; Gen. 4:3 -16 ), T ranslation of Enoch (Heb. 11 :5 ; Gen. 5 :2 4 ). Condition of m ankind before the flood (Matt. 24:37-39; Gen. 6 :1 -7 ). Noah’s obedience in building th e ark (Heb. 1 1 :7 ; Gen. 6 : 8 - 22 ).
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