March 1925
Fam ine in Egypt (Acts 7 :11 ; Gen. 4 1 :5 4 ). Jacob sending to Egypt for corn (Acts 7 :12 ; Gen. 4 2 :1 ). Joseph making him self known to his b reth ren (Acts 7:13; Gen. 45:4 -15 ). Jacob going down to Egypt (Acts 7 :15 ; Gen. 4 6 :7 ). Jacob blessing Joseph’s sons (Heb. 11:21; Gen. 48:5-14). Joseph’s directions about his body (Heb. 11:22; Gen. 5 0 :25 ).
Joseph’s prediction about Isra el’s coming out of Egypt (Heb. 11:22; Gen. 5 0 :24 ). This will suffice to show th a t no p art of the Bible can be m utilated w ithout m utilafing the whole, as no p a rt of the body can be dismembered w ithout destroying its complete ness.
(T he fo u rth article ih th is series will ap p ear in th e April issue.)
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A Stronghold of Fundamental Doctrine Hollywood’s New P resby terian House of Worship, A rchitecturally B eautiful, Spiritually Sound
!T gives the e d i t o r g r e a t p le a s u r e
thing like the voluntary giving of the people on th e Dedi cation Sunday, when, in less th an forty-five m inutes, they subscribed $245,000.00. Not only so, bu t th e m issionary giving has continually increased and expanded, and the month of dedication was th e g reatest month in the history of the church for benevo len t offerings. This certainly proves th a t the preaching of the Word of God, Sunday in and Sunday out, is sufficient to draw and hold a congregation, w ithout any cheap claptrap methods, or Modernistic theology. Seven hundred and forty-seven persons have united with th is church during the present pastorate, through th e regu lar preaching of th e Word, w ithout any extra evangelistic services. When people unite w ith th e F irs t P resbyterian ChurCh of Hollywood they are fully aware of its position on th e Word of God, and th a t they are linking up w ith a defi nite and clean-cut statem en t of faith.
to pass on to The K i n g ’ s Business Fam ily, herew ith, th e picture of the n e w l y completed and dedicated F irst P r e s b y t e r i a n Church .of- Holly wood, particu larly so, as its pastor, Rev. Stewart P. M a c L e n n a n ,—-to whose m inistry and efforts t h e n e w church building and the flourishing spir itual condition of the membership is largely due,—was form erly a student of th e Bible In sti tu te of Los Angeles. T h i s c h u r c h building, costing a half million dollars, stands in the center of th e pleasure-
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hollywood, California Dedicated November 16, 1924.
loving city of Hollywood as a testimony to th e power of the preaching of the Word of God. Let no man again say th at th e preaching of th e whole Bible, from cover to c o v e r - including the prem illennial coming of th e Lord— divides churches or interests, for th e F irs t P resbyterian Church of Hollywood, dedicated on November 16, 1924, w ithout a sin gle cent of indebtedness, is a death blow to th a t untrue statem ent. It has been only a little over th ree and a h alf years since Dr. MacLennan came to th is church, finding a divided in ter est, a divided allegiance, and comparatively few people interested in the services. Today, the church has a mem bership of twelve hundred, and a united sp irit of harmony, fellowship and cooperation such as is seldom found. A cousin of the pastor, Rev. Duncan MacLennan, of H ut chinson, Kansas, who was present a t the dedication, said th a t he had visited many churches and had been present on many sim ilar occasions, bu t never had he witnessed any
REV. STEWART P. fcfacLENNAN Pastor, First Presbyterian Church Hollywood, California
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