March 1925
signed to it. Shyly he slipped it into his pocket, and two weeks went by with no repo rt from him. But on the next Sunday following the message was brought to her th a t W---------- had joined the church, and on Monday, be ing detained by football practice, he sent the little message, w ith his name attached, to the teacher, not wanting to .wait un til he could get to the club. Such a happy boy, and so w illing to witness for his Lord as he is today, and yet— baptized in the Roman Cath olic Church when a baby, he had never, so far as he can remember, been in a church from th a t day un til one of our “N untius” boys brought him to club and afterw ards to Sunday-school and church. He recently asked to see an Old Testament, saying he had never seen a whole Bible in his life, and when he was given a Bible for a Christmas present, he was the happiest boy in the country. This is not an unusual easel There are hundreds of boys in our own city and country growing up in practical ignorance of the Word of God and of God. How can we reach them ? Lyceum -Eteri M idw inter Conference If anyone has the fain test idea th a t being a definite Christian takes all the joy out of the life of a young person,— th a t it’s all rig h t for old people and those who are not looking for a good time, but not for young people who are full of life and sp irit,—-that idea would have vanished like a bubble if the per son could. have taken ,a little look in a t the happy group of girls, about two hundred in number, th a t gathered at the Bible In stitu te, December 26th and 27th, for a two-day conference of the Lyceum-Eteri Clubs. There are now twelve of these clubs for young business women in and about Los Angeles, and twice a year, once in the summer and once in the w inter, they g ath er together in conference. This was the Third Annual Mid-winter Conference and was, in all points, a g reat blessing to every one who a t tended, and the Lord’s favor rested upon it in a very special way from the very beginning to the close. There was very hearty cooperation from the offi cials of the In stitu te, and from the stu dents, many of the studen ts giving up th eir rooms in o rd er th a t the confer
ence girls m ight be able to spend the n igh t in the building, and be all to gether for th e sunrise m eeting held so early on Saturday morning. The conference began F riday afte r noon w ith a fine stirrin g message em phasizing th e yielded life. A fter din-' ner, during which toasts were given by representatives from the various clubs, a Chinese evening was the program . Dr. and Mrs. F rank Keller, of th e Hunan Bible In stitu te, Changsha, China, and Miss Mae F lath ers, recently retu rned from a trip to China, all gave splendid m issionary addresses. In pre vious conferences, the Lord has spoken definitely to some of the girls about giving th e ir lives for service in the for eign field, and we believe th a t He surely did speak to h earts th rough the messages given th a t evening, and th a t later, one by one, those girls whom He called will go into train ing to prepare for the work He has for them . A little social time was had la ter and Chinese refreshm ents served. The day closed w ith a “ good-night” devotional talk. Saturday was packed fu ll to th e brim w ith blessing, beginning w ith a sunrise meeting in the roof-garden. A very helpful problem hour was an. in terest ing, and helpful feature,— the problems discussed being real and varied. Fine messages were given by some of the E teri teachers and Mrs. A, C. Dixon of Baltimore. Several splendid pageants were presented, and in th e afternoon many funny, clever “ stu n ts” were given by the different clubs. Only etern ity will reveal ju s t what the conference really m eant to the girls and w hat definite things the Holy Spirit w rought in th e ir h earts and lives. There were th ree who accepted th e Lord, th ree backsliders retu rned to Him, and twenty-one “ life su rrenders,” — girls who are pledging themselves to let the Lord have complete control of th eir lives and lead them if He chooses into full time, definite service for H im self, anywhere He pleases, a t home or over the sea. Lives were refreshed, and girls who had never had a vision of the joy of the Lord saw th a t joy on the faces of the girls around them and grew w istful. Surely the Lord blessed in it all, “ exceeding abundantly,” and th ere was joy in heaven as well as at the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles.
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to H ouse-Personal Work, Bible Classes and Soul W inning Clubs. “The Seed Is th e Word” Recently five women in th e classes definitely surrendered th e ir lives to the m astery of Jesus Christ, and in o th er classes some have dedicated th eir lives to more .definite personal work. In ano ther class, th ere has been a deepening of the prayer life, and a reaching out— in prayer— for the un saved, especially friends and neighbors. A fter each class, members have lin gered to ask cooperation in prayer, or for suggestions in connection w ith ap proaching these friends. In one case, a signed decision card was brought back th e very next week from the one who had been first prayed for and then spoken to. ; In some classes, we have a number of books1and helpful tracts th a t are being k ep t circulating, especially on personal work, th e prayer .life, m eth ods of Bible study, etc., and the desire to. know more of God’s Word has also been evidenced in the choice of Christ mas gifts,— Bibles, Concordances, The T reasury of Scripture Knowledge, etc. Into one .class the^e came a woman one day f o r ,whom much prayer was offered. She did no t seem much in terested, lobking around ra th e r won- deringly a t th e evident in terest of the others; b u t prayer continued, and she kept coming and the change was w rought. L ater came the full su rren der, and now she-is much concerned and definitely: praying for an unsaved friend. . So ,we are taking His command in renewed faith and courage,— '“H * th a t h a th m y W o rd , le t h im sp e a k m y W ord fa it h fu lly ” (J er. 23:2S). A H igh School Boy Makes th e G reat Decision A few months ago, one of our “Nun- tiu s” boys brought to, the club meeting a boy in high school-—a big fellow over 200 pounds in weight. From the first he showed the in terest which is often exhibited by those unfam iliar w ith the Word of God, asking questions which, th e other boys regarded as strange. A fter he had attended the meetings a few weeks, he in terrup ted th e teacher one evening in the middle of a rem ark about th e Lord’s coming, j“Don’t talk about th a t, please,” hq .said. “I am no t ready for Him to 1come.” The teacher answered in a m a tte r of fact way, “You’d b etter get ready, th e n ,” and continued her lesson; but afte r th e meeting was over, when she could do so w ithou t em barrassing the boy, she put: into his hands a little tra c t called “The K ing’s Message,” which explains the way of salvation very clearly, asking h im to read it, and bring it back to her w ith his name
SATAN’S TRIANGLE! What Is It? W atch the A p ril K. B. for an n o u n cem en t o f SOMETH ING GOOD beginning w ith the May issue, written especially for The King’s Business by S. J. Bole, Professor of Biology, Wheaton College, Illinois THE FAITH OF OUR YOUNG PEOPLE IS IN PERIL! Y O U C A N H E L P save it by putting this series of articles into their hands. Secure as many subscriptions as possible from the young people them selves, or from parents who are concerned regarding the spiritual welfare, of their children. SAMPLE COPIES CHEERFULLY SENT TO ANY ADDRESS
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