King's Business - 1925-03



K I N G ’ S


March 1925

BIOLA CLUB (Long Beach) V. V. Morgan, Supt.— Bible C lasses, Shop Meetings, Bible Clubs for Young Men and School Boys. BjUCH a host of friends have ® been raised up in L o n g B e a c h for th e In stitu te through the faith fu l work of two of the B.I.O.L.A. Bible Women, Miss Anna Gleason and Miss E lizabeth M erritt, who have lived and worked in th a t city for about eigh t years, th a t the need for an In sti­ tu te headquarters th ere has been app aren t and increasingly u rg en t for some time. To meet th is need, the Lord p u t it into the h earts of two Christian busi­ ness men of Long Beach to erect a building and lease th e upper floor (which had been especially planned for th e purpose) to th e In stitu te, tru stin g th e Lord to give them su it­ able ten an ts for th e store rooms below. As a resu lt of th e ir generos­ ity, “Biola Club” was opened at 834 Pine Avenue on October 1, 1924, w ith an exceedingly well attended five days’ Bible Conference, some of th e ablest B i b l e teachers and preachers in Southern California being heard a t th e afternoon and evening sessions. The Biola Club “ p lan t” consists of a large Class Room w ith a seating capacity of 250; a P rayer Room, office and kitchen. A large book table is filled w ith “Best Books” and Bibles from Biola Book Room, and, alto­ gether, we have a “Bible In stitu te ” in m iniature. R esults A lready Accomplished A class has been formed for young men between the ages of 16 and 30 known as “The Center Club.’S.which meets on Tuesday nights a t 6:00 for th e ir supper, followed by a Bible study class. The members of th is club are all consecrated young men w ith one aim,-—to win souls for the Lord. A lthough the club is bu t in its infancy, it already has two Gospel team s to hold meetings in shops, factories or auto camps as the way opens. Several afternoon classes have also been organized for th e Ju n io r High School boys. These are called “ Pros­ pector Clubs” and meet in homes near the various school buildings. In addi­ tion, five “Home Classes” for the younger children are now being held in different sections of th e city, w ith two more in process of formation. A class for Sunday School teachers meets a t Biola Club once a week. (The work done by the two Bible Women will, of course, be reported under th a t departm ent.) The Club Rooms are kept open five afternoons and th ree . evenings each week, it being the intention th a t none of the services of Biola Club shall Conflict w ith th e regu lar services of the local churches. In giving th is brief sketch of this new work of the In stitu te, we ask th e prayers of all The K ing’s Business Fam ily th a t God Himself may be glor-


THE BIBLE INSTITUTE GLEE CLUB, C— ^ ■—> Look into the faces of these splen­ did young men who constitute the Bible In stitu te Glee Club, and then rejoice w ith them in the splendid resu lts which attended th e ir midwin­ te r tou r of th e Pacific Coast, going as far no rth as Portland, Oregon. Upon th e ir re tu rn to Los Angeles they gave a very enjoyable evening of Gospel, song and testim ony a t the In stitu te, reporting many souls won and prospective studen ts interested. ified in it all, and th a t He will open new doors of opportunity and give freedom and grace to the w o rkers;as the days go by. §p||| WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car-Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles. a OR the past several years, preached, bu t to no avail. A fter very earnest prayer, however, th a t God m ight open the door, the rig h t opportunity to speak for ,an opening came. W ith a prayer to God for guidance, th e request was made, and much, to our delight, and to God’s glory, we were told th a t every oppor­ tun ity we desired would be granted. Proceeding then w ith our work, prep­ aration s were made to enter the dif­ feren t fields. Let me give you a men­ ta l picture of the first meeting held there. As the noon day whistle blew, and th e fellows commenced to go through th e tim e clocks, in one of these shops, -—-the larg est in th e west,— the work­ ers could be seen passing out tracts, and inviting th e men to the services.

/ A le tte r since received from some of the friends in P o rtland says, in part: “We had the g reat pleasure of hear­ ing th e Glee Club a t th e church (E ast Side B ap tist), where we are members, and heartily agree th a t your In stitu te deserves g reat honor. “ Surely such a band of young men, who stand for th e noble cause, and such a leader, will do much good. It surely made a g reat impression on many here. May God bless you in your g reat w ork.” Some of the bosses were .dubious about whether th e men would attend a preaching service or not, but as the clock came around to twelve twenty, all th e ir doubts vanished, for there sa t some four or five hundred men, lis­ tening to the songs. When the “R ail­ road Song” was sung, it was w ith g reat in terest th a t they took up the chorus and sang w ith us. W hat did the preacher p r e a c h about? Would they listen to a reli­ gious talk ? Well, you should have seen them as the speaker told them th a t they, above everybody else, should believe in th e Bible for a t least th ree reasons. F irst, because we are made of the stuff God said we are mad of. Second, we are doing th e thing God said we would have to do, i.e., earn our bread by the sweat of our brow. Third, we were headed for the place described by God: “ It is appoint­ ed unto man once to die.” We always tell them if they want us to come back they will have to ask us, and when the question was pu t to them : “Do you w ant B rother Rey­ nolds to come back to us. once a m onth?” they said, “Yes, once a. week.” We have been back, bu t can only get th ere once a month. P ray th a t in our going th e Gospel may tak e hold upon th e h e a rts of the men, and th a t God H imself may do a g reat work. If you will pray and help in the w ork, drop the Superintendent of th is de­ p artm en t a le tte r and let him know.

some of th e railroad shops have been closed to Gospel meetings. Organization af­ te r organization have tried to get in, th a t th e Gospel m ight be

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