K I N G ’ S
March 1925
BIOLA CLUB (Long Beach) V. V. Morgan, Supt.— Bible C lasses, Shop Meetings, Bible Clubs for Young Men and School Boys. BjUCH a host of friends have ® been raised up in L o n g B e a c h for th e In stitu te through the faith fu l work of two of the B.I.O.L.A. Bible Women, Miss Anna Gleason and Miss E lizabeth M erritt, who have lived and worked in th a t city for about eigh t years, th a t the need for an In sti tu te headquarters th ere has been app aren t and increasingly u rg en t for some time. To meet th is need, the Lord p u t it into the h earts of two Christian busi ness men of Long Beach to erect a building and lease th e upper floor (which had been especially planned for th e purpose) to th e In stitu te, tru stin g th e Lord to give them su it able ten an ts for th e store rooms below. As a resu lt of th e ir generos ity, “Biola Club” was opened at 834 Pine Avenue on October 1, 1924, w ith an exceedingly well attended five days’ Bible Conference, some of th e ablest B i b l e teachers and preachers in Southern California being heard a t th e afternoon and evening sessions. The Biola Club “ p lan t” consists of a large Class Room w ith a seating capacity of 250; a P rayer Room, office and kitchen. A large book table is filled w ith “Best Books” and Bibles from Biola Book Room, and, alto gether, we have a “Bible In stitu te ” in m iniature. R esults A lready Accomplished A class has been formed for young men between the ages of 16 and 30 known as “The Center Club.’S.which meets on Tuesday nights a t 6:00 for th e ir supper, followed by a Bible study class. The members of th is club are all consecrated young men w ith one aim,-—to win souls for the Lord. A lthough the club is bu t in its infancy, it already has two Gospel team s to hold meetings in shops, factories or auto camps as the way opens. Several afternoon classes have also been organized for th e Ju n io r High School boys. These are called “ Pros pector Clubs” and meet in homes near the various school buildings. In addi tion, five “Home Classes” for the younger children are now being held in different sections of th e city, w ith two more in process of formation. A class for Sunday School teachers meets a t Biola Club once a week. (The work done by the two Bible Women will, of course, be reported under th a t departm ent.) The Club Rooms are kept open five afternoons and th ree . evenings each week, it being the intention th a t none of the services of Biola Club shall Conflict w ith th e regu lar services of the local churches. In giving th is brief sketch of this new work of the In stitu te, we ask th e prayers of all The K ing’s Business Fam ily th a t God Himself may be glor-
THE BIBLE INSTITUTE GLEE CLUB, C— ^ ■—> Look into the faces of these splen did young men who constitute the Bible In stitu te Glee Club, and then rejoice w ith them in the splendid resu lts which attended th e ir midwin te r tou r of th e Pacific Coast, going as far no rth as Portland, Oregon. Upon th e ir re tu rn to Los Angeles they gave a very enjoyable evening of Gospel, song and testim ony a t the In stitu te, reporting many souls won and prospective studen ts interested. ified in it all, and th a t He will open new doors of opportunity and give freedom and grace to the w o rkers;as the days go by. §p||| WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— Meetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car-Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles. a OR the past several years, preached, bu t to no avail. A fter very earnest prayer, however, th a t God m ight open the door, the rig h t opportunity to speak for ,an opening came. W ith a prayer to God for guidance, th e request was made, and much, to our delight, and to God’s glory, we were told th a t every oppor tun ity we desired would be granted. Proceeding then w ith our work, prep aration s were made to enter the dif feren t fields. Let me give you a men ta l picture of the first meeting held there. As the noon day whistle blew, and th e fellows commenced to go through th e tim e clocks, in one of these shops, -—-the larg est in th e west,— the work ers could be seen passing out tracts, and inviting th e men to the services.
/ A le tte r since received from some of the friends in P o rtland says, in part: “We had the g reat pleasure of hear ing th e Glee Club a t th e church (E ast Side B ap tist), where we are members, and heartily agree th a t your In stitu te deserves g reat honor. “ Surely such a band of young men, who stand for th e noble cause, and such a leader, will do much good. It surely made a g reat impression on many here. May God bless you in your g reat w ork.” Some of the bosses were .dubious about whether th e men would attend a preaching service or not, but as the clock came around to twelve twenty, all th e ir doubts vanished, for there sa t some four or five hundred men, lis tening to the songs. When the “R ail road Song” was sung, it was w ith g reat in terest th a t they took up the chorus and sang w ith us. W hat did the preacher p r e a c h about? Would they listen to a reli gious talk ? Well, you should have seen them as the speaker told them th a t they, above everybody else, should believe in th e Bible for a t least th ree reasons. F irst, because we are made of the stuff God said we are mad of. Second, we are doing th e thing God said we would have to do, i.e., earn our bread by the sweat of our brow. Third, we were headed for the place described by God: “ It is appoint ed unto man once to die.” We always tell them if they want us to come back they will have to ask us, and when the question was pu t to them : “Do you w ant B rother Rey nolds to come back to us. once a m onth?” they said, “Yes, once a. week.” We have been back, bu t can only get th ere once a month. P ray th a t in our going th e Gospel may tak e hold upon th e h e a rts of the men, and th a t God H imself may do a g reat work. If you will pray and help in the w ork, drop the Superintendent of th is de p artm en t a le tte r and let him know.
some of th e railroad shops have been closed to Gospel meetings. Organization af te r organization have tried to get in, th a t th e Gospel m ight be
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