King's Business - 1925-03

March 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S



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Pointers for Preachers and Teachers

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GOD’S OATHS RESPECTING CHRIST Incarnation, Gen. 22:16; Fulfilled............................Luke 1:73 Resurrection, Psa. 132:11; Fulfilled.........................Acts 2:30 Intercession, Psa. 110:4; Fulfilled..............................Heb. 7:21 Exaltation, Num. 14:21; Fulfilled.........................Rom. 14:11 — J. F. L. GOD’S COMMANDS— STANDING CHURCH ORDERS 1. “ God now commandeth all men everywhere to rep en t.” Acts 17:30. 2. Command to Pray. Matt. 7 :7 ; 1 Thess. 5 :17 ; Luke 18:1; Isa. 55:6. 3. Command to Love God and our neighbor. Matt. 22:36- 40. 4. Command to Evangelize th e world— “All nations”— Matt. 28:18-20. 5. Command to be baptized (if born again C hristian). Mark 16:16; Matt. 28:9. 6. Command to be separate from th e world and sin. 2 Cor. 6:17-18; 7 :1 ; 1 John 2:15-17. 7. Command to tith e of our goods and possessions. Mai. 3:10. 8. Command to ta k e th e Lord’s Supper. 1 Cor. 11:25-26. “This do ye*** in remembrance of Me.” 9. Command to be filled w ith the Spirit. Eph. 5:18. 10. Command to “ believe in Christ” ***and “love one an­ o ther.” 1 John 3:23. 11. Command to be faith fu l unto death. Rev. 2:10. 12. Command to build up one another in th e faith. Jude 20-25. “To obey is b etter th an sacrifice, and to hearken than the fa t of ram s.” 1 Sam. 15:22. Consider the effect upon entire Church today if these COM­ MANDS were literally carried o u t!” J. T. L. GOD’S DIVINE PROVISION FOR ENTIRE SALVATION Text: 2 P et. 1:1-14. 1. The precious faith a gift of God, v. 1, Eph. 2 :8 ,9 . 2. Divine righteousness imputed, v. 1. 3. Divine power given for all things pertaining to life and godliness, v. 3. 4. Divine knowledge by th e Spirit’s indwelling, by the Word, v. 3. 5. Divine and sure promises given; let us lay hold upon them , v. 4. 6. Divine n atu re imparted to believers, v. 4. (Thus savr ing us from tem poral and eternal c o rru p tio n .). 7. Divine virtues: F aith , virtue, knowledge, tem per­ ance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. These are added by th e Grace of God, made possible by the Spirit’s indwelling. See Gal. 5:22-23. ' 8. The Divine nom ination and election of all who are willing to come and be saved, v. 10. (When God nom inates and elects, He always wins, providing th e candidate is equally w illing.) 9. The abundant entrance into the heavenly kingdom. (Compare 1 Cor, 3:11-15.) Shall it be “ saved as by fire,” or “ abundant en trance” ? 10. These things are sure, for apostles “were EYEWIT­ NESSES of His Majesty” . The Word of God in both Old Testam ent prophecy and New Testam ent confirmation, proves these things to be true, (see vs. 15-21.) J. T. L.

Marks the end of: 1. The Lord’s Supper........................ ..........:.......... 1 Cor. 11:26 2. Our judgm ents of one ano th er and ourselves ............................................ —.......... -1 Cor. 4:1-5 3. Of afflictions ............................... Jas. 5 :7 ; Heb. 10:36, 37 4. Of E arth ly Service.—......................... .................. Luke 19 :13 5. Of Jeru salem ’s downtreading........................... Luke 21:24 6. Of Israel’s B lindness............................................Rom. 11:25 7. Of the false one’s ru le ........ Rev. 2:25-27; Ezek. 1:21-27 Then He whose rig h t it is shall wear e a rth ’s royal crown. ■—Bible Witness. SOME BLESSEDS FROM THE PSALMS 1. Blessed is the man who is up righ t— Ps. 1:1. 2. Blessed is the forgiven man—.32:1. 3. . Blessed is he whose iniquity is removed||i-32:2. 4. Blessed is nation and people who choose God— 33:12. 5. Blessed is the man who tru sts God— 40:4. 6. Blessed is th e man who helps the un fo rtun ate— 41:4. 7. Blessed is the man whom God honors— 65:4. ■ 8. Blessed is The man who dwells w ith God— 84:4. 9. Blessed is the man who is strong in God— 84:5. 10. Blessed are people who find joy in Him— 89:15. 11. Blessed are the pure— 119:1. 12. Blessed are the obedient— li9 : 2 . 13. Blessed is the man who fears God— 128:1. — Echoes. THE SAINTS’ MEDICINE CHEST One pound of the Holy S p irit’s graces in equal portions of one ounce each, as follows: 1 ozi Balm of Gilead (Jer. 8 :2 2 ).

1 oz. B ark of Calvary (Isaiah 53:4-6). 1 oz:r Syrup of F aith (Jam es 5 :1 5 ). 1 oz. Essence of Love (1 Cor. 13 :13 ). 1 oz. Oil of Confidence (Prov. 3 :2 6 ). 1 oz. Honey of th e Word (Prov. 4:20-22). 1 oz. Spice of Concentration (Sol. 4:12-16). 1 oz. . Stalk of Uprightness (Prov. 14 :2 ). 1 oz. Flower of Discretion (Prov. 2 2 :3 ). 1 oz. Root of Contentm ent (Heb. 13:5, 6 ). 1 oz. Herb of Joy (Prov. 17 :22 ). 1 oz. Milk of Kindness (Prov. 31:20). 1 oz. Frankincense of Worship (Matt. 2 :1 1 ). 1 oz. Dew of Hum ility (Prov. 22 :4 ). 1 oz. Crystals of Patience (2 P eter 1 :6 ). 1 oz. Perfum e of P raise (Psalm 103:1-2).

Pound these ingredients well in the m o rtar of believing prayer (1 John 5 :1 4 ) ,.w ith th e pestle of tru th (Eph. 4: 20, 21), add sufficient w ater of the Spirit’s life (Rom. 8: IT ), until all are proportionately mixed together^nrfTT iren put up in the ja r of a sanctified memory ¿JH^eter 1 :1 2 ). Apply th e preparation th ree times a day, and oftener if required, w ith the hand of diligence (2 P eter 1 :1 0 ), and it will be found th a t th is Christ-all p reparation (Matt. 8 :17) will cure all kinds of ailments (Matt. 8 :1 6 ). —Wesleyan Methodist.

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