March 1925
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Bi b l e I n s t i t u t e H a p p e n i n g s Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students
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Mary W are, ’24, has been accepted for work under th e H eart of India Mission Band, and expects to sail for India a t an early date. Mrs. Helen W ebendorfer, ’17, and children spent th e ir vacation in the Adirondacks, at Indian Lake, N. Y. They expect to be in Yonkers, N. Y., 5 Scarsdale Ave., for th e w inter, with Mr. W ebendorfer’s sisters, and near the rest of his family. Rev. Charles Louis Kau, a stud en t during 1920 and 1921, and for the past two years A ssistant P asto r to Rev. Beal of the F irs t B aptist Church, Tuc son, Arizona, h a s : accepted th e pas to rate of the Memorial Baptist Church, Fresno, California. WXX LCO xxum Rodeo, Calif., where he is a pastor. “ PRAY, PRAY, PRAY th a t th ere may be a g reat outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon th is place, for so many seem to be almost ready to accept Christ bu t yet will not tak e the stand they know they should. How I thank God for the train ing in B. I. before I - ran into the teaching th a t m ight have led me astra y .” , . , „ ______________ rlh/A^ fJ ■' { ^ «uv. li. li. inomas,
Miss E lla G. B ennett, ’20, Guate mala, C. A., w rites: “Have substituted in the Sunday School here for seven weeks, teaching the lesson in Spanish. Am very anxious to get into th e work a t Santa Maria. There are a thousand Indians who pass th e door every day on the road. A wonderful place to do evangelistic work.” Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Wilson, Jr., ’22, Miss Elva Burnham , ’23, and Mr. Wil liam Scherer, ’23, have arrived in South America, where theji are to work under the Inland South America Missionary Union. Word has been re ceived th a t Mr. Scherer is to labor with E rnest Diem, B. I. ’21, a t Bella Vista, Matto Grosso, on the Brazilian border. ’20, are busy w ith th e ir work for the Indians in Phoenix, Arizona. Mr, Os- burn is teaching in th e Cook Bible School and Mrs. Osburn is helping in the Indian church. Both will have Bible classes in the Government In dian School, every Tuesday evening. There are about 600 pupils in th e P ro te sta n t classes. . (.Continued on page 129)
Dr. W illiam E v a n s , lately retu rned from the Orient, was a recent speaker a t the Bible In sti tute. Dr. F . E. Marsh, of London, England, occupied the pulpit of the Church of the Open Door dur ing Ja n u ary and gave daily Bible messages which were of inestim able blessing to many. Dr. Marsh is also contributing a series of articles on “The Bible’’ to The K ing’s Business, which will con tinue through the year. Dr. F . A. Keller, superintendent of the Bible In stitu te a t Chang sha, Hunan, China, w ith Mrs. Kel ler and “Mother K eller” is a t pre sent visiting th e Bible In stitu te. Dr. Keller . has spoken several times to audiences a t the In sti tu te, and has th rilled th e hearts of his hearers w ith the story of opportunities for soul-winning work in China, and what the In sti tu te is doing to supply the need. Alma J . Olson, ’21, is attend ing the F resno State College. Mr. and Mrs. F o rd Canfield, ’18, are in Los Angeles, on furlough from China. Rev. and Mrs. H arry H ill, ’12, who have been home on furlough, have retu rn ed to Korea. Miss Ju a n ita Browne is a t the Bible In stitu te, having recently retu rn ed from South America. Naomi Olson, also a la st y ear’s stu dent, is in train ing a t the Lane Hos pital, San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Siegle, ’14, are home on furlough from th e ir field of service in Bangkok, Siam. A strid P eterson, a stud en t a t th e In stitu te last year, is teaching school n ear Reedley, California. Miss Mary J . Hall, ’17, has retu rn ed from Japan, having been called home by the illness of -her father, which re sulted in his_ death. Nellie Gribble, who attended the In stitu te during 1923-24, is teaching school in Long Beach, California. Anna Cederlund, ’24, has tak en a position w ith the Jewish Department of th e Bible In stitu te. Maxine McNeal, ’23, sailed Novem ber 6th, from San Francisco, for China. She is to work w ith the China Direct Mission.
ana Mrs. i n a n e s r i . u s
TOP ROW: Helene A gnita Claasen, Jacob C, Kobes, Margaret Whyte Stevenson, L*. Francis Miller, Ruth Virginia Smith. SECOND ROW: Sarah E. McAlister, Adolph M. Kurkowski. Pres.; Frieda A. rranz, Vice-Pres.; Wm, Mueller. BOTTOM ROW: J. Y. Lee, Milton Emery Steiner. Mrs. Milton Emery Steiner Laurence Lewis, M. Ethel Chamberlain, Charles P. Chamberlain.
F all term commencement exercises for the class of December, 1924, num bering fifteen, were held on Thursday morning, December 18th. The speak ers were Mr. L. F rancis Miller, repre
senting th e men of the class; Mis: M argaret Whyte Stevenson, represent ing th e women; and Mr. Jacob C Kobes, representing th e class. Ari they not a fine looking group?
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