King's Business - 1925-03



March 1925

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Bi b l e I n s t i t u t e H a p p e n i n g s Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

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Mary W are, ’24, has been accepted for work under th e H eart of India Mission Band, and expects to sail for India a t an early date. Mrs. Helen W ebendorfer, ’17, and children spent th e ir vacation in the Adirondacks, at Indian Lake, N. Y. They expect to be in Yonkers, N. Y., 5 Scarsdale Ave., for th e w inter, with Mr. W ebendorfer’s sisters, and near the rest of his family. Rev. Charles Louis Kau, a stud en t during 1920 and 1921, and for the past two years A ssistant P asto r to Rev. Beal of the F irs t B aptist Church, Tuc­ son, Arizona, h a s : accepted th e pas­ to rate of the Memorial Baptist Church, Fresno, California. WXX LCO xxum Rodeo, Calif., where he is a pastor. “ PRAY, PRAY, PRAY th a t th ere may be a g reat outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon th is place, for so many seem to be almost ready to accept Christ bu t yet will not tak e the stand they know they should. How I thank God for the train ing in B. I. before I - ran into the teaching th a t m ight have led me astra y .” , . , „ ______________ rlh/A^ fJ ■' { ^ «uv. li. li. inomas,

Miss E lla G. B ennett, ’20, Guate­ mala, C. A., w rites: “Have substituted in the Sunday School here for seven weeks, teaching the lesson in Spanish. Am very anxious to get into th e work a t Santa Maria. There are a thousand Indians who pass th e door every day on the road. A wonderful place to do evangelistic work.” Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Wilson, Jr., ’22, Miss Elva Burnham , ’23, and Mr. Wil­ liam Scherer, ’23, have arrived in South America, where theji are to work under the Inland South America Missionary Union. Word has been re­ ceived th a t Mr. Scherer is to labor with E rnest Diem, B. I. ’21, a t Bella Vista, Matto Grosso, on the Brazilian border. ’20, are busy w ith th e ir work for the Indians in Phoenix, Arizona. Mr, Os- burn is teaching in th e Cook Bible School and Mrs. Osburn is helping in the Indian church. Both will have Bible classes in the Government In ­ dian School, every Tuesday evening. There are about 600 pupils in th e P ro­ te sta n t classes. . (.Continued on page 129)


Dr. W illiam E v a n s , lately retu rned from the Orient, was a recent speaker a t the Bible In sti­ tute. Dr. F . E. Marsh, of London, England, occupied the pulpit of the Church of the Open Door dur­ ing Ja n u ary and gave daily Bible messages which were of inestim ­ able blessing to many. Dr. Marsh is also contributing a series of articles on “The Bible’’ to The K ing’s Business, which will con­ tinue through the year. Dr. F . A. Keller, superintendent of the Bible In stitu te a t Chang­ sha, Hunan, China, w ith Mrs. Kel­ ler and “Mother K eller” is a t pre­ sent visiting th e Bible In stitu te. Dr. Keller . has spoken several times to audiences a t the In sti­ tu te, and has th rilled th e hearts of his hearers w ith the story of opportunities for soul-winning work in China, and what the In sti­ tu te is doing to supply the need. Alma J . Olson, ’21, is attend ing the F resno State College. Mr. and Mrs. F o rd Canfield, ’18, are in Los Angeles, on furlough from China. Rev. and Mrs. H arry H ill, ’12, who have been home on furlough, have retu rn ed to Korea. Miss Ju a n ita Browne is a t the Bible In stitu te, having recently retu rn ed from South America. Naomi Olson, also a la st y ear’s stu ­ dent, is in train ing a t the Lane Hos­ pital, San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. A lbert Siegle, ’14, are home on furlough from th e ir field of service in Bangkok, Siam. A strid P eterson, a stud en t a t th e In ­ stitu te last year, is teaching school n ear Reedley, California. Miss Mary J . Hall, ’17, has retu rn ed from Japan, having been called home by the illness of -her father, which re­ sulted in his_ death. Nellie Gribble, who attended the In stitu te during 1923-24, is teaching school in Long Beach, California. Anna Cederlund, ’24, has tak en a position w ith the Jewish Department of th e Bible In stitu te. Maxine McNeal, ’23, sailed Novem­ ber 6th, from San Francisco, for China. She is to work w ith the China Direct Mission.

ana Mrs. i n a n e s r i . u s

TOP ROW: Helene A gnita Claasen, Jacob C, Kobes, Margaret Whyte Stevenson, L*. Francis Miller, Ruth Virginia Smith. SECOND ROW: Sarah E. McAlister, Adolph M. Kurkowski. Pres.; Frieda A. rranz, Vice-Pres.; Wm, Mueller. BOTTOM ROW: J. Y. Lee, Milton Emery Steiner. Mrs. Milton Emery Steiner Laurence Lewis, M. Ethel Chamberlain, Charles P. Chamberlain.

F all term commencement exercises for the class of December, 1924, num­ bering fifteen, were held on Thursday morning, December 18th. The speak­ ers were Mr. L. F rancis Miller, repre­

senting th e men of the class; Mis: M argaret Whyte Stevenson, represent ing th e women; and Mr. Jacob C Kobes, representing th e class. Ari they not a fine looking group?

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