King's Business - 1925-03


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March 1925

A n Eight Months’ Revival in Des Moines, Iowa Something New in th e H istory of Evangelism

“The T ribune,” a local newspaper, in reporting one of th e meetings du r­ ing the closing week, had this to say: “Nearly one hundred persons ‘h it the sawdust tra il’ when Evangelist H arry O. Anderson made th e call for converts at the. conclusion of his ser­ mon on the subject ‘Dynam ite’ a t th e Tabernacle, F ifth and Center Streets, last night. “ P reaching from the text, ‘For l am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvar tion,’ Rev. Anderson made a plea for less formalism and more sincerity in worship. ‘God’s Word says th a t you are dead in trespasses and sins,’ the evangelist said, ‘and the only way this condition could be remedied was for God to send His Son to die in th e sin­ n er’s place. Jesus is more th an a saint, a m artyr, or a g reat and noble man. He is the veritable Son of God, and wherever He has been lifted up, He has saved to th e utterm ost. I believe th a t Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of mankind, and He is the c e n tra l. theme of all history.’ ” Mr. Anderson is now holding meet­ ings in Spokane, W ashington, bu t is scheduled to re tu rn to Iowa for an ­ o ther campaign th is spring. tached to paganism , though an aw ak­ ening has begun. “The first m issionaries came to Cy­ prus from Beyrut in 1834. They began evangelistic and educational work, w ith headquarters in Larnaca, bu t in 1841 were forced to abandon it owing to the unhealthiness of th e climate. In 1888 delegates from L atak ia resumed the work and a chapel'was built. This chapel was destroyed by fire in 1901 (evidently by n atives), b u t on the same site a stone chapel was erected later. “The work now being carried on by th e Reformed P resbyterian Mission of North America is well organized, bu t th e ir work is extremely difficult, having to deal w ith people of different nationalities and peculiar customs, especially in religion. They have met w ith g reat opposition, b u t God has blessed the seed sown and it is now beginning to bear fruit. “ I hope God is pu tting Cyprus upon th e h earts of His people, and ask you to pray for th is island. ‘Behold, th e arm of th e Lord is no t shortened th a t He cannot save, nor His ear heavy th a t He cannot h ear.’ Please pray for th e conversion of my wife and chil­ dren. “ I rem ain, yours in th e Lord Jesus, all by grace, “ Christo H ji K yriakan..”

through which the Holy Spirit m ight operate. Many times the organization would manifest th e weakness of human flesh in neglect and indiffer-

(Rev. H arry O. Anderson, a former stud en t of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, concluded, last December, a rem arkable series of meetings in the city of Des Moines, Iowa, dem onstrat­ ing th e possibility and advisability of holding city-wide evangelistic cam­ paigns by one evangelist. The story, as given below, speaks for itself. We commend th is man of God to The K ing’s Business Fam ily for th eir pray- ers.1^—Ed.) In March, 1924, the H arry O. Ander­ son Evangelistic Party, conducted th eir opening meeting in the city of Des. Moines, Iowa, and from th a t ini­ tia l service a revival fire started to burn in the h earts of God’s people and swept over the city. Five Union Taber­ nacle campaigns were conducted in five different sections of th e city, over a period of eight months,— from the opening' service to the closing night— December 15, 1924. The fifth and la st Tabernacle Meet­ ing was held in the h e a rt of th e city, two blocks from the place where Billy Sunday conducted his most successful campaign ju st ten years previously. This Tabernacle .seated 4000 people, and represented th e nine large down­ town churches. The glory and bless­ ing of th e Lord rested upon th e meet­ ings in an unusual manner, and many souls were won to Christ. During Evangelist Anderson’s cam­ paigns in DCs Moines, he preached’ to over 200,000 people. The movement was backed by more th an fifty evan­ gelical churches, and 2,200 persons definitely and publicly confessed the Lord Jesus Christ. The Des Moines newspapers covered th e meetings w ith special reporters, and the closing meetings were reported in “The Des Moines C apital’’ as fol­ lows: “A trium phal close to Evangelist H arry O. Anderson’s Union Taber­ nacle meetings in Des Moines, extend­ ing over a period of eight months in five different sections of the city, was staged last night w ith the-reception of 260 converts in response to the last call. “Numbered among those who ‘h it the sawdust tra il’ were a L A R G E PROPORTION OF MEN, INCLUDING BUSINESS EXECUTIVES from the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and the local Civic Clubs.” “One thing th a t characterized the Des Moines campaigns was th e leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. O rganization was used and fostered as much as possible to form a channel

REV. HARRY O. ^NDERSON Former Student Bible Institute of Los Angeles

epee, bu t ju st a t such points the Holy Spirit manifested H imself as th e great Executive. In bringing the crowds to th e Tabernacle, in moving upon the waiting people in convicting and con­ verting power, in com forting and sus­ taining grace,— the Holy Spirit was p resen t.” '

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“Now they which were scattered abroad upon th e persecution th a t arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching .'the word to none bu t unto th e Jews only’-’ (Acts 11 :19 ). One member of The K ing’s Business fam ily lives in th e ancient Isle of Cy­ prus, one of the first places to be evangelized by the early church, as mentioned in the reference from Acts given above. W riting to our Book Room for supplies recently, he gave some very in teresting facts about con­ ditions there, himself being a convert to Christianity through the work of the Reformed P resbyterian Church. Mr. ICyriokan says: “The New Testament does not re­ cord more about Cyprus th an that, after th e preaching referred to in Acts 11:19, P aul and Barnabas landed at Salamis in Cyprus and went through the island preaching; but we know from other sources th a t the church here began to grow rapidly, especially afte r the expulsion of th e Jews, bu t later became corrupted, being mixed w ith Hellenism and Judaism . Even today, the ancient church th ere is at-

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