King's Business - 1925-03



March 1925

BIG $2.50 BIBLE with helps byMoody, Whittle and others F R E E Sell only 25 copies of our beautifully illustrated Chris­ tian Home Maga­ zine at 10c each, and receive this handsom e g ift. Send no m oney until you sell the magazines. Address The Christian Home Magazine


commonly to do w ith its extent. Most of these theories may be considered in ­ complete, bu t not fundam entally false. III. F alse Theories about th e Death of Christ The Atonement being a work, cen­ tra l and perfect in itself, may be ap­ proached from different sides as an ­ swering to th e many-fold need, and may therefore guide to diverse righ t explanations. This vital Bible tru th , however, has always been the aim of the antagonism and hatred of Satan and his agents. The most dangerous opposition did not come by downright denial, hu t “according to the working of Satan, w ith all deceitfulness of un-- righteousness,” subtle falsifications of its real significance. “ Has God really said ?” Many rival theories which are “ doctrines of men and of demons” have therefore been suggested to take

the place of the one tru e doctrine. “Take heed to the doctrine” (1 T im .). But in the ligh t of Scripture, th e fol­ lowing theories may thu s be easily disproven as they are obviously in con­ flict w ith th e whole tenor of Scripture. They have been held by divers men and schools, in the successive, ages of church history. 1. Christ’s death was not “an acci­ dental event,” bu t occurred in the fu ll­ ness of tim e according to an eternal purpose .(John 10:18; 1 P ete r 1 :2 0 ). 2. Christ’s death was not “immoral or h eathenish,” bu t th e very principle of morality, as shown in th e history of the Christian church. I t produced the g reatest moral influence on humanity. 3. Christ’s death, was no t th a t of a “m a rty r,” a mere “vicarious confes­ sion,” b u t th a t of a sacrifice for the world (Matt. 1 2 :31 ). 4. Christ’s death was not a mere “moral Ideal,” an extreme example of His teaching, etc., bu t a necessary act (John 1 0 :18 ). 5. Christ’s death was not a “ busi­ ness tran saction .” He did not “pay God,” for God was in Christ, reconcil­ ing the world unto H imself (2 Cor. 5 :1 9 ). 6. Christ’s death was no t “ paying the Devil.” He did more; He over­ came and judicially destroyed him (John 16:8; Col. 2 :15 ; Heb. 2 :1 4 ). IV. P rim e R equisites fo r th e Due Un­ derstand ing of Christ’s D eath ■ 1. The recognition of Christ’s vica­ rious death is conditioned to the recog­ nition of the basic conception of the Bible doctrine, i. e., th e assumption th a t God and man are ideally alike in life and in terest. I t is assumed th a t God and man should be in harmonious relation, “At-one.” Both are shown to be moral agents, man sustaining to God th e relation not only as a subject to a ruler, but as an in telligen t moral agent to ano ther moral’ agent. 2. The recognition of Christ’s vica­ rious death anticipates the recognition of m an’s fall, u tte r sinfulness, impo- tency and guilt. The Bible estimation of th e n atu ra l man is: “ blind,” 2 Cor. 4:4;. “lost,” Luke 15; “ guilty,”'R om . 1 :2 ; “ condemned,” John 3:18; “ dead,” Eph. 2:1, 2; “ coming short of the glory of God,” Rom. 3:23, etc. Man, th ere­ fore, has judicially forfeited h is rig h t of existence in any good sense, seeing he failed to fulfil th e purpose for which a holy God had created him—-for all things were created for Him and for His glory. Hence, inevitable physical (Continued on page 126).

1810 Young St. Cincinnati, O.


Contains over 250 loose-leaf pages for personal notes that m ay be inserted in any number of pages between any pages in the Bible. Looks like a regular Divinity Circuit bound Bible. Sendfor Illustrated Catalog of Bibles THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA AYeYaYaYaY f e"ÉYàYtY*YtYâYAYâYAYAYAY±YAYâYl

Proof of Reliability D E C E N T L Y w e re- -*■ ceived a l e t t e r from a man in Buf­ What the Map Is T h e S tou t’s Stu d en t Map of P alestin e is an idea that is unique, in terestin g and m ost in stru ctive.

falo, N. Y., which read like this: “I have just returned f r o m a trip through Palestine. The guide o f our party used one of your Stout’s Stu­ dents Map of Palestine to point out spots where B i b l e incidents oc­ curred. Kindly send me one o f these maps as I believe it will help me in making my lessons interesting to my class.” This p r o v e s beyond all doubt that this map is reliable and .true to fact. It has w ith­ stood the “acid te st” and has proven itself to be correct in every detail.

T h e m ap sh ow s on its fa ce th e very sp o t w h ere a b ou t 5 0 of th e m ost in ter­ estin g Bible in cid en ts to o k p la ce. For exam p le, “H ere C h rist fed 5 ,0 0 0 “ , “H ere little Sam uel lived - w ith E li,” “H ere S am son slew 1,0 0 0 P h ilistin es,” etc., etc. T h is is o n ly o n e featu re of the m ap. It has an alp h ab etical list of all cities, tow ns, rivers, lak es, plains, and m ou n ­ tains, on th e 'm a rg in so arran ged that a n y can be found easily and readily. It also sh ow s b y arrow ed lin e the jo u rn ey s o f Christ, ch ro n o lo g ica lly ar­ ranged, w ith a list of th e ch ief even ts of each jou rn ey, w ith referen ces as to w h ere th ey a re recorded in M atthew , Mark, L uke and John. A lso the O ld T estam en t referen ces. Y ou m ay k n ow the fact and date p erfectly y e t if y o u are “A ll in the F o g ” ab ou t the p lace, there m ay com e a tim e w h en yo u w ill blush at you r ow n ign oran ce.

SIZES AND PRICES No. 1, 22x34 inches. Lithographed in six colors, printed on tough ledger paper and enclosed in an envelope. 50 cents each, postpaid. No. 2, 22x34 inches. Lithographed in six colors on fine cloth-lined map paper and mounted on tin rollers. $1.00 each, postpaid. ORDER OF YOUR OWN DEALER OR MEIGS PUBLISHING COMPANY 806 OCCIDENTAL BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Kindly Mention The King's Business

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