March 1925
“Church Activities” A Live, Practical Church Bulletin for One Dollar
and sp iritu al death for etern ity (not ann ih ilation ). Men, having become identical w ith sin and Satan (Jer. 17: 11; John 8:24, 44, are now logically the subjects of the righteous w rath of God, th e la tte r being only the neces- sary executive agency of His holy and benevolent n atu re and law. 3. The due recognition of the Atone m ent anticipates the recognition of the reality of sin, death and Satan. The A tonement is in itself a clear avowal of the reality of the above mentioned (John 8:24, 44; 1 John 5:5, 8). 4. It anticipates the recognition of the unalterable righteousness and holi ness of God and the certainty of the fu tu re judgm ent which th e Bible con stan tly contemplates (Rom. 3:23-25; Gal. 6:7, 8; 1 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 20: 8; 21 :15 ). 5.. It requires the recognition of the Scriptural view of the incarnation, the absolute Deity of Christ, yea, His iden tity w ith the F ath e r (John 1 :14 ; 6:69; 8:58; 14:6, 20; 1 Tim. 3 :16 ; 2 Cor 5 :1 9 ). (Concluded in April number) THE BIBLE It is the one Book in th e world th a t appeals to th e h ea rt of th e world. It is like the tree of life; and the leaves of this tree are for the healing of the nations. It is th e pure river of w ater of life, for it comes out of the Throne of. God, and of th e Lamb; and every thing shall live w hither the river com- eth. It is the tran sfo rm er and regener ato r of the h earts of men, the lives of communities, th e morals of races, the ideals o f countries and the destinies of nations. The Bible, if not the oldest book, is a t the. least one of th e oldest books in th e world, and yet it never can be treated as a venerable relic of an ti quity. It refuses to be superannu ated. It is not dead, and it cannot be buried. It is invested w ith the mystic potency of ever-increasing life. It is zoic and energic as Paul said (He brews 4 :1 2 ), vital w ith sup ern atu ral vitality, and vitalizing w ith myster ious potencies th e lives ' of innum er able millions, and the reading and th ink ing of the most progressive na tions in the world. “The common duty of Christians,” cried th e g rea t Bishop W estcott “is to bring th e Bible to all men.”— Dr Dyson Hague, in “ China’s Millions.”
This new idea Church Bulletin consists of twelve handsomely printed monthly sheets 15 J /2 inches w ide by 2 7 inches long, bound at top with metal strip, and ready for hanging in a prominent place in the church or Sunday School. There are spaces for three an nouncements for each day of the month, with space for day and hour o f each activity. A t the bot tom there are additional spaces for all the regular Church Activi ties, as well as a large space for special announcements. Every pastor will appreciate the value of this Church A ctivity Bul letin. It will save him answering many questions as to the time and place o f whatever is going on, and will prevent confusing and duplicating dates by different departments. It will be a valuable aid to all de partments o f the Church or Sun day School, as there are spaces enough for announcement o f the activities of each department.
Church Activities Bulletin, as illustrated and described above, sent to any address for One Dollar, postpaid.
THE HAMMOND PUBLISHING CO. has for many years made a careful and thorough study of ways and means for increasing attendance a t Sunday Schools, maintaining that attendance a t its highest point, and assisting the officers and teachers to their best efforts by providing efficient and busmess-like records and helps of various kinds. The Church Activities Bulletin described above is only one of the hundreds of practical helps produced by the Hammond Publishing Company. If you have never had a copy of our complete Manual of Sunday School Methods, “The Business End of a Sunday School” , you are missing a chance to help your Church and Sunday School progress.
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