TH E K I N G ’ S
March 1925
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 114) lieve in Christ. The best thing to do in this case is to show them John 1:12, 13— th a t to believe is to receive Christ as a definite act of faith, and only as they definitely receive Christ are they made th e sons of God. It is well to undeceive them in regard to sonship, for they all believe th a t th rough the rite of baptism they are children of God. F o r th is purpose, use verse 13 to prove th a t sonship is not attained by human b irth rig h ts or ceremony, b u t th a t it is a work of regeneration by th e will of God. W ith this use also Jam es 1:18, 1 P eter 1:23, John 3:3, 5. You will need tact and patience. They believe they can be saved by good works. Ask them “W hat w orks?” and how many good works will it take to determ ine th e ir salvation. F o r this class use Ephesians 2 :8 ,9 ; Galatians 2 :16 ; Romans 4:4, 5; also Acts 13:38, 39. Then lastly, tu rn to John 6:27-29 and emphasize the fact th a t He died in our place and we are to believe all our sins were judged, or punished, in the person of th e Lord Jesus (Isaiah 53). ■ ISPI I M iH BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City M ission for Men in the center o f Los Angeles. Meetings con tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day Prayer Meeting. years ago one of our brightest and most successful soul w inners around Biola Hall took g reat offense a t the faith fu l ness of a beloved Nathan, who, looking him in th e eye, said, “Thou are the m an,” and, like Naaman, he turned away in a rage, la ter on retu rn ing w ith the full intention of whipping th e man who had the courage to tell him the tru th . But the gracious reception he received so broke him down tha,t ere long he “went down into Jo rd an ” and was healed of his moral leprosy. Ev erywhere he went the message of God’s redeem ing love in Christ came from h eart and lip to th e praise of God and salvation of many. Finding him self in an adjacent city some th ree years ago, listening to a brigh t young man instructing a com pany of children in acting, he did not hesitate to tell the instructor he was using his talen ts to fit those little ones — for whom Christ d ie d ^ f o r eternal hell. Then was enacted another scene sim ilar to the one in his own life when he himself had been convicted of sin. These two men never saw each other for th ree years, bu t God was working in the life of the prosperous th eatrical man, until “ down and ou t,” penniless, friendless and unu tterab ly wretched, he found him self aim lessly w alking along Main Street, w aiting for night, when he could slip into one of th e sky scrapers of Los Angeles and fling him self down from the roof and, as he vainly imagined, end his misery. He had planned th is way of suicide simply because he hadn ’t the money to buy poison. | RUTH is stran g er th a n fiction, as we who are constantly running up against the “seamy side” of life have reason to know. Several
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