King's Business - 1925-03


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March 1925

Was it chance which directed his steps past Biola H all and, hearing a strangely fam iliar voice ringing out a message of hope for the hopeless, was constrained to pause and listen? When the speaker had finished he made his way to him and discovered, sure enough, the .very man who had faith ­ fully dealt w ith him regarding his per­ sonal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ th ree years before. The recognition was instantaneous. Memory, the worm th a t never dieth, flashed the scene and words vividly again before him, and th is time, afte r hours of patien t and loving dealing, th e tears began to flow, the h eart grew tender and responsive to the old love message, the will a t last yielded to the gracious invitation, and rest came w ith the entrance of Jesus. As th e boys were singing out, w ith shining faces and happy tones, a favo­ rite hymn in the noonday meeting, th is young man took up th e refrain , "A ll m y.: life w a s w re c k e d b y sin and. strife . D isc o rd filled m y h e a r t w ith p a in ; J e s u s sw e p t a c ro ss th e b ro k e n s trin g s , T h a t is w h a t I s h o u t a n d sin g ," m ingling his voice w ith th a t of the man who had been used of the Holy Ghpst to point him to Christ, and a note of thanksgiving went up from our h ea rt to our gracious heavenly F ath e r for the Gospel which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone th a t be- lieveth. Mr T H E L IT T L E B E H IN D -H A N D M AN T h at eloquent lectu rer J. B. Gough, in his splendid address on “H abit,” tells the story of a man who was al­ ways late. Said a friend to him on one occasion, when, as usual, he came in afte r time, “ You belong to the three-handed species,” “Ah,” re­ marked the late-comer, “ a very rare species th a t.” “Oh, no; plenty of them ,” was the reply; “ two hands like other people, and a little behind­ h a n d !” - There a r e .n o t a few folk about of th a t type. Not a serious sin, j comparatively speaking, bu t ju st one of th a t order th a t saves from perfec­ tion. And th e little extra would ju st mean th a t punctuality th a t is so worth while.—-The Christian H erald (London). T h at Dwight L. Moody is more than a memory and th a t his name is still influential is manifest by th e fact th a t 170,403 copies of the Moody Colport­ age L ib rary books were sent out last fiscal year by the Bible In stitu te Col­ portage Association of Chicago, whose annual m eeting was held recently. This vast quan tity is about 5,000 cop­ ies more th a n for the immediately pre­ ceding year. The secretary’s repo rt shows th a t' 4,180,000 pages of tracts were also printed during the year. The Association’s m issionary departm ent stressed work for the spiritually neglected in nearly a thousand jails, prisons,- and other penal institutions, and also amongst the homesteaders and pioneers in th e out-of-thé-way places, especially in the Rocky Moun­ tain states and provinces. MOODY CO LPORTAG E D IST R IB U T IO N

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