TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
March 1925
BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS , (Continued from page 122)
relieve the sickness of the soul as well as of the body. . , . Give my best regards to all th e students and friends.” F ra n k lin G. Huling,; “ 19, w rites from Salt Lake City: “We greatly appreciate th e Bible In stitu te loaning Miss Rouzee to us. She did a real and lasting work for the Lord here in Salt Lake City. Before she le ft she arranged for the organization of a union Bible class and for Mrs. Huling to teach. They call it th efl ‘Monday Club’ and meet a t the F irs t Presby terian Church. They have m et twice, w ith fifty present th e first tim e and seventy-five the second. Our work is going forward very well, b u t we need and earnestly pray for a tho r ough Heaven-sent revival.” (Mrs. Huling was formerly Mrs. Zella Hall, Superintendént of wftffien a t B. I. O. L. A.) Mr. A. N. Willems, ’20, Reedley, Calif., w rites: i-#For th e last th ree months I have been engaged in secu lar work, which has given opportunity to w itness for “Him who bought us.” The local church is getting along splendidly. The Young people are be ing bu ilt up in their faith by thor ough studies on subjects such as Sin, R ighteousness, the Son of God, Re demption through the blood, and mány others. It is our privilege to assist in th is g reat work. We are praying daily for th e B. I., ?md hope the dear Lord will cause every stud en t to ac quire not only a theoretical knowl edge of th e Word of God, bu t also an ever-increasing desire to . see souls saved. We are well and happy. Our baby is a great blessing in th e home.”
A le tte r from Mina Septer, ’20, Aiquile, Bolivia, Bolivian Indian Mis sion, tells of preparing to go down to the coast to see her sister, Mrs. Oscar d o s e , (nee E thel Jan e Septer, '1 8 ), on h er way home on furlough. Mrs. Close and her husband have been sta tioned in Brazil, connected w ith th e Southern Methodist F oreign Mission Hoard. Mr. Thomas Derr, ’22, Sao Paulo, Brazil, w rites concerning th e experi ences of him self and Mrs. D err dur ing a South American revolt. “Once more our loving Heavenly F a th e r has manifested H is ft wondrous keeping power over us, in th a t during th e sev enteen days of th e revolt, in which we fo rk e d for the Red Cross and were under fire constantly* we came out w ithout h u rt.” v j. Basil Long, a stud en t in 1921, w rites th a t he and Mrs. Long, evan gelistic singers and pastors’ helpers, had ju s t closed a glorious revival meeting a t th e ’ Beelville P r. Baptist Church, Albany» Wis., many taking the stand for Jesus, and 14 young peo ple dedicating th e ir lives for full time Christian service on th e evening of the young people’s rally. Mr. and Mrs. Long were scheduled for the F irst Baptist Churches of Albany, Wis., Cin cinnati, Ohio, and Mattoon, 111. R eina Heavener, ’.23, is attending the Teachers’ College in San Jose, California, getting more train ing be fore going to South America. She says, “ I ’ve been asked to speak a t the Young People’s meeting a t the F irst B aptist Church the last Sunday in th is month. It i s a m issionary meet ing, a n d -th e y asked me to speak, among o th er things, of th e school I attended. So I ’m going to give our beloved B. I. a big boost. . . . Dr. K night, pastor of the Grace Baptist Church, where I attended, is a Moody jhan, and very fine in every way.” jlj Della Evanson, ’24, is a t home in ijjanton, South Dakota. Miss Evanson 'itjells how she misses the Bible In sti tute. In speaking of the Faculty she Bays, “You all set high standard s for [us/1—which inspire me very often to w ant to be strong and sincere and ijheery as the teachers a t B. I. . . . jfhe church and town are both giving me every opportunity to speak and leach , so I’ll have to be prayerful and frilling. The K ing’s Business comes lik e a fresh breeze every month from |B. I- Oh! w hat a place th a t dear School is. I hope and pray th a t the ila s s room will be full this w inter.” I Alice H arper, ’23, is in Longmont, Colorado. “ In seeking God’s will in 'regard to th e nurses’ training, I am (persuaded th a t th e Longmont T rain in g School is th e one for th e present. I have been here half of my probation p eriod and like the work fine. Oh, it jils wonderful to know how to elim inate l|ome of th e sufferings of th is old world, and my prayers and thoughts are continually centered to the time when I may get out into th e field to
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