TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
March 1925
PRACTICAL METHODS OF PERSONAL. WORK (Continued from page 117) should be punished, do you n o t?” then quote Rev. 21:8 “But the tearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and Idola ters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which hnrneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.” Romans 3:9-20 and Mark 7:21,22 gives a photograph of man from God’s viewpoint. The personal worker should read th is passage over and over un til he has indelibly impressed upon his m ind the picture. F ifth ,— Impress upon th e person being dealt w ith th a t the g reatest sin of all is rejection of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord (Heb. 10 :29 ) “Of how much sorer punishment, sup pose ye, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace.” (John 3:36) “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Sixth,— Seek to produce th e convic tion th a t salvation has no t only been accomplished by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on th e cross, b u t th a t th is sal vation is a t th e ir disposal. In the Bible God has not only shown w h at sin is, and its te rrib le consequences, bu t has also shown th a t He has provided a way by which th e sinner may escape th e etern al penalty of sin (Isa. 53: 3-6; 1 P et. 2:24) “Who his own self hare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteous ness; by whose stripes ye were healed.” (John 3 :16) Seventh (and fin ally ),-^seek to com pel a decision to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. If possible, a t th is stage, have a word of prayer, ask ing th e Holy Spirit to compel convic tion and incline the h ea rt to decide at once. A good illu stration to use is found in Matt. 2.5:5: “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” b u t all must eventually wake up (Rev. 6:17) “ For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall he able to stand?1’ BACK NUMBERS WANTED! We are desirous of securing two copies each of Jan . and Sept., 1919, Jan. and Feb., 1920, and in addition a full y ear’s set of 1919 K ing’s Busi ness. We will appreciate th e coopera tion of our subscribers in helping us to secure these copies.
LittleMistakes In English Make OthersJudge You Unfairly Does your English reveal your lack of education or does it prove that you are a person of culture and refinement ? English is the one weapon you m ust use every day . This tells how you can im prove it almost a t once. You are sized up every day by what you say and write. The words you use, how you use them; your spelling, grammar, punctuation —thesç tell the measure of your ability, your experience, your breeding, more clearly than anything else. Your English says to all the world, "This is what I am!” HowPoor English HurtsYou English is the advertisement of your ability. Your language determines your position in the social and business scale. Charming personality, fine clothee, wonderful appearance, count for little if handicapped by imperfect or “sloppy'’ English. People will think you are lacking in education and culture if you spell incorrectly euch common words as "business," “abbreviate,” etc.; if you say "Betweenyou and I” instead of "between you and me;” ifyou use who” for “whom” and “shall” for “will.” What can you expeot people to think if you don't know when to use one or two c’s” or m V’or r’s” or when to use *ei” or “ie,” or if you say “hosPITable” when you should say “HOSpitable.” Fairly or unfairly, everybody everywhere judges you thé same way. Poor English is an unnecessary handicap. 15 M in u te s a D ay PerfectsYourEnglish .If your English does not make people think the beet of you then it must be improved. Extensive tests show that most men and women are but 61% efficient in the essential points of English. But now there is a way to improve your English. Sherwin Cody, perhaps the best-known teacher of practical English, has perfected and patented a remarkable device which quickly givesyou a commanding mastery of English. He has thrownaside all the “junk” which makes theold methods so inefficient. The drudgery of rules and tiresome drills is discarded. Each evening you are assigned an easy 16-minute lesson. No time is wasted on whatyou already know. You are quickly shown your mistakes in spelling, punctuation* grammar, and pronunciation, and you concentrate on the points that need attention. By actual use correct English soon becomes a habit. AstonishingBookonEnglish and 15-Minute Test— FREE A command ofpolished and effectiveEnglish denoteseducation and culture It wins friends and makes a favorable impression upon those with whom you come in'contact.- ‘In .-tnuamesa-as-wella» in•soeiaHife.-correct English gives you added advantages and better opportunities while poor English handicaps you more than yon will ever realise. And now, in only 16 minutes a d ay - in your own home—you can actually cheek up and see yourself improve by using the 100% self-correcting method. Mr. Cody has prepared a simple 16-minute test which you can take in your own home. The correct answers are given so you can tell at once just whsre you stand. If you are efficient in English it will give you greater confidence; if you are deficient you surely want to know it. Write today for this test— it is free. We will also gladly mail you our new book, “How to Speak and Write Masterly English.” Merely mail the coupon, a Utter or a postal oard. Free yourself of the embarrassing errors in English that make you feel ill at ease. You can never aohieve your greatest possibilities until you master English. Write today. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 733 Searle Building Rochester, New York
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ed court room spellbound for two hours, instructing Hebrew Rabbi in the faith of Christ. A copy of this Spirit filled testimony sent FREE by addressing CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ISRAEL 505 W ut 179th St. E.td. 1921 New York City
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