King's Business - 1925-03



March 1925

B E S T B O O K S Any book reviewed or advertised on these pages may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

I W ITH A N ACCRED ITED SCHOOL | BMIHiTlirLM A Complete Conservatory Course R y M a i l Wonderful home study music lessons under fr*< g rea t American and European teachers, endorsed by Paderewski. Masterteachers guideand coach you Wessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. AnvInslrumpnt Writetellingus course „ „ J “ *11, ?°u are interested in- Rano, Harmony,Voice. Public SchoolMusic, Violin, Cornet. Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ—and we will send ourFree Catalogwith detailsofcourse youwant.Sendnow. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 11^ Siegel-M yers Bldg. Chicago, Illinois

The P salm of th e P ilgrim , by Ford C. O ttman, D. D. A message on the Twenty-third Psalm , of forty-seven pages, every page, carrying a story of value. (The Book S tall) 20c P rofessor Lou, by May E. McDon­ ough. An in teresting story for young people who are confronted w ith the theory of evolution and other phases of modern though t equally as unscrip- tu ra l and unscientific. (Ham ilton J Bros.) $1.00 E arly Hebrew H istory, by H arold M. W iener, M. A., London. Of special value to teachers and pastors. It cov­ ers some factors in early Hebrew his­ tory and the law of change in the Bible and the Biblical doctrine of responsibility.' (R ob ert Scott, London) i $1.75 Scripture Memory Work, by Gerrit Verkuyl, Ph. D. A handbook con­ tain ing fifty-two selections of Scrip­ tu re, w ith helps for th è leader. The United P resbyterian says: “This book is intended as a hand book for Sab­ bath schools, vacation Bible schools,; mission bands, etc. It supplies a need felt by parents and teachers. P articu ­ lar atten tion is called to th e chapter on methods of memorizing.” (Revell! $ 1.00 E te rn a l Life in Action; by J. C. Massee, D. D., P asto r T remont Tem­ ple, Boston. A series of sermons on th e F irs t Epistle of John. Dr. Massee is a Biblical preacher, tru e to th e Old Book, He says in the preface: “ In these messages I have n o t referred to any of th e questions involved in crit­ ical scholarship in the conviction th a t those who sit a t the table of the Lord are not chiefly concerned w ith the parings of the kitchen, b u t th a t they will relish the prepared food of th e table. I have soqght herein to present eternal life in action in the daily lives of those who have had the transform ­ ing experience of regeneration.” (Revell) $1.50 The Quest of th e H idden Ivory, by Josephine Hope W estervelt, au tho r of “The Lure of th e Leopard Skin.” A th rilling story of th e adventures of two college boys who go on a hunting trip through Africa to obtain speci­ mens for a museum. Though the boys had high Ideals and standard s before sta rtin g on the trip , before it is com­ pleted they both feel a call to a life of Christian service. This book should a t once tak e ran k as perhaps th e most effective work of its kind in the field of those publications whose object is to compel an intelligent in terest in foreign missions. Missionary states­ men will recognize in this book the touch of one who has gone to the h ea rt of the m issionary problem in A frica.” (Revell) $1.75 The Lord’s Supper, by Bishop F ra n ­ cis Wesley Warne, of th e Methodist Church in India. A valuable sugges­ tion for p reparation for th e commun­ ion feast. E ight messages. The Bishop says: “While th is brochure was being prepared, the suggestion was made |

th a t it m ight be useful for probation­ ers’ classes, for young people in the Epworth League chapters, as a con­ venient and helpful present from friend to friend, and in homes where young people are being prepared for th e ir first communion. If th is should prove to be true, and India; through th is means, is enabled to offer a help­ ful contribution to our good people a t home who have done so much for my beloved India, th e h ea rt o f one Indian m issionary will indeed be made tru ly glad.” (Methodist Book Concern) 50c The Absurdities of Evolution, by Güy' F itch Phelps, Author, Poet, Lec­ tu re r and Magazine W riter. I t is sa|e to say th a t th e hum an m ind has n e te r been imposed upon by a more colossal fraud th an th a t of Evolution. The tenacious hold which the theory has taken upon' a portion o f the present generation can only be explained by th a t m ental bias which periodically breaks over into some unbelievable absurdity. The au tho r says: “ I want young men and women to read what I have w ritten, and for th a t reason have arrang ed th e m a tte r of this vol­ ume under headings w ith th e briefest possible comments following. * * » As we say in th e West, I have handled th e subject; ‘w ithout gloves’:” Espe­ cially recommended to students and young people. (B. I. Colportage Asso­ ciation) $1.25

S u n d a y S ch o o ls , Churches(¿Auditoriums TFMT <2 s o / t a b l e f o k BlSÜl a l l o c c a s io n s pii r i T A i n r . , I

Sacred Quartets For

M E N ’S VOICED By J. E. STURGIS and W. S. MARTIN A brand-new collection of 124 sacred quartets,manyof which have never before been pub­ lished. Every one by a noted composer. Carefully selected to fit the average voices. Fine

MISSIONARY BANNER Price, $6.00, Postpaid

for men’s chorus choirs. Clear type, securely bound. Durable paper cover. Price only 60c each. S e n d for returnable copy. Examine it and convince yourself that you can find nothing better. T h e S T A N D A R D P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y Dept. 18-K. Eighth, Ninth and Cutter Sts., CINCINNATI, OHIO EVANGELISTIC PIANO PLAYING made easy by the H om e S tu d y C orresp on d en ce C ourse in G ospel S o n g P ian o A ccom p a n im en t Composed and prepared by ROBERT HARK- NESS (World-renowned Sacred Pianist and Composer) SIXTY LESSONS teaching: Chorus Accompaniment, Solo Accom pani­ ment, Improvisation, Phrasing, Interpreta­ tion, Pitch, Musical Memory Training, The Pedals, Technique Development, Rythm, Sight Reading, Transposition (3 m ethods), Musical Expression, Musical Form, Com­ plete Musical Illustrations, and Improvisa­ tions printed in the Course. A p ractical, p ro g ressiv e co u rse o f HOME STUDY for all S acred P ian ists W rite NOW for com p lete details R O B E R T H A R K N E S S Note new address: MUSIC-ART STUDIO BLDG. 233 South Broadway, Los Angeles Calif., U.S.A.

Made of the best quality felt. Red back­ ground w ith white letters, and silk fringe. Open Bible in center. Catalogue illustrat­ ing other banners sent on request* / STOCKTON PRESS 516 N . Charles St. Baltimore, M d. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH Native E vangelists and Bible Women w ho’a n being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. Write Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature.

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