March 1925
B E S T B O O K S Any book reviewed or advertised on these pages may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
I W ITH A N ACCRED ITED SCHOOL | BMIHiTlirLM A Complete Conservatory Course R y M a i l Wonderful home study music lessons under fr*< g rea t American and European teachers, endorsed by Paderewski. Masterteachers guideand coach you Wessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. AnvInslrumpnt Writetellingus course „ „ J “ *11, ?°u are interested in- Rano, Harmony,Voice. Public SchoolMusic, Violin, Cornet. Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ—and we will send ourFree Catalogwith detailsofcourse youwant.Sendnow. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 11^ Siegel-M yers Bldg. Chicago, Illinois
The P salm of th e P ilgrim , by Ford C. O ttman, D. D. A message on the Twenty-third Psalm , of forty-seven pages, every page, carrying a story of value. (The Book S tall) 20c P rofessor Lou, by May E. McDon ough. An in teresting story for young people who are confronted w ith the theory of evolution and other phases of modern though t equally as unscrip- tu ra l and unscientific. (Ham ilton J Bros.) $1.00 E arly Hebrew H istory, by H arold M. W iener, M. A., London. Of special value to teachers and pastors. It cov ers some factors in early Hebrew his tory and the law of change in the Bible and the Biblical doctrine of responsibility.' (R ob ert Scott, London) i $1.75 Scripture Memory Work, by Gerrit Verkuyl, Ph. D. A handbook con tain ing fifty-two selections of Scrip tu re, w ith helps for th è leader. The United P resbyterian says: “This book is intended as a hand book for Sab bath schools, vacation Bible schools,; mission bands, etc. It supplies a need felt by parents and teachers. P articu lar atten tion is called to th e chapter on methods of memorizing.” (Revell! $ 1.00 E te rn a l Life in Action; by J. C. Massee, D. D., P asto r T remont Tem ple, Boston. A series of sermons on th e F irs t Epistle of John. Dr. Massee is a Biblical preacher, tru e to th e Old Book, He says in the preface: “ In these messages I have n o t referred to any of th e questions involved in crit ical scholarship in the conviction th a t those who sit a t the table of the Lord are not chiefly concerned w ith the parings of the kitchen, b u t th a t they will relish the prepared food of th e table. I have soqght herein to present eternal life in action in the daily lives of those who have had the transform ing experience of regeneration.” (Revell) $1.50 The Quest of th e H idden Ivory, by Josephine Hope W estervelt, au tho r of “The Lure of th e Leopard Skin.” A th rilling story of th e adventures of two college boys who go on a hunting trip through Africa to obtain speci mens for a museum. Though the boys had high Ideals and standard s before sta rtin g on the trip , before it is com pleted they both feel a call to a life of Christian service. This book should a t once tak e ran k as perhaps th e most effective work of its kind in the field of those publications whose object is to compel an intelligent in terest in foreign missions. Missionary states men will recognize in this book the touch of one who has gone to the h ea rt of the m issionary problem in A frica.” (Revell) $1.75 The Lord’s Supper, by Bishop F ra n cis Wesley Warne, of th e Methodist Church in India. A valuable sugges tion for p reparation for th e commun ion feast. E ight messages. The Bishop says: “While th is brochure was being prepared, the suggestion was made |
th a t it m ight be useful for probation ers’ classes, for young people in the Epworth League chapters, as a con venient and helpful present from friend to friend, and in homes where young people are being prepared for th e ir first communion. If th is should prove to be true, and India; through th is means, is enabled to offer a help ful contribution to our good people a t home who have done so much for my beloved India, th e h ea rt o f one Indian m issionary will indeed be made tru ly glad.” (Methodist Book Concern) 50c The Absurdities of Evolution, by Güy' F itch Phelps, Author, Poet, Lec tu re r and Magazine W riter. I t is sa|e to say th a t th e hum an m ind has n e te r been imposed upon by a more colossal fraud th an th a t of Evolution. The tenacious hold which the theory has taken upon' a portion o f the present generation can only be explained by th a t m ental bias which periodically breaks over into some unbelievable absurdity. The au tho r says: “ I want young men and women to read what I have w ritten, and for th a t reason have arrang ed th e m a tte r of this vol ume under headings w ith th e briefest possible comments following. * * » As we say in th e West, I have handled th e subject; ‘w ithout gloves’:” Espe cially recommended to students and young people. (B. I. Colportage Asso ciation) $1.25
S u n d a y S ch o o ls , Churches(¿Auditoriums TFMT <2 s o / t a b l e f o k BlSÜl a l l o c c a s io n s pii r i T A i n r . , I
Sacred Quartets For
M E N ’S VOICED By J. E. STURGIS and W. S. MARTIN A brand-new collection of 124 sacred quartets,manyof which have never before been pub lished. Every one by a noted composer. Carefully selected to fit the average voices. Fine
MISSIONARY BANNER Price, $6.00, Postpaid
for men’s chorus choirs. Clear type, securely bound. Durable paper cover. Price only 60c each. S e n d for returnable copy. Examine it and convince yourself that you can find nothing better. T h e S T A N D A R D P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y Dept. 18-K. Eighth, Ninth and Cutter Sts., CINCINNATI, OHIO EVANGELISTIC PIANO PLAYING made easy by the H om e S tu d y C orresp on d en ce C ourse in G ospel S o n g P ian o A ccom p a n im en t Composed and prepared by ROBERT HARK- NESS (World-renowned Sacred Pianist and Composer) SIXTY LESSONS teaching: Chorus Accompaniment, Solo Accom pani ment, Improvisation, Phrasing, Interpreta tion, Pitch, Musical Memory Training, The Pedals, Technique Development, Rythm, Sight Reading, Transposition (3 m ethods), Musical Expression, Musical Form, Com plete Musical Illustrations, and Improvisa tions printed in the Course. A p ractical, p ro g ressiv e co u rse o f HOME STUDY for all S acred P ian ists W rite NOW for com p lete details R O B E R T H A R K N E S S Note new address: MUSIC-ART STUDIO BLDG. 233 South Broadway, Los Angeles Calif., U.S.A.
Made of the best quality felt. Red back ground w ith white letters, and silk fringe. Open Bible in center. Catalogue illustrat ing other banners sent on request* / STOCKTON PRESS 516 N . Charles St. Baltimore, M d. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH Native E vangelists and Bible Women w ho’a n being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. Write Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature.
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