King's Business - 1925-03


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Marek 1925

Science Discovers the Secret of Caruso’s Wonderful Voice

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS (Continued from page 118)' - th e earnest attem p t to win ano ther to th e Lord Jesu s Christ. Show your friendliness for others by beseeching them to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as th e ir personal Saviour. The whole world is a foreign field to God, and we are all constituted m issionaries. All around us thousands of souls are per­ ishing,-—men and women plunging into eternity w ithout Christ and w ithout hope. Will we sit idly by and make no effort to win these to the Saviour? APR IL 5, 1925 What Should th e Church Expect of Me? 2 Tim. 2:1-7; 15-26 (Consecration Meeting) As an Endeavorer, you are supposed to be a member of some local church. When you joined th a t church you made certain vows to abide by its rules and government, you entered into a sol­ emn covenant to work fo r thè peace, purity and prosperity of th a t church, and you assumed certain obligations concerning the service for th e church and support of • the church. Your church, then, has a rig h t to expect you, as far as possible, to keep your prom­ ise to abide by its rules, to observe the covenant and to m eet your obligation. Your church has a rig h t to expect you to attend its own services, to ex­ pect your life to tally w ith your pro­ fession, to expect your daily walk to be consistent w ith your Christian En­ deavor pledge, to expect you to be in­ terested in getting others to the church and to be burdened in w inning others to th e Lord Jesus Christ. Every so­ ciety ought to have a P asto r’s Aid Com­ m ittee of some kind,— a group of con­ secrated young people a t the service of th e pastor. Every society ought to keep in touch w ith the Sunday School Superintendent. He often needs teach­ ers and sub stitu te teachers and other helpers. He needs th e help th e Chris- tion Endeavorer can give. Remember our motto, "F o r Christ and the Church.” BREAKERS NOT BUILDERS Some Christians have never been “ broke to work double,” they cannot keep step w ith others— they must have th e ir “ own way” or they will not work a t all. If th eir will is crossed,, they do no t h esitate to make a split in the body of Christ. They will separate very friends w ithout any though t of w hat it has cost someone who went before to build up an assembly. In ­ deed, we have known some of this kind who seem to delight in tearing to pieces and scattering the flock of God,’ all to satisfy a selfish ambition. These are n o t builders, they are b reakers, and very often ju st bluffers. P au l had th is class in mind when he said, “ I beseech you breth ren , m a rk them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them , for they th a t are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ.”— Exchange.

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Why is it that the humble peasant boy o f Italy became the greatest singer o fall time ? This dia­ gram of his thrat will show you. Caruso’s mar­ velous voice was due to a superb development of his Hyo - Glossus muscle. Your Hyo - Glossus muscle can be developed, too1 A good voice can be made better—a weak voice become strong—a lost voice restored—stammering and stuttering cured. Science will help you. Your voice can be improved 100% A few very fortunate persons—like the late Caruso—are born with the ability to sing well. But even Caruso had to develop his Hyo-Glossus muscle before his voice was perfect. You can develop a beautiful singing orspeakingvoice if your Hyo-Glossusmuscle is strengthened by correct training. Pro­ fessor Feuchtinger. A. M.—famous in the music centers of Europe for his success in training famous Opera Singers—discovered the secret of the Hyo-Glossus muscle. He devoted years of his life to scientific research and finally perfected a system ofvoice train­ ing that will develop your Hyo-Glossus muscle by simple, silent exercises right in your own home. The Perfect Voice Institute guarantees that Professor Feuchtinger’s method will improve your voice 1 0 0 You are to be you? own judge—if your voice is not improved 100# in your own opinion, we will refund your money. GrandOperaStars HisStudents Hundreds of famous singers have studied with Professor Feuchtinger. Over 10,000 happy pupils have received the benefits of his wonderful train­ ing. You do not know the possibilities of your voice. If you want to sing—but lack the proper training because you have not the time nor means to study—here is your chance. You can now train your voice at a very small cost in the privacy of your own home. If you want to improve your speaking voice—if you stammer or stutter—Professor Feuchtinger will help you. Prof. Feuchtinger’s Book FREE You will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying this book “ Enter Your World.” It may be the first step in your career. Do not delay. Mail the coupon today. Perfect Voice Institute,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 53-13 Chicago Please send me FREE Professor Feuchtinger’s book, “ Enter Your World.” I have put X opposite the subject that interests me most. I assume no obli­ gations whatever. ....... Singing ....... Speaking ....... Stammering.... Weak Voice Name. Address. S ...................................................... Age.

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