T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
March 1925
OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN HUNAN PROVINCE, CHINA (Concluded from page 111) left in charge by th e sou thern General Shen Hung Ing. Gen eral Luh did not, however, stay long a t th is time, but retu rn ed early in April and received a h earty welcome from the people, who seemed to th ink th a t he would be able to restore Kweilin to h er form er position of w ealth and power as capital of th e province. One of the in teresting features of th is welcome was th a t every home placed a bowl of w ater and a m irro r outside of th e door, w ishing to indicate by this th e ir belief in the pu rity of motive and clearness of judg m ent of General Luh. The merry-making, which lasted fo r several days, was rudely disturbed, however, on April 11 by the news th a t th e re was fighting outside of the South Gate. H urriedly the gates were closed against th e forces of General Shen Hung Ing and a siege sta rted which was to la st for seventy-seven days. Before long fam ine conditions prevailed. Long before th e end of the siege th e b etter rice had been exhausted and th e poorer people were fed on a coarse soft rice which was dealt out to them from th e Red Cross and from th e home of a Christian carpenter. There were instances of starving to death and of many who preferred suicide to starvation. F igh ting was severe during the whole eleven weeks of th e siege and many civilians w ithin th e city were killed by stray shots. One m issionary, th e Rev. J. R. Cunningham, was among those who lost th e ir lives. Two Dreams May I tell you of two incidents which were a g rea t com fo rt to me and w ere used of God to streng then th e faith of both foreign and Chinese Christians. We were living in a second sto ry room. One n igh t I dreamed th a t my father, who has been dead for many years, came into th e room w ith a large stick and demanded to know why I was still living there. I should say th a t I believe God often speaks through dream s, and as soon as I wakened I moved downstairs. At 9 o’clock th e following morning a bullet whizzed through the window, and by the m arks which it left it was evident th a t had I been sitting a t my desk in the up stairs room it must have passed th rough my body. The second occasion was when, la te r in the siege, I dreamed again and saw sol diers from H unan who assured me of protection. Soon afte r the city gates were sh u t a mail carrier was allowed to enter, though from th is tim e on none could come in or go out. He brought a le tte r telling me of the severe illness of my brother, b u t it was impossible for me to go to him or to hear any fu rth e r news of him. A t last, early in June, news came th a t six foreigners were to be allowed to leave, and I tried to make arrangem ents for Band No. 3 to leave w ith them . The officials would not h ear of this, however, bu t consented to my leaving. I a t first felt th a t I could no t leave my colleagues, bu t on th e ir u rg en t recommendation and th a t of the m issionary friends I finally decided to do so, leaving th e city on Jun e 12. About two weeks la ter negotiations were entered into which made it possible for the other members of th e band to leave. Though the work was much hindered we had many oppor tunities, for which we th a n k God. We were daily engaged in, evangelistic work in the hospitals, by means of which many were led to the Lord who otherw ise m ight never have known Him. We were able also to en ter into th e sufferings of th e local Christians, and I believe we were made a com fo rt to them . The th ree churches were led, by th e ir m utual dangers, into a deeper and. more united prayer life th an they had form erly enjoyed, and all our eyes were opened to see the arm ies of the Lord round about the city as were the eyes of th e young man in Dothan many years ago.
Unusually Helpful Books Fro« B io la ’s Own Presses The Gospel of the Grace of God B y John T . Copley The Gospel and Its Ministry
B y Sir Robert Anderson No better book has y et been w ritten in defense of the great fundamental doctrines of the Christian religion. The chap ters on the Godhood of God, the Cross, the Atonement, the Spirit's work, etc., are incom parably great. It is a book you need to have handy in these days when so m any are departing from the faith. Paper, 25 cents The Triumphs of the Cross B y W . C. Stevens A splendidly w ritten small book treating on the deeper lessons of the Cross. It shows very clearly what the V ictor ious, Sacrificial death of Christ on Calvary’s Cross purchased for the believer— what the be liever’s standing and priv ileges are as a new man in Christ. Dr. Charles A. Blanchard, president of W heaton (111.) College, says of it, “In this day when so many pass the cross and look upon it a s a needless thing, those who real ize as Mr. Stevens does, that it is everything to the needy souls of men, have a right to speak, and I do not believe there will be found one person in the world who will thought fully, prayerfully r e a d this book, who will not find help and com fort in it.” Paper, 35 cents based on the authority of the Scriptures of both the Old and New Testam ents, being abso lutely unquestioned. Evidence is drawn from the word of God alone, since no final light can be found on th is subject other than it has pleased God to reveal in the Bible. There is no discussion as to the ac tual existence of Satan, this being both assum ed and taught from Genesis to Revelation. 163 pages; 25c postpaid (paper) Satan B y Lewis S. Chafer This is an outline of the Scripture teaching on the arch enemy of men’s souls. It is
Many books have been w rit ten about Grace and the Grace of God, but it remained for this little brochure to bring to gether every reference to Grace in the New Testam ent; and to teach clearly not in persuasive words of man’s wisdom , but in the very words of Scripture w hat Grace really is. Paper, 50 cents Diary of a Doctor’s Son (W ith a Moral) By K eith L Brooks The sure cure for a ‘‘blue' Monday” or a ‘‘black Friday” and a real entertainm ent for a group of friends when read aloud. N ot a dry page in it. The “D I A R Y OF A DOC TOR’S SON” w as actually tak en from diaries kept by the author when a lad. Some years ago, the strikingly f u n n y things were typew ritten and copies given to friends in the hopes of giving them “hyster ics.” It did the work and was used b y them to am use many groups who wanted an hour of wholesome fun. The repeated urging of friends has led us to print it w ith a few "illustra tions.” A ttractively bound, printed in large clear type on good paper. 25 cents.
Chalk Talks
B y Frank Miller Just what workers w ith chil dren have been looking for. Seven easily reproduced black board illustrations together
with the necessary Chalk Talks for making them readily un derstood. Mr. Miller is an ex ceptionally successful evangel ist am ong children. He knows just how to tell the Gospel story so that it will reach the heart of the child and cause him to w ant to know and ac cept Jesus as Saviour. Paper, 25 cents Death Defeated and Defied B y D r. R . A . T o rrey
A m essa g e o f com fort, co n so la tio n and ch eer to all th o se w h o h ave suffered th e lo ss o f loved o n es through death. T h is serm on w a s p reach ed b y D r. T o rrey th e first Su n day after the d eath o f his y o u n g est daugh ter, M ar garet, and it sets forth in a m asterly w a y th e attitu d e that a C hristian sh ou ld take tow ards d eath. It tells also o f th e w on d rou s b lessin g that can com e in to o n e’s life through th e lo ss of loved ones. T h is is a b o o k that y o u w ill w a n t to p u t in to the hands o f all th o se w h o m ourn. P rinted in large, clear, easily read ty p e and tastefu lly bound, gift b o o k sty le. P aper, 2 5 cen ts If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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