TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
March 1925
PASTOR MONSKY, OF AUSTRIA , VISITING AMERICA Vast sections of Europe are ju st as much mission fields as China or India o r Africa or South America. As a re su lt of the World W ar th ere has come a new openness to the Gospel, and the Holy S pirit is raising up men in Eu rope itself to preach this Gospel as the doors open, and arousing the Christian world everywhere to a new in terest in the needs of Central and Eastern Europe in particular. The arrival in th is country about the first of the year of P asto r Monsky, the now well-known evangelist of Austria, is a challenge to Christian workers everywhere to pray and to take a hew in terest in this vastly needy field. Those desiring to secure P asto r Mon sky’s services for public meetings should do so a t once, as he has many calls for service. A rrangements can be made through P asto r O. R. Palmer, 2244 N. 29th S treet, Philadelphia, Pa. SECRETARY WILBUR’S SUNDAY It is refreshing to read something else th an scandal concerning those higher up in the government circles. Thus, th ere was something encourag ing about th e newspaper repo rt th a t the secretary of th e navy, Curtis D. W ilbur, while on his way recently from California to W ashington, stop ped' off in Chicago to “ avoid Sunday travel, to ‘attend church, and to enjoy a quiet re st.” If all of our cabinet officers and government au tho rities should exhibit th e same desire to hear God’s Word, th ere would certainly be less scandal in th e high places,—Wal- th e r League Messenger
by selecting either of these Easter books. Here is a wealth of material including recitations, dialogues, songs, tableaux, drills and pantomimes, written and presented in simple style—each containing more than enough for your program. Readeachdescriptioncarefully. THE PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK This wonder book of recitations, dialogues, songs, tab leaux, drills and pantomimes has everything that anyone may wish for in preparing an Easter Service. Every number is entirely new—none have ever been in print. One feature follows another. A collection of pleasing surprises. The ParamountEasterBookprovidesmaterial for every department from beginners to adult. It pic tures, tells and sings the beautiful Easter story in ways that must leave lasting impressions. EASTER TIDINGS Awonderful collection ofmaterial for your Sunday School Easter Program. 170 recitations, 17 delightful dialogues and 23 beautiful songs. Adapted for all ages—young and old will enjoy having a part in a service, made doubly enjoyable with the least worry and effort—EASTER TIDINGSwilldoit. The price of each of the above booksis 25 cents. Write to your supply houseor senddirect to M E Y E R & 56 W. Washington Street B R O T H E R Chicago, Illinois I ti Ifr U£ f iH O R C n FURNITURE Pews, Pulpits» Chairs, Altars, Book Racks, Tables» Communion Ware—EVERY THING. The finest furniture made. Direct from our factory to your church. Catalog free. n»Monlin Bros. & Co.. Dpt a« Greenville, I1L ,
P asto r Monsky attended different universities, bu t took his final exami nation in the University a t Koenigs- berg, afterw ard tak ing special work in a Seminary for P reachers in Berlin where he studied under th e K aiser’s Court P reacher. F o r some time he was A ssistant M inister in the large C athedral in Koenigsberg, before ta k ing up his present work in the m idst of the Catholic population of Austria. To h is church and the university tra in ing he owes his historical background of Bible teaching, b u t it was not un til afte r he entered his p resen t work th a t he was converted and came to know the Lord Jesus in his personal expe rience, especially through the Gemeins- ch aft Movement prom inent in Central Europe. P asto r Monsky’s message is one of personal salvation and real separation to God, w ith rich illum ination of w hat the Holy S pirit has w rought. He ex presses the though t th a t the reason why Europe was plunged into w ar was because the church had given th e peo ple an intellectual conception of the love of God, b u t they did no t know th is love in the power of the Holy Spirit in th e ir own lives. P asto r Monsky gives a strik ing reminiscence of Martin Luther, who was said to have predicted th a t the devil had in m ind to drown Germany in blood, and to tak e away the Gospel out of the German Empire. When he would have driven out the doctrines of God’s Word, th en would such sorrow, distress and trouble come over Germany th a t men would say, “This was once Germany!” P asto r O. R. Palm er, of Philadel phia, who visited A u stria in the sum mer of 1923 and saw some of th e work a t first hand, has spoken of P asto r Monsky as a tru e follower of Martin L u th er for his day, field and genera tion. The Christian Business Men’s League of Philadelphia have requested th a t Mr. Vischer, one of P asto r Monsky’s co-laborers, accompany him as in te r p reter in English-speaking churches. T H E H A R V E S T T R U L Y IS P L EN T E O U S In various parts of the world a N ative Trained Christian may be supported in the work of God for an entire year for from $15. to $600. W ill you pray about this? Literature free. PAUL H. TABER, Sec., Box K, 2007 Foster Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
SUNDAY SCHOOL GRADING G rading in education is a necessity in the proper development of th e child. I t has come to stay. Schools must be graded for life itself is a succession of various stages of development. To ignore grading in the Sunday School means to dim inish th e school’s effectiveness. The casual read er or one professionally interested in lesson sys tem s will find th e little booklet, “GRADING THE SUNDAY SCHOOL” very convincing. It will be mailed free to you upon request. G ranted th a t a school m ust be graded, th ere still rem ains the problem of selecting the most effective system. It is not necessary to burden a school w ith a complex system in giving the pupils th e best for them . Close grading is no t necessarily essential to accomplish th e best results. We suggest th a t you study the m erits of these lessons. TheWestminster Departmental Graded Lessons GRADED BY AGE GROUPS Each Group Represents a Department The m aterial of these lessons is selected for the average ages of th e various groups, h u t w ritten so as to be adaptable to th e various ages w ithin each group. Thus it is th a t we claim they have th e advan tages of a more closely graded system w ithou t th e complexity. We issue a number of booklets upon these lessons. Send for them as follows. They are free. THE DEPARTMENTAL GRADED LESSONS SELECTED E L E C T I V E COURSES FOR SENIORS, YOUNG PEOPLE, ADULTS ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS THE WHY AND THE HOW DETAILED OUTLINE THE 1925 PROSPECTUS The Publication Department PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (THE WESTMINSTER PRESS) Headquarters: PHILADELPHIA, W itherspoon Building New York, 156 Fifth A ve. Chicago, 125 N. W abash Ave, Atlanta, 200 Auburn Ave. Cincinnati, 420 Elm St. Nashville, 71 1 Church St. St. Louis, 914 Pine St* . San Francisco, 278 P ost St. Pittsburgh, Granite Building
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