Marcii 1925
MAN’S QUESTIONS AND GOD’S ANSWERS (Continued from page 105) the palace to th e waif in the street, from th e highest to the lowest, from the east to the west— “ all have sinned.” And it does seem as if it would he wise for any man, if these answers are tru e and correct, to sit down and face them as he would face any question of his daily life or of his business life. The fourth question: W ill God P un ish Sin? Now God’s answer to th e question ju st preceding th is is th a t you and I are charged w ith sin. Therefore, will God punish sin? I realize th a t th ere are those who say th a t God is too good to punish sin. But, notice, this statem ent originated w ith man and not w ith God. There is no place in all the revealed Word of God where it says He will not punish sin. All the way through God says th a t He will punish sin. The answer to th a t question is found in Ezek. 18 :4 : “The soul th a t s in n e th ,.it shall d ie.” Notice, also, Rom. 6:23: “F o r the wages of sin is d eath .” It is not mere physical death, the death of the body; it is eternal death, th e second death. A few days ago I read a p art of a le tte r from Dan Craw ford, over in Africa. In th a t letter, he tells about one of the phrases of the Book which is influencing th e wonderful revival qf th e dark people of Africa— “ the second death.” Dan Crawford tells how even there, as it is here, th ere is th a t idea which some men voice and so many seem to believe, th a t man dies bu t once-—in the flesh; bu t God says th e re is a second death. The fifth question, following natu rally afte r this, is: Need I P erish ? Is there no way I can escape the punishm ent and judg m ent for my sins? I am accountable to God. He knows all about me. He does charge me w ith sin. He will punish sin. But need I perish for my sins? Let me read God’s answer in 2 Pet. 3 :9 : “The Lord is not willing th a t any should perish, hu t th a t all should come to repentance.” The sixth: How Can I Escape? There is running through the m idnight darkness of the coming judgm ent a ray of hope. God is not w illing th a t I should perish. How then can I escape? How can I get away from th e coming judgm ent on sin? That, too, is a practical question. The answer th a t God gives is ju st as plain and definite as the question. In Acts 16:30, we read: “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou sh alt be saved.” The Gospel is th e most simple thing in all th e world. There is first of all th e great, stupendous, inescapable fact of sin, and th a t we are linked, w ith it. Then th ere is the fact of Christ, and salvation through Christ. Is It not sim ple? “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” ^ Notice the seventh question: Is He Able to Save Me? God says, in answer to the question as to how I can escape, “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.” The th ing I am concerned about next is w hether He is able to save me. Has He the power, has He the ability to rescue me from the punishm ent of sin and the judgm ent to come? You will find God’s answer in Heb. 7 :25 : “He is able also to save them to th e utterm ost th a t come unto God by H im .”
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