King's Business - 1925-03


March 1925

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Now th a t we know on God’s own au tho rity th a t He is able to save, the next question, the eighth, would he: Is He W illing to Save Me? Oh, so many of us are able to do things b u t we are not willing! We are face to face w ith the g reat facts of sin and of judgm ent. We have discovered on God’s au tho rity , in answer to our questions, th a t He is no t w illing th a t we should perish; th a t He has provided, a way of escape by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ; and th a t Jesus Christ is able to save. Now is He w illing to save?- The answer is in 1 Tim. 1 :15 : “ Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinn ers.” When you th ink of the Babe in th e manger of Bethlehem, of th e dying form of the Son of God on th e cross of Calvary, and of th e empty tomb, d are you ask, “ Is He w illing?” He undertook the journey to earth from Glory, and went th rough all the anguish and suffering on Calvary’s cross, th e guilty to save. Then He is w illing; He is willing! ■ Let me tak e the n in th question. This is one in which so many people seem to become involved, and y et God’s answer is very clear and very plain. I t is a simple question, a prac­ tical question, and an im po rtan t question: Am I Saved by Merely Believing on Jesu s? God’s answer is in John 3:36: “He th a t believeth on th e Son h ath everlasting life.” There is no other condition of salvation b u t faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. May I use ju st one illu stration ? You remember when Jesus hung on Calvary’s cross th ere were crucified w ith Him two thieves, one on th e rig h t hand, the other on th e left. One th ief joined w ith those around him in ridiculing Christ, b u t th e other th ief rebuked him for it, and said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom .” And Jesuq said to him , to th e thief who was dying on the cross, “Today sh alt thou be w ith Me in paradise.” He had no work to do so th a t he m ight gain salvation. He only had a crim inal record. But on the cross, w ith his last breath , he believed! He was saved by merely believing on Jesus Christ. In following th e n atu ra l line of questionings, the ten th would be: Can I be Saved Now? It is God’s answer I am concerned about, and it is God’s answer which means everything to you. Listen, then, from 2 Cor. 6:2: “ Behold, now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” Now is th e tim e to decide. You know not about tomor­ row, and yesterday is gone. “Believe (NOW) on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou sh alt be saved.” Let me tak e th e next question: Can I be Saved J u s t as I Am? W ithout preparation, w ithout getting ready, w ithout making myself b etter in character and appearance? Can I be saved ju st as I am? W ith all my sin, w ith all my stains, w ith all my filthiness? Let me read th e answer from John 6:37: “Him th a t cometh to me I will in no wise cast ou t.” No m atter how filthy your garm ents, no m a tte r how stained by sin, and bruised by many a fall—“ Him th a t cometh to me I will in no wise cast ou t.” The tw elfth qu estion : Shall I Not F a ll Away?; If I do come, and if I am saved, what if I shall fall away again?

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