TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
March 1925
MAN’S QUESTIONS AND GOD’S ANSWERS (Concluded from page 137) In Jude 24, God answers: “Now unto him th a t is able to keep you from falling.” The th irte en th question briefly follows this: If I H ave Been Saved, How Should I Dive? If I have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, how should I live now? God’s answer is from 2 Cor. 5:15: “They which live should no t henceforth live unto themselves, bu t unto; him which died for them .” And here is a question which has made strong men trem ble and brave men weak. I t is th e question which has broken down the reserve of many a man as he has stood at th e edge of an open grave,— W h at About Death and E te rn ity ? Let me give you the answer of Jesus Christ H imself: “ I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, - and receive you unto- myself; th a t where I am, th e re ye may be also.” John 14: 2, 3. Is it not tru e th at; as I have passed from one question to another, I have touched all the g rea t questions th a t man has to ask? And is it not equally tru e th a t to every ques tion of m an’s th ere is th e definite, plain answer from God Himself? God’s Question Over again st m an’s questions and God’s answers, I want to pu t th e one g rea t final question th a t God asks of you. And God waits, the angels w ait,, all Heaven w aits for your answer! God has answered your questions. W hat will you do with. God’s question? How will you answer it? He has one single question to ask. And I challenge any man or woman who has not yet done so to face it, and give answer! This is God’s question to you, my friend: “W h at will you do w ith Jesus, which is called C h rist?” God has answered all th e questions you can ask. How will you answer Him? W hat will you do w ith Jesus, which is called Christ? OUR F IRST AUTOMOBILE ADVERTISEMENT In this issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS th e re appears our first automobile advertisem ent. Our readers will be interested in th e significance which th is advertising carries. The Dagmar Car is bu ilt by the M. P. Moller Motor Car Company of Hagerstown, Md. Many of our readers will imfnediately see the connection between this and th e name of a fine church organ. Mr. Moller, who years ago started the organ factory th a t is now th e world’s largest, is presi dent of th e M. P. Moller Motor Car Company.' In character istic manner Mr. Moller has associated w ith him a staff of automobile engineers and men who have produced a car th a t is artistic and beautiful in design, and w ith mechanical perfection th a t equals th e highest priced car. Mr. Moller’s life-long dealing w ith church people has inspired him w ith a confidence th a t they constitute the very best m ark et for the beautiful easy-riding and durable Dag m ar Car. He has devised a plan whereby this high-grade car is pu t w ithin th e reach of every automobile buyer. THE KING’S BUSINESS ON THE MISSION FIELD Don’t forget th a t we have a large list of m issionaries on the firing line who are depending on us for The K ing’s Business. I t would th rill your h ea rt to read some of the letters we get telling of the inspiration the K. B. brings to them. KEEP THE MISSIONARY FUND REPLENISHED!
“Best” Books ____Bible Study Personal and Practical Christian Work By T . C. H orton T h is b ook , w h ich is the ou tg row th o f over forty yea rs o f p ra ctica l w ork as p astor, tea ch er and p erso n a l w orker, con tain s a sh ort cou rse on Bible d octrin e. A th orou gh cou rse on how to deal w ith the u n saved of all classes (in clu d in g fo llow ers of the cu lts) w ith h elp fu l illu stra tio n s and a p p rop riate Bible readings. S u g g estio n s as to p reach in g, co n d u ct of p u b lic services, m iscellan eou s m eetin gs, h ou se to h ou se visitations, Sunday S ch o o l w ork, etc. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 Knowing The Scriptures By A . T. Pierson Divine Unity of the Scriptures S u p erin ten d en t Em eritus o f th e B ib le Institu te of Los A n g eles
By Rev. Adolph Saphir These lectures of Dr. Saphir are, in some respects, the m ost important of all his writings, as they give, in connected form, his matured view s of the relation of the tw o great divi sions of the Bible. Dr. Saphir was preparing these lectures for the press when he was so suddenly and unexpectedly re moved from the earthly scene. They are published with, of course, corrections f o r the press— just as he left them;
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The Patmos Vision By George W . D avis This is the best single vo l ume commentary on the book of Revelation in print today. We know that that is a big statem ent, but the book will fully back up all that we say in its favor. It is an excep tionally well thought out book for these last days. This is not a book to be merely read and laid aside— it is a book to be studied. If you are teach ing a class in prophecy you will find “The Patm os V ision” exceptionally helpful. Paper, $1.25; Cloth, $1.75
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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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