King's Business - 1925-03


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March 1925

F INE GOLD (Continued from page 109)

Important Biola Helps for Bible Study Ransacking the Scriptures B y K eith L. B rooks T h is is a b o o k w h ich ev ery C hristian sh ou ld p o ssess and carry w ith him . It con tain s Bible R ules for Bible S tudy; alp h ab etical arran gem en t of im portan t Bible ch a p ­ ters; num b er of ch ap ters in ea ch b ook ; k ey n o te of each b ook ; k ey v erse o f ea ch b o o k ; C hrist in ea ch b ook ; o u t­ w ard d ivision s o f the B ible; sp iritual co n clu sio n of each b ook ; im portan t facts ab ou t th e B ible; d isp en sation al divi­ sion s; p roofs of in sp iration ; in d ex of all Bible even ts. It h as a topical and alp h ab etical a rran gem en t o f all Bible stories, enab lin g o n e to turn in stan tly w ith ou t th e u se of a C on cord an ce, to a n y in cid en t or im portan t them e. P aper, 2 5 cen ts The Son of Man By Keith L. Brooks Jesus— the Prophet, Priest, King By Dr. R. A . Torrey

were in abundance in th e early days. There too, before the Civil W ar, these peace-loving Quakers had an underground railway, and many a slave did they forward on his way to Canada. To th is village, and to her old home, Myrtle Morehouse retu rned , bringing Billie Bob for his first visit. She was not happy. She did not w an t to come, bu t she did w ant t o . get away from Brooklyn and the memories there, and this was all she could do, all th a t she knew to do. She hated the place, she hated poverty, she hated the responsibility, she hated housework; she felt abused; she loved th e city, th e gayety and en tertainm en t found th e re ; so it was in b it­ terness of soul th a t she came back to h er old father. The neighbors and old-time friend s came to see h er, but her a ttitu d e soon made them, cease coming, and as she refused to go anywhere she soon was leading a lonely, bit­ te r life. L ittle Billie Bob did not enjoy the atmosphere of his home, and he began to make happier friends elsewhere. Everybody loved Billie Bob; everyone welcomed him and was kind to him. I t is tru e they pitied him, for he soon bore traces of sad neglect. He stayed more and more away from home. He w ent to school, for he loved to learn and was a good stud en t for one so young. Many times he did not re tu rn home from school un til d ark ; it did not seem to distress his mother as much as it did his g rand fath er, but even th e g rand fath er ceased to worry about him, for Billie Bob always came home to sleep. This can be said for Myrtle Morehouse th a t she had never had th e sole care of h er child, and she did not realize what should be done, and w hat was sorely needed in the care of h er own child. Then, too, she gave herself up to morbid grief, not so much for the loss of her husband, as for the loss of the kind of a life she had led and the visions she had formed of w hat th e near fu tu re was to bring them in increased riches. She resented the poor, meager life she was now compelled to live,— however, she did not bestir herself to change it. The w inter passed, spring came to the little village, and w ith it all its attending beauties. Billie Bob reveled in the b righ t flowers', th e green grass, the singing birds. He spent much tim e roam ing the woods, and would bring home hand­ fuls of flowers, w ilted and crushed many times, bu t still beautiful to him. There was much rain th a t spring, and Murray’s Fo rk became a rushing river, rem aining so for days. One day Billie Bob, wandering about town in search of amusement, came to th e sawmill. He was interested in all he saw' and made many inquiries. In fact, he was so per­ sistent th a t he annoyed th e men, and one of them swore at him and told him to go home to his mother. Billie Bob was insulted. None had ever spoken to him th a t way: sobbing he made his way back to the main street, and up to the sher­ iff, who was a friend of his. “ I w ant you to come and arrest a man, and put him in a big, dark prison,” he said. The kindly old man looked a t th e tearstain ed cheeks, and asked th e .little fellow why he should do that. “Naughty old Jim Hinson swored a t me, and I won’t have it,” he sobbed, te ars sta rtin g again. He was com­ forted, given some candy, and soon went on his way a happy, care-free boy again. “ Something ought to be done about th a t child,” said his kindly old friend as he watched him go away. “He is bright, capable and always busy, and if he does not find plenty of

A verse by verse study of Luke’s Gospel, all interpreta­ tion being taken from Scrip­ ture itself. The student w rites this commentary for him self in the blank spaces provided, g et­ ting his material from the ref­ erences cited. A m ost fascinat­ ing study of the life of Christ as the “Son of Man.” Price 50c

This remarkable séries of sermons give a picture of our Lord jesu s Christ which is unique; taking up the Pro­ phetic aspect from the Old Testam ent, including H is incar­ nation, crucifixion, and resur­ rection; the Priestly aspect of our Lord during the presént dispensation; the Kingly aspect setting forth H is reign during the millennial periods. (Paper) 35c copy; (Cloth) 65c

Truth for You

By J. H . Samm is 144 p a g es of Bible facts and in form ation— a su b ject to a p a g e— so arran ged th at the S unday S ch o o l tea ch er and C hristian w o rk er can an sw er an y q u estion s of b elief or d octrin e or refu te a ll the “ isms** and false religion s in the v ery w ord s of th e Scrip ture. It fu rnish es an eq u ipm en t for ev ery service— th orou gh ly furnish ing YOU for ev ery good w ork . V est p o ck et size. 2 5 cen ts; 12 for $ 2 .5 0 Old Testament Types By Dr. Wm. B. Riley The World and Its God By Philip Mauro

No one can ever thoroughly understand all of the New T es­ tam ent and its correct teach­ ing w ithout understanding the types and sym bolic fore-shad­ ow ings. Dr. Riley takes up the principal types a n d - shows their full significance in a very clear, yet exceedingly interest­ ing way. Every Christian who desires to know his Bible should have this helpful book. Paper Bound, 40c by Mail Postpaid

We so often hear it said “God is in H is heavens and all is well w ith the world.” The people accept it as true—b e­ lieve it because they have never heard the truth of it questioned and refuted. That is why this little book is. such an eye opener to many— yes, to m ost church members. D is­ tribute it am ong your friends. Pricey Clotli, 75ic; Paper, 25c

What Saith the Scripture? T h e E xact T ea ch in g o f th e B ible on th e V ital D octrin es of th e C hristian F aith A C om p anion V o lum e to “R an sack in g th e S crip tu res” By th e sam e A u th o r— K eith L B rooks T h ese are the days w h en it b eh o o v es ev ery C hristian n o t on ly to k n ow w h ere h e stands b u t to b e able, also, at all tim es, to give a reason for th e h op e that is w ithin him . T h is com p act little volum e gives, ex a ctly , w h a t th e Bible says in regard to ea ch of the great F und am en tal D o c ­ trines of the C hristian F aith. Is sm all en ou gh to b e ca r­ ried w ith y ou at all tim es. W ill be found very helpful. P aper, 2 5 cen ts If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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