March 1925
good things to do he will get into m ischief.” He soon dis missed the child from his thoughts, as he, took up other work. Billie Bob wandered w hither he would, for it was S atu r day. He did not go home all day; the men a t the mill shared th e ir lunch w ith him, and Jim Hinson took p articu lar pains to make friends w ith him again, for he really liked the little fellow. When bedtime came Myrtle Morehouse began to he impa tient, for Billie Bob had no t come home. She would not go to bed w ithout him, of course, bu t lying back in an easy chair she fell asleep and did not waken till near m idnight. She was surprised when she looked a t th e clock and sought the bedroom to assure herself th a t Billie Bob was safe in bed. She did no t find him there, nor any place about the house. She became troubled and finally wakened her father. The g rand fath er was much concerned, and when his daugh te r suggested th a t he m ight have stayed all n igh t w ith some neighbor, he told her he did no t th ink it possible th a t they would keep him w ithout letting them know. He asked her where the child had been, and when he found the tru th , th a t she had known nothing of the child’s whereabouts for the whole day, he was greatly troubled. Both now thoroughly alarm ed, they hunted for him by the aid of a lan tern all about th e ir home; they called for him, and it was not long till others joined in the search. Everyone remembered seeing th e little fellow during the day, but did not know where he had gone afte r they saw him. The search continued till morning, w ith no sign of the child. The whole village heard the alarm , and many joined in th e search. Of course they blamed th e mother, but not openly. Myrtle Morehouse was awakened a t last. The rain began to fall by nine o’clock. No one though t of church, b u t continued the search. F inally, w ith sickening dread, they tu rned to the river. They found his little cart down by the boat house, and several rods fu rth e r down the stream his h at, but not ano th er trace could they see, for the rain made it impossible to find any track s of his little feet. W ith the usually placid stream a ru sh ing river, one and all felt th e strong improbability of finding little Billie Bob’s .body if he had fallen in the river. Myrtle Morehouse a t last became convinced th a t her boy was drowned. She became almost wild. She went from one neighbor to ano th er dsking when they had last seen Billie Bob, and why had they not sent him home. She asked the men a t the boathouse why they had not seen th a t Billie Bob was safely away from th e river? Why had they ever let him come to th e river? She even asked the kindly old sheriff why, when Billie Bob came to him, for some one told her about th e visit, he had not b rough t him home? They one and all answered h er kindly un til she began to question Maggie Marston, who was more noted for her tru th fu ln ess th an for tactfulness. ' ‘Whose business was it, Mrs. Morehouse?” she began. “We have fed, we have com forted, we have bound up his hu rts, we have kissed and loved your little boy, bu t it was not our duty to do so. We did it because his mother neglected him. We were sorry for him. We each have our own work to do; we were all busy yesterday tak ing care of our own children, doing our own work. We knew our chil dren were not a t th e river, or any other dangerous place, for we k ep t them a t home and watched them. We gave Billie Bob a share of our love too, b u t how could you expect us to hold him when you do not? He has come and gone for days and weeks and months among us, and we have had to perm it it because you were selfishly neglecting your God-
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