King's Business - 1925-03



March 1925

THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND, AND THE BOOK Notes Concerning th e Jew s and Prophecy Compiled by Jam es A. Vaus, Superintendent of Jewish Work, Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles , American-Palestine Steamers P ly Jew ish F lag A new steam ship company, under the name of “The American-Palestine L ine,” has been recently formed. This agency will ply steamers, flying th e Jew ish flag, directly between New York and H aifa, Palestine. The “P resident A rth u r,” a 21,000 ton vessel, will in augu rate these sailings beginning March 12th. Does not th is announcement conjure up in th e m ind a picture of the time when ships, from many ports, flying the Jew ish flag, shall hasten the re tu rn of the Sons of Israel to the land of th e F athers, as Isaiah h a s foretold? The w riter recently requested O. Zimmerman, Superin­ tenden t of Seamen’s Work in San Francisco, to arrange th rough one of his associates for th e presentation of the Gospel message to th e Jew ish imm igrants, who will be ta k ­ ing passage on these steam ers. Word has been received th a t (previous to our request) such arrangem ents had already been made. We desire to co-operate if possible w ith th is work by fu rnishing Gospel literatu re in Hebrew, Yiddish and Eng­ lish, for distribution among these Jew ish passengers. P alestin ian R epresentation in th e League of Nations . Dr. M. H indes, in ah article in th e “New P alestin e” says: “The Z ionist movement must begin to th ink , or at least to dream , of having its own representative in the League of Nations. There is much to say on the question of whether th a t is possible and how it is possible. I wish to rem ark at th is point only th a t th e legal' representation of the Jewish Agency in th e League is far less fan tastic th a n representa­ tion of th e Jewish people as such, th rough th e Jew ish World Congress, fo r instance. “But, as long as representation in the League of Nations remains a m a tte r of the fu tu re, Zionism must have a proper delegation AT the League. The la tte r policy depends en­ tirely upon ourselves, and every month th a t we remain w ithout a representative a t Geneva endangers our political status. “H itherto no though t has been given to the m atter. In im portant cases, our leaders themselves have come to the sessions of the League, and in th e intervals Zionism has been unrepresented a t Geneva. The difficulties encountered in the ratification of the Palestine Mandates showed how im po rtan t it is to have constant contact w ith Geneva. And g reater difficulties will appear in the fu tu re .” ' The Gateway to th e P rom ised Land “Mount Carmel is situated in a very im portant position a t th e present time. The old city of H aifa, lying a t its foot, has become, as it were, the Gate to the Prom ised Land. The Egypt, Sinai and P alestine Railway has its term inus and headquarters here; th e Beyrout-Damascus Railway as well as the H edjas and T rans-Jordania Railway have also their term inus here; the new motor rou te from Bagdad, ancient Babylonia, has likewise here its headquarters. The n atu ral bay of Acre and Haifa has become a very im po rtan t landing place for the ‘retu rn ing rem nan t,’ and the headquarters for the Zionist imm igrants has been established h ere.”— Jewish Missionary Herald. P alestine Imm igrants from America Dr. C. Weizmann, the leader of Zionism, in a recent address, made the following statem en t regarding imm igra­ tion from America to P alestine: “The American Jew coming into P alestine can be divided into two distinct classes: The young unm arried ones, in most cases, are of the H alutzim type—the young American Jew, w illing to take a hand and share in the (Continued on page 144)

Unusually Helpful Books ïïï = B io la ’s Own Presses How to Bring Men to Christ By D r. R . A . T orrey T h is is o n e of th e m ost p ra ctica l b ook s on P erson al E van gelism that has ever b een w ritten. T h e au th or first sh ow s the gen eral con d ition s of su ccess in b rin gin g m en to C hrist. H e th en m akes p ractical su g g estio n s co n cern ­ in g d ifferen t m eth od s for b eg in n in g th e w ork, and fo l­ low s this b y liv e m eth od s for d ealin g w ith a va riety of cla sses of p eo p le._______________ 121 p a g es; p ap er, 3 5 cen ts Why I Reject

Mysteries of the Kingdom

the Helping Hand of Millennial Dawn By W . C. Stevens This book fearlessly handles Pastor R ussell’s teaching, ex­ posing his every claim and doctrinal p o s i t i o n to the searching scrutiny of the Word of God. Its arraignment of Millennial Dawnism is m ost scathing and puts into your hand the facts by which you can m eet and refute any and all Russellite arguments. You need this book, your friends need it. Order today. _________________ Paper, 40 cents God’s Best Secrets

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By A n d rew M urray If th ere ever w a s .a m an sin ce th e days of th e A p o stle P aul w h o has dw elt in the secret p la ce of the M ost H igh w h ere h e could and did learn G od s Best Secrets* that m an w a s A n d rew M urray. A n d h e is g iv in g us eig h t of th ese b est secrets in this book*— T h e S ecret of A d oration, T h e S ecret of the A b id in g P resen ce, T h e F aith L ife, T h e S ecret of F ellow sh ip , T h e S ecret of Inspiration, . T h e S ecret of Intercession , and the S ecret of U n ited P rayer. W ritten in the last days of his lo n g and u sefu l life, this b o o k b rings his v ery la st w ord to th e C hristian Ghurch. T h e b o o k is m ade up of eig h t section s, ea ch con tain in g th irty-on e sh ort ch ap ters. E ach ch ap ter h as a S crip ­ ture h ead in g so that it is p articu larly h elp fu l w h en used for daily m ed itation . C loth, $2^00 The Two Genealogies of Jesus By J. C. Stillion Through My Bible Chapter by Chapter By Keith L. Brooks

This book w as gotten up for those who w ant to make a thorough system atic study of the Bible. It is not a text book, although it does contain com plete instructions for its use. It is a ruled blank book with spaces for the student to indicate his findings on each chapter, such as the leading lesson, prom ises, conditions to prom ises, principal characters mentioned, strong verses, how Christ is seen, how the Holy Spirit is presented etc. A valu­ able method of study., com pel­ ling the student to work out important facts for himself. Stiff paper cover— Price 35c

No one ever need be puzzled over the. tw o genealogies if he has this book for refer­ ence. In it you will find both genealogies carefully examined — all the light of Scriptures being thrown upon them— their points of agreement noted and the reason given— their points of disagreement are also pointed out and thor­ oughly explained. Paper, 25c

The Bible and Spiritual Life By D r. A . T . P ierson

A b o o k that w ill do m uch tow ard d eep en in g th e sp irit­ ual life o f ev ery o n e w h o reads it. It sh ow s th e very vital relation sh ip that the Bible has w ith th e sp iritual life o f the Christian and then sh ow s h ow that life ca n b e d evelop ed b y p rop erly stu d yin g the Bible. T h e follow in g are som e of th e im portant th em es treated. T h e Bible a s G od’s B ook — T h e Bible as M an’s B ook— T h e P rob lem o f the F am ily — T h e C hurch of God— T h e P rob lem o f the Individual Man— T h e W orld T h at N ow Is—r-The U n seen W orld of th e Spirits-—T h e P rob lem of Salvation— T h e P rob lem of S ervice— T h e P rob lem of Sufferin g— T h e P rob lem of P rovid en ce— T h e M ystery of H istory. C loth, $ 2 .0 0

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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