TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
March 1925
HereYou Are Your Case in a Nutshell! nnr— =iran n n i" ■ — "- i f ip READ to tackle a Sunday School class for fear of being asked questions. Dodging opportunities to lead meetings for lack o f ready material. Afraid of approaching one about his salvation, not knowing how to use th e Bible in showing one his need of Christ. SHE SHE SH E S H E S H E S H E I Instruction by correspondence long S H E I The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles
offers to men and women who are pro videntially hindered from attending the Bible Institute, several very prac tical courses to be taken by corres pondence. A ll are designed with the thought of driving the student to the Word of God itself,causing him to work out for himself the Scripture teachings.
since ceased to be an experiment and took a well-earned place as a duly accredited method of education. If it lacks the personal touch of the class room, it has some advantages that the class-room does not have. It intensifies originality, gives more time for consid eration, and increases determination.
T O own a Bible, but fe ed on the news papers is one way to be a lean and dyspep tic Christian. Do you read the Bible as a blessed privilege?
W HY live on crack ers a n d cheese when G o d has pre pared three s q u a r e meals a day in His Word for believers who will come and partake? A sy stem a tic m eth od of stu d y su ch a s o u r co u rses su p p ly w ill help y o u to feed you rself.
S co res of ou r stu d en ts say B ible read in g is n o lon ger an a ct of p en a n ce for them .
Your Choice of 7 Practical Bible Courses by Mail—$2 to $5 1. Bible Doctrine— by T o r r e y ....................... $5 .00 2. Studies in the Gospels— by Brooks.......... 5 .00 3. Old Testament Chapter Summary— by Hunter ................................................... 3.00 4. Personal Evangelism— by Horton.......... 5 .00 5. Book Study, covering Bible— by Pike__ 3 .00 5. Beginners Course— by Brooks.................. 2 .0 0 7. New Testament Chapter Summary— by Hunter ......... .......................................... 3 .00 (Small charge for supplies in some Courses)
You can begin a course any time and have whatever time is needed to complete. A n Institute certificate is granted for each course satisfactorily completed. You have the privilege of asking questions arising out of lessons and the Secretary, Keith L. Brooks, is at the service of all Correspon dence Students to help them spiritually in any way possible.
S ecretary C o rresp o n d en ce S ch ool BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LO S ANGELES 5.36-558 So. H o p e St., L os A n g eles Send m e at o n ce B ulletin o f y o u r C o rresp o n d en ce C ou rses in Bible Study.
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