King's Business - 1925-03



March 1925

THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND AND THE BOOK (Continued from page 142) actual upbuilding of Palestine. These are not only w illing to give money to others to build up Palestine, b u t1would like to do it themselves. ' “Secondly, th ere are the people who come in fam ilies, and these are chiefly moved by a desire to liv e 'th e Jewish life and give a normal Hebrew education to th e ir children. They constitute a very considerable p a rt of the American imm igration, which, it seems, is on the increase. In Tel Aviv alone I saw an American Jew ish Club which contained about 200 members.”

Every Library must have a copy of these Books to be considered complete Fine Gold A M issionary R om an ce o f S ou th A m erica By Jo sep h in e H o p e W estervelt T h is m ission ary sto ry is esp ecia lly in terestin g and v a lu ­ ab le ju st n ow w h en th ere is su ch a decid ed revival of in terest in m ission ary w o rk in L atin A m erica , Mrs. W estervelt has given us in this b o o k an ex cee d ­ in g ly en terta in in g story first of all, and a lo n g w ith the tellin g of the story there is a vivid p ortrayal of m ission ­ ary life and lab or in the R om e-controlled , priest-ridden sectio n s of S ou th A m erica . Y ou w ill lik e th e b o o k for the sto ry itself but y o u w ill lik e it all the ¿better b ecau se it gives y ou a tru e vision o f m odern m ission ary w ork in that g rea t land of op p ortu n ity. C loth, $ 1 .2 5 The Conflict By M iss Elizabeth Knauss The Mark of the Beast By Sydney W atson

NEVER ALONE ****** (A good poem w ith which to begin the day)

I ’m never alone in the morning, As I rise a t th e break of day, F o r Jesus, who watched through the darkness, Says, “Lo, I am w ith you alway.” I ’m never alone a t my table, Though loved ones no longer I see; F o r dearer th a n all who have vanished, Is Jesus who breaks bread w ith me. I ’m never alone through the daylight, Though nothing but tria ls I see; Though the furnace be seven times heated, The “Form of th e F o u rth ” walks w ith me. I ’m never alone a t the tw ilight When darkness around me doth creep; And specters press hard round my pillows, He watches and cares while I sleep. I ’m w alking and talk ing w ith Jesus, Each day as I journey along; I ’m never alone, H allelujah! The joy of the Lord is my song.

This is the book of the hour for everyone who is in any w ay interested in the conflict between the Modernist w in g of the Church and those who hold fast to the great funda­ mental doctrines of the Chris­ tian religion. ‘‘The Conflict” tells the story in story form— a real live story entertaining from beginning to end— and very helpful. You will want at least one copy for yourself and one for your pastor. Order at once and put in circulation in your community Cloth, $1.25

A companion volume to ‘‘In the Twinkling of an Eye{” this book pictures the horrors to come upon earth during the tim e of the Great Tribulation which will follow the rapture of the saints. It cannot fail to excite the determination to escape this period of anguish and unrestrained wickedness, and to be am ong those who shall be caught up to be for­ ever w ith the Lord. Cloth, $1.25

The Passing of “The Word”

A R om a n ce o f C o lleg e L ife B y H elen H en sh aw

—Amelia M. S tarkw eather.

T h e b o o k d ep icts th e w h o lesom e and typ ical A m erican c o lleg e girl of today, w h o w ith serio u sn ess of character can h ave as w ell th e sp irit o f frolic. W h ile the story p u r­ ports to im part a serio u s m essage, n everth eless, th ere is a certain trend p f h um or th rou gh th e p ages. T h e co lleg e girl’s rhapsod ies on flow ers and am usem en ts, a n d ty p ica l frien d sh ip s that are form ed, len d to th e n arrative a n atu r­ aln ess w h ich is in ev ery w a y p lea sin g and approp riate. In terw oven is a lo v e them e, b y no m eans com p lex, but ad d in g a certain charm to the volum e. T h e d ialogu e th rou gh ou t is n atural and p lea sin g and the m oral and p sy ch o lo g ica l elem en t is stro n g ly m arked. A n ex cep tio n ­ ally h ealth y story. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 In the Twinkling of an Eye By Sydney W atson Scarlet and Purple By Sydney W atson

G reatly Blessed by th e Grace of God and The K ing’s Business

“By the grace of God and The K ing’s Business, I have been blessed indeed, for I am n earer to Jesus Christ today than I have ever been before th rough the careful reading of th e many splendid and helpful articles th a t have appeared in the magazine from tim e to time. One in p articu lar stands out and I believe it will be a wonderful blessing to many Christians, ‘Our Continual Need of the Holy Spirit for Service,’ by Dr. M arsh.” (H. W., Edmonton, Canada.)

T . C. HORTON , E ditor-m -C hief T h e K ing's B usiness

This book should speak to the hearts of many who, living in a so-called Christian land and surrounded by Christian influences, have y et failed to settle definitely the question of their own personal salva­ tion. The delineation of true Christian character will appeal to the reader and enhance his interest in the story, and he him self will be brought face to face w ith the necessity of a definite acceptance of Christ if he would find peace and sal­ vation. Cloth, $1.25

This is an interesting story in which the blessed truth of the imminent return of Christ is set forth in such a way as both to convince the reader and to inspire in him a deeper love of, and desire for, the Lord’s appearing. Many doubt­ less will welcome the oppor­ tunity to learn from a book of this kind the Bible teaching concerning this great doctrine. Those for whom this subject has hitherto held little inter­ est, or by whom it has been contemplated w ith a sense of fear, will derive great blessing from a perusal of the story. Cloth, $1.25

5 3 6 -5 5 8 S. H o p e S treet L os A n g eles, C alifornia D ear Friend: 1 en clo se h erew ith

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