WHAT’S A LESSON YOUR CHILD HAS TAUGHT YOU? FALLON: He has taught me how to slow down and enjoy the moment. Also patience—like asking him to get his shoes on without having to say it five times or getting him to move a little bit faster; it’s helping me to slow down, and [say], “We don’t have to be out of the house immediately. It’s fine if he takes a second.” Just enjoy the present moment that we’re in, and don’t worry about what’s coming next. Quick Q’s Favorite date night… dinner and a movie Favorite way to unwind… bubble bath and skincare (with the door shut!) One thing I can’t live without… coffee Go-to good mood songs… “Birds of a Feather” by Billie Eilish and
they’re really great about giving me that flexibility. It’s nice to be able to do what I love and still have time for the things that are really important. WHAT’S YOUR GO-TO FAMILY ACTIVITY? FALLON: We have a park nearby, so we’ll go there. Sometimes if [there are] no kids out there—it’s a small little neighborhood park—we’ll go to City Park, the Children’s Museum, or the aquarium is another one of our go-tos. [Mylo] can give tours of the Aquarium—he loves it so much! HOW DO YOU CELEBRATE ACHIEVEMENTS IN YOUR FAMILY? FALLON: We are big on going out to eat, so we’ll go to a nice dinner. Depending on who we’re celebrating, if it’s my son, we’re going to go to his favorite restaurant. We’ll try to rotate where we go, but we’re definitely a big “going out to eat” kind of family to celebrate an occasion. HOW DO YOU HANDLE TOUGH PARENTING MOMENTS? FALLON: With patience: I find I’m learning a lot more about being patient
with him and with myself. Trying to delicately explain [things]; for example, if somebody said something that was not nice to him, he’s a very empathetic child, and he just wants to like to play and get along with everybody. But I was explaining to him that not everybody is going to always be your friend. So, explaining to him in as delicate a way as possible to continue to be kind regardless of how other people treat you, and don’t let them bother you with that. You have your other friends, so you don’t have to be liked by everybody. You have your core group, and [you’ve] got a great group of friends. WHAT’S A PROUD “MOM MOMENT” YOU’LL NEVER FORGET? FALLON: I’m really proud of the fact that [Mylo] is so genuinely sweet, empathetic, and he’s so caring. I wouldn’t necessarily say there’s one specific moment, but I know that when he’s faced with somebody being mean to him, he’s going to handle it the right way. I know that we’re doing our job when it comes to showing him how to treat people and [to] be kind to everybody regardless of your situation.
“Sure Thing” by Miguel Something I’m looking forward to… traveling with my friends this year
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