2024 NLPG Fall Catalog

Climate Change for Kids ...and Parents Too!

11x8.5, Hardcover 80 pages 978-1-68344-358-2 $21.99 RELIGION/ Christian Living / General SCIENCE/ Global Warming & Climate Change Available: Now

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Climate Change for Kids ... and Parents too! is packed with biblical and scientific evidence to help families navigate the hot topic issue of climate change. Is climate change your fault? Are people able to destroy the earth? While the media sounds the alarm, authors Ken Ham and Jessica DeFord answer these questions and predict climate change alarmism will prove unfounded in 10 years.

Filled with full color with graphics to engage the entire family. Reveals how a biblical worldview of climate change differs from today’s media reports. Offers 7 climate change predictions that have not come true.

KEN HAM is the Founding CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. As one of the most in demand speakers in North America, he shares the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how

Explains the faulty foundation of fear related to climate change.

compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door.

Gives reasons to doubt scientists’ claims that the earth will be destroyed in a few years.

JESSICA DEFORD serves as Education Specialist for Answers in Genesis. She holds a Master of Science degree in wildlife ecology with experience as a research scientist and wildlife biologist.


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