


The 7 Steps To Financial Freedom



by Gene Powers

L ast month, I wrote about Awareness and Desire, as the starting point of the journey to Financial Freedom. Step two is imagining and creating a specific vision of what your life will look like and feel like when you attain finan- cial freedom – a vision so clear and specific that you can actually see yourself step into it and experience the feelings of living it. This step of creating and stepping into your vi - sion is more powerful than you might realize. It is critical to your success — AND, it is fun!! Dare to dream! Dream BIG! Yet know that dreaming alone is not enough. The Dream IS essential. It is the seed; however, more is required to successfully grow any dream into reality. We all have experience with wishes that we’ve had that never turned into reality in our lives. How does one turn a BIG DREAM into REALITY? Strength of desire (from Step 1.) is an essential element for achiev- ing any dream or goal. We often see this in sports competitions where the underdog team that should not win is able to achieve the goal of an upset win seemingly by sheer depth of desire, which enables them to outperform the superior team. Desire combines with the specific vision in Step 2. If you don’t under- stand and have a clear vision of what

financial freedom is for you, fueled by deep desire to attain financial freedom for yourself, chances are it won’t just happen for you — no mat- ter how rich you may become you may not achieve permanent wealth and freedom from work. So, what else is needed beyond awareness, dreams, and desire? Once you develop a clear and spe- cific vision for your dream and de- clare your intention and commitment to make that vision a reality, you then have an attainable goal. You have a specific future you want to live into. Visualizing that future in the pres- ent as having already accomplished your goal and feeling how it is to live within that future and how it satisfies your desires will activate your mind and unseen rules of the universe to work toward that future. COMMIT to that future and stay in action with PERSEVERANCE towards your goal and your vision will become reality. Most of us know the story of Edison’s invention of the light bulb — 1000 tries before success! A reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” At age 53, I realized my software career was not my path to my dream of riches. I had stayed in action and had pursued my dreams and plan to get rich as founder or part of a

successful software startup compa- ny. I had many good attempts! I had done well but could see clearly that my very comfortable lifestyle was not sustainable in retirement. Something needed to change – and soon! I had become an expert in software and computer systems for my career through education and experience. I realized I now needed to become an expert in money and investing — money making money and building wealth to have the retirement I desired. I read books, attended real estate investor meetings, classes and seminars on wealth building, which were foundational to achieving financial freedom. One of those initial wealth-build- ing seminars, perhaps the MOST CRITICAL AND INFLUENTIAL of all,

92 | think realty magazine :: august 2020

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