PEG Magazine - Summer 2016

Movers & Shakers



frostbite. A mechanical engineering student specializing in biomedical engineering, Mr. Kondro collaborated with veterinarians in the university’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, creating the feet using a 3D printer. Thanks to his design, which used wild turkey feet as a model, Foghorn is living out his days on a farm near Didsbury. That was a headline-grabber — who can resist a happy rooster story? Of course, it’s not the only reason Mr. Kondo was recognized. He took a lead role in a human surgical simulator project, training incoming interns on lab equipment, and he was part of three academic studies related to the biomedical field. He was also involved in school athletics as a member of the Dinos cross country team, and he volunteered with the Dino Youth Athletics program. Mr. Kondro spent a year in Switzer- land as an engineering intern, studied in Greece, and was part of a team of uni- versity volunteers who built homes for impoverished families in Tijuana. Connor Scheu, E.I.T. , was featured in the fall 2015 edition of The PEG after receiving the Engineers Canada Gold Medal Student Award. A civil engineering graduate with an energy and environmental specialization, his passion for renewable energy was spurred by student research trips to the Arctic and Antarctica, where he learned firsthand about the effects of climate change. Mr. Scheu shared his experiences by using public speaking engagements to promote

PRESIDENT’S AWARD RECIPIENT University of Calgary President’s Award recipient Connor Scheu, E.I.T. is a graduate of the Schulich School of Engineering. -photo courtesy Iceland School of Energy/Golli

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