A Message From the President & CEO
As I write this message, the upcoming one- year anniversary of October 7th is looming large. It is a date, like several others, that will be
understand the war, for ex-pat Israelis who were looking for like-minded individuals, for college students facing anti-Semitism on campus, and for anyone else who just needed to make sense and deal with the tragedy we experienced. It is not uncommon for the Schoke JFS staff to encounter people and families in the midst of despair. Sometimes, it seems difficult to find hope in what seems to be hopeless times. Through counseling and support groups, many are able to find the support and comfort to deal with the situations in which they find themselves. Here are a few approaches recommended by the American Psychological Association that might assist you in coping with the stress, anxiety and sadness many are feeling at the present time: • Give yourself time to adjust. Anticipate that this will be a difficult time in your life. Allow yourself to mourn the losses you have experienced and try to be patient with changes in your emotional state. • Ask for support from people who care about you and who will listen
and empathize with your situation. Social support is key. Family and friends can be an important resource. You can find support and common ground from those who feel the same. • Avoid making major life decisions. Switching careers or jobs and other important decisions tend to be highly stressful in their own right and even harder to take on when you’re dealing with traumatic situations. Schoke JFS clinicians are trained to help when the stress becomes too difficult. Support groups, according to the APA, can help like-minded people realize that they are not alone and provide support systems for those who need them. Reach out to us with questions, to see a therapist, or join a group. Wishing you and your families a Shana Tova, a year filed with health, happiness and hope.
etched into the Jewish consciousness for all time. Yesterday, I watched the funeral for Hersh Goldberg-Polin who became the standard bearer name and the face for the hostages. It was a truly heart-wrenching experience that was witnessed live by thousands. I watched it, heartbroken, along with all who came to mourn and tens of thousands who watched on live stream. The collective sadness was palpable and indelible. Since the start of the War, Schoke JFS provided support for those who are grieving and sad. We have provided groups for parents to help their children 196 Greyrock Place, Stamford, CT 06901 203-921-4161 Fax: 203-921-4169 2452 Black Rock Turnpike, Suite 2 Fairfield, CT 06825 203-628-4622 www.ctjfs.org Victoria Parruccini, Editor EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Board Chair................................Ken Neuhaus Vice Chairs.................................. David Brand Ronnie Sichel Secretary.....................................Gloria Skigen Treasurer..................................Sally Kleinman Immediate Past Board Chair........Paul Gordon BOARD MEMBERS Schoke Jewish Family Service
Matt Greenberg, President & CEO
A Message From the Board Chair
I have always looked forward to the Fall and the approach of the Jewish holidays. It’s a time to catch up and appreciate friends and family. To take stock and be thankful for the abundance of good from which I have benefited. Unfortunately, this year is different. As we approach the 1 year anniversary of October 7, I cannot help but think about the tremendous pain, suffering and loss that has and continues to occur as well as the anti-semitism that has come to the fore.
Michael Alexander Marilyn Dale Rabbi Alex Goldman A Paul Gordon Linda B. Gornitsky Marjorie Laff A Jeri Appel Alan Freeman Elissa Garber-Hyman Risa Goldblum Meryl Japha Neil Katz Debra Lee Andrea Leifer
Martin Manaly A Edith Samers Laurence Sheinman Hilde Scheraga A Beverly Stein Sid Stern A Jeff Lewis Stacey Mintz Celia Offir Brett Reiner Yonnie Rubinfeld Michael Stone Laura Tobin Shushannah Walshe
I am extremely grateful that, thanks to you, Schoke Jewish Family Service has continued to thrive and provide essential services and support to those less fortunate than us within the Jewish community and beyond. We must continue to do our part; to help those in need and to promote harmony.
Wishing you and your families a Shana Tova, for a year of health, happiness, peace and understanding.
Ken Neuhaus, Board Chair
A — of blessed memory
President & CEO..................Matt Greenberg Chief Program Officer............Leah Schechter Chief Operating Officer............Erika Gadson
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