SJFS Fall Reporter 2024-web

A Project for Every Simcha Birthdays, B’nei Mitzvot, graduations, and more are all calls for great celebration. There is no better way to mark each milestone than by doing a mitzvah! Schoke JFS is proud to offer projects and activities tailored to each person and their simcha. Fostering unique experiences, Schoke JFS is an open space for individuals, families, and larger groups alike! Transitioning into Jewish adulthood is nicely accompanied by service projects that speak to both the young adult’s interests and the needs of the world around them. With a variety of services and demographics served at Schoke JFS, there is no shortage of possibilities. Whether at home, in our office, or out in the community, B’nei Mitzvah service projects all result in a direct impact on the community in addition the essential services Schoke JFS provides. These youth-led projects can include food drives, creating care packages, and more! In addition to individual projects, group activities can add another layer of fun and community to your celebration. Packing parties, floral arranging, grocery challenges, and more can be planned to your group’s size, ages, and timing. When you share a birthday with Schoke JFS, you share it with the community we serve through the products of your mitzvah.

Are you ready to make your celebration even happier? Schoke JFS can’t wait to celebrate with you! For more information on how to set up your project or party contact Elizabeth Hinds

Schoke JFS Sent over 45 Campers to Jewish summer camps in 2024!

Donate to the Zinbarg Camp Scholarship Program:



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