Healthy: Winter/Spring 2022



Audition Class - The Wind in the Willows

Auditions - The Wind in the Willows William Darby IV & Krista Pojman Join us for auditions for our summer production of The Wind in the Willows! Participants learn a song from the show, read/perform excerpts from the script and learn a dance routine. Casting offers sent no later than April 6. Performers must be available Monday-Thursday from 6-8:30 p.m. from June 13 - July 14. Performances take place July 14 - 17. Ages: 9-13 Class Date Day Time Fees CR/SDR/NR 193703.01 Mar 19 Sa 1-5pm Free to audition 193703.02 Mar 20 Su 1-6pm Free to audition Location: DCRC, Abbey Theater Auditions – RENT: SCHOOL EDITION Joe Bishara Students attend one of two audition dates to participate in The Abbey Theater’s summer production of RENT – SCHOOL EDITION. Participants have three minutes to audition and present one song verse with considerable range from the production and a contemporary monologue. More information about specific song selections sent once registration is complete. Casting offers sent no later than April 6. Performers must be available Monday-Friday from 6-9 p.m. from July 18 – Aug. 11. Performances take place Aug. 11-14 and Aug. 18-20. Ages: 13-18 Class Date Day Time Fees CR/SDR/NR 193704.01 Mar 19 Sa 1-5pm Free to audition 193704.02 Mar 20 Su 1-5pm Free to audition Location: DCRC, Abbey Theater

William Darby IV & Krista Pojman Learn auditioning skills from the production staff for our summer production of The Wind in the Willows!

Participants learn audition techniques and put them into action by learning songs and reading/performing excerpts from the script. Ages: 9-13 Class Date

Day Time


193701.01 Mar 14-Mar 18 M,W,F 4:30-6pm



Location: DCRC, Abbey Theater

Audition Class – RENT: SCHOOL EDITION Joe Bishara

“No day but today!” Learn audition tips and tricks to prepare you to audition for our summer musical of RENT School Edition! Participants receive coaching to prepare them to sing a song from the show, tips and tricks for staging for the song as well as some behind the scenes info about the audition process. Ages: 13-18 Class Date Day Time Fees CR SDR/NR 193702.01 Mar 15-Mar 18 Tu,Th,F 4:30-6pm $60 $70 Location: DCRC, Abbey Theater


Healthy Winter/Spring 2022

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